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Join This Online Workshop and Learn
The Simple Formula
For Automated
Sales & Success
In this online workshop you will learn how to set up your very own automated sales machine that can generate autopilot income 24/7
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My name is John Thornhill, and I have been lucky enough to run my own online business since June 3rd 2006, that was the day I walked out of the car plant where I used to work to begin this amazing online journey.
Since then I've sold millions of dollars worth of products, became a top affiliate, and I now live a life I used to dream about, taking multiple vacations per year.

Of course, getting to the point where I was in a position to quit my job wasn't easy. Back then I was in over $75,000 worth of debt and had to work every hour I could. I couldn't even afford a vacation until I was 27 years old. So I know what it's like to struggle.
In fact, it took me over 7 years of struggling, late nights and frustration to finally get to a position to go it alone. You see, back in the day I tried just about every so called money making method out there, nothing worked, then I had a breakthrough.
I was having a little bit of success selling eBooks on eBay, so I decided to put together a program teaching what I knew.
Then it happened
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
My inbox was filling up with sale notifications, while I was at work, while I was sleeping, while I was watching TV. They didn't stop.
Was it a fluke? Luckily it wasn't. I created another training product and within weeks I was bringing in more money from my online business in a day than I earned for working a month in the car plant.
This was in 2004 and since then I have created hundreds of products that have generated millions in sales.
If there's one thing I've learned since I went full time in 2006 it's this..
You Absolutely Must be Selling Your Own Products
And Services if You Want to Succeed Online

Actual photo of the exact spot where I used to work and my office where I 'work' now
I already know what you're going to say now.
"Why can't I just do affiliate marketing John? It's easier."
You're right, it is easier, but how is that going for you right now? Most would be affiliates haven't even earned their first cent online yet, and even if they have I know they aren't generating the sort of income they desire.
Now don't get me wrong, affiliate marketing is great and I've generated millions of dollars in commissions as an affiliate. However, my affiliate earnings are generated from the lists I build from selling my own products. The truth is if I wasn't selling my own products I'd suck at affiliate marketing.
Also, the biggest problem you face when you're an affiliate is you are the only one sending the traffic to your offer.
When you're a product creator you can have an army of affiliates sending traffic to your offer... Check this screenshot from my JVZoo account:

Look, I am not an SEO expert, or a PPC expert, or a social media expert, or a blogging expert.
Some will be driving traffic from blogs, some from SEO, some from Facebook, I don't need to be an expert in any of these areas because they are.
Hopefully I'm convincing you that you absolutely must be creating and selling your own products online and that this is the number one thing you need to master. If you don't believe me show me one successful Internet Marketer that isn't selling a product of their own online. I don't know of one.
Have I convinced you?
Good! Now I just need to convince you that you can do this, so here goes...
So if a guy who left school with zero qualifications who ended up working in a car plant can do it what's stopping you?
My guess is you think you can't create a product of value. Or you haven't really thought about it before. Or maybe you just think it's an impossible task.
Well I'm here to tell you that with the right guidance you can do it, especially in 2018. That's because product creation is a lot easier than it used to be, back in the day we had to use complex HTML software such as Microsoft Frontpage Express, (remember that?) we had to master FTP, and don't get me started on creating a membership site.
Today it's so much easier as we have easy to operate page builders for building our sales pages, JV pages and download pages. We also have membership software that makes creating a membership site a breeze. Plus the marketplace platforms such as JVZoo make putting your offer and sales funnel together easy.
I guess what I'm trying to tell you here is there is absolutely no excuse for not creating your own product or service in 2018, and that's what I'm here to teach you.
I Have Been Teaching Sales Funnel Creation Since 2008
I launched my first coaching program back in 2008, and that first program created some amazing success stories. I also received amazing feedback from my students who told me I had a gift for teaching this stuff.
My secret was to present the material in bite size chunks to make it easy to consume in a step by step manner. I also quickly learned that providing accompanying checklists and worksheets made the whole learning process easier.
I still coach people today and I charge up to $10,000 for the privilege.
So you may be thinking why the heck would I teach this stuff for free?
Well, the truth is I truly love teaching, I get so much satisfaction from the positive feedback I receive and from the lives I change. It's truly amazing when someone is ecstatic with excitement once they start to see sales come in, especially when the process is fully automated.
You see, you can create a product once and get paid for years to come. There is simply no other business model that is as satisfying, and as easy to operate.
Plus, I will be honest here, after I have delivered some amazing training I will present you with an offer to work with me on a 1 on 1 basis, this is something you may want to take advantage of. If not it's perfectly cool.
Remember! Do something once, get paid over and over.
I am still getting paid for products I created over 10 years ago. Yes, people are still buying the products, clicking the affiliate links inside my reports, they are still on my mailing list and checking out my recommendations.
So remember, when you create something today it could still be making you money for years, and you don't have to lift a finger.
This is the sort of results I'm talking about.

This is just a small taste of the profits you could earn when creating your own products
So let me ask you, are you willing to spend a couple of hours with me while I teach you everything I know about product creation and sales funnels?
During this exclusive online event I'll show you how easy it is to create a product of your very own, I'll show you how to easily come up with a profitable product idea. Then I'll show you how to put it all together and build out an automated sales funnel. I'll also provide you with accompanying worksheets and checklists to make the whole process a breeze.
Heck, I'll even give you a product idea that you can run with right away. Yes, you will literally be able to create a product of your very own right after the workshop.
You'll also receive access to all of the workshop recordings plus bonus training material. All 100% free.
Plus, when you register today I'll give you instant access to my best selling traffic program Simple Traffic Solutions.
I'm also going to let you sell this program as your own and keep 100% of the profits. This program has sold over 7500 copies and sells every day for $77, you can sell it for any price you like and all of the profits are yours.
I have never offered this before and if I was going to do this it could easily sell for $997, but it's yours free when you enrol in this workshop.
Join me today for free and let me show you absolutely everything I know.
And get access to everything you see on this page including the bonuses.
John Thornhill
P.S. Just in case you are thinking I'm giving you access to this for free because I am going to make endless OTO offers let me tell you that there are no offers made once you register, your time is all you have to invest.

Simple Traffic Solutions
Simple Traffic Solutions reveals the secrets to tried and tested sustainable traffic methods without the help of Google, Facebook PPC or SEO techniques. Simple Traffic Solutions uses simple but highly effective tried and tested methods that I use in my business on a daily basis. Anyone can copy my traffic methods to build endless traffic streams to their business.
I have been trying and testing these traffic methods for over 10 Years and earned millions of dollars in the process so I know my methods work!
Yes! I'm giving you my top selling traffic course to sell as your own. This product has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales and has sold over 7500 units, so you know it's a proven seller. Just plug in your payment links and keep 100% of the profits! This is a real $997 value.
Here's What You Will Receive For Free When You Register Today
- You will be registered for the next available online workshop with John Thornhill
- You will be taught everything you need to know about creating your very own successful product
- You will receive a full high quality recording of the workshop to view at your leisure
- You can take part in a Q&A session to make sure you get all your questions answered
- You will receive bonus worksheets, checklists, presentation slides, etc
- You will receive all of the support you need
- You will also receive John's best selling traffic product to sell as your own - $997 value
- You will also get the chance to work with John on a 1 on 1 basis
What are You Waiting For?
Take Action Now and Let me Show You Everything I Know
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We value your privacy and would never spam you
EARNINGS DISCLAIMER. You understand and agree that there are important risk factors that should be considered by you when deciding whether to invest in anything I have to offer from my websites. NO EARNINGS PROJECTIONS, PROMISES OR REPRESENTATIONS. While my programs have created hundreds of success stories I have no idea of your experience, and more importantly your work ethic. You must recognize and agree that I have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of any of my products. Any earnings or income statements, or any earnings or income examples, are only estimates of what I think you could earn. Some of my students make no money, some make a little bit of money, some make a lot of money. What you earn will be down to a lot of factors that are out of my control.
You will receive all the information about accessing your bonuses during the workshop.