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Not Just Another "Training" Course...

Give Me Just 60 Days And We’ll Launch
Your First Successful Digital Product Together That Generates Buyers From Scratch (Even While You Sleep!)

Join The program that is responsible for $23 million in sales, and
has created more 6 & 7 figure entrepreneurs than any other...

Get all the systems, coaching and support you need to
launch your first successful digital product, and get it into
the hands of hundreds or thousands of happy customers.


Join The Program


Get Hands-On Coaching & Support From Your Own Dedicated Coach


Launch Your First Successful Digital Product To My 100K Subscriber Email List

(even if you're starting online from scratch,
without a website or email list)

Thanks to John my first digital product generated 6 figures in under 90 days.

Jon Bowtell

After following John's program I was able to quit my day job and go full-time online.

Robert Corrigan

After following John's program my first launch brought in over $50K in 7 days.

Trevor McHaffie

From: John Thornhill
Location: Sunderland, UK
Date: July 2022

Dear Friend,

If you’re finally ready to turn your hobby, passion, or experience into a digital product you can sell online… 

If you dream about the freedom, flexibility and financial independence of running your own online business… 

If you’d like to work from anywhere in the world, on your own schedule, without anyone telling you what to do… 

Then this will be the most important information you’ve ever come across.

Because you’re about to discover virtually everything you need to develop the digital product business of your dreams. 

Even if you have no experience… no credentials… and no earthly idea how (or even where) to get started.

Before I get into all the exciting details, just for a moment imagine this:

You wake up in the morning feeling rested, optimistic and excited about the day…

You grab a cup of coffee and your laptop…

You put your feet up in your favorite comfy chair…

Then you open your email to see a flood of sales came in overnight from your existing product.

These were all automatically sold and delivered to your customers through the web, without you lifting a finger.

Even better, these notifications continue to come in like clockwork. Day after day… week after week… month after month.

And thanks to that…

Finally… You Have A Stable, Predictable, Reliable (And Growing) Business And Income!

That’s it! You’re done for the day.

​You close your laptop and leisurely enjoy the rest of your coffee... lounging around like a financially independent multimillionaire. Because the rest of the day is yours to do as you please.

​Wanna play a round of golf while everyone else is crammed into suffocating office cubicles slaving away for “the man?”

Have at it. The day is yours.

​Maybe you’ll take your wife out shopping in the middle of the day. So you can watch the look of surprise and delight on her face when you tell her to buy that fancy overpriced Louis Vuitton handbag she’s been swooning over for years.

​Or maybe you’ll finally take up that hobby or passion you’ve been putting off since you were young. The one you’ve always said you’d get to “one day.”

​Whatever you want to do... YOU are in control of your time.

​Every day is yours to do as you please.

Finally... you can relax and enjoy your life. Because you know that money is flooding into your account while you’re off doing whatever makes you happy.

Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Well, THAT is the kind of business you deserve.

However, the vast majority of aspiring digital product creators I meet are NOT enjoying that kind of success.

So instead of a fun and enjoyable business that brings in a steady and substantial income month after month, year after year…

You’re forced to endure a nerve-wracking rollercoaster of ups and downs… always worrying if you’ll even be able to pay the bills each month.

And if you haven’t seen the success you’re looking for yet, there’s a good reason why (more on that in a moment).

But before you let any preconceived (and most likely false) notions about this business creep into your brain, let me explain why…

There Has Never Been A Better
Time To Get In On The Booming
Online Education Market

According to a study recently published by Research And Markets, online education is RAPIDLY increasing in value and potential.

But you only need to take a look around you today to see that online education is booming.

The coronavirus pandemic and global lockdowns meant that millions of people were forced to change their habits overnight, and are now living more and more of their lives online. Plus, an entirely NEW audience came online, like those who didn’t grow up with the Internet.

As a result, millions of people all over the world are now turning to online education to learn new things about every topic imaginable. 

And this has created HUGE demand for digital teaching products. Like ebooks... online video courses... audio programs... membership websites... and a lot more.

Bad news for colleges and universities. But good news for anybody smart enough to get into the digital product business right now. And… 

There’s Even MORE
Good News!

You see, even though it’s already booming, this market is poised for even MORE unprecedented growth.

According to a study conducted by Global Industry Analysts, the online education market is growing at an exponential rate of 21% year-on-year. 

So not only do we have an extremely receptive and “hot” market… sales of digital teaching products are expected to top $1 TRILLION by 2028 according to Global Market Insights.

That’s why this business will continue to offer substantial growth opportunities for years to come. And it’s wide open for YOU to profit, too.

This should come as extremely good news to you. IF you have the vision to get into this business now… before it starts hitting critical mass. 

You don’t want to look back with regret after your friends and colleagues have already gotten richer than Midas… because they had the foresight to jump on this opportunity NOW.

With the right guidance, you can build anything from a work-from-anywhere-in-the-world “lifestyle business” that generates 6 figures a year relatively hassle-free…

… to a multimillion dollar “800-pound gorilla” that supports you in luxury for the rest of your life, if that’s what you want to achieve.

But there's a problem… 

Why You've Tried And Failed

If you’re anything like most people, chances are you’ve tried a lot of things. 

A quick Google search for “how to make money online” throws up an endless list of results on how to generate an income selling digital products.

Heck, you don’t even have to go that far nowadays. Every time you scroll through social media, you’re bombarded with offers from every marketer and his dog… all eager to teach you how to start selling digital products.

Yet every course or program you try only gets you so far before it eventually fizzles out, or you lose motivation… leaving you hanging with no idea what to do next.

Even though you’ve purchased course, after course, after course… nothing really WORKS. It doesn’t seem like you’re doing anything wrong, but for some reason, nothing gets you to the finish line… no matter how hard you try.

I know you’re not afraid of putting in the work, but it's a painful experience to invest all of that time, energy and effort only to have no success to show for it.

This is when loved ones start to ask questions. “How's that online business thing going? Do you really think it's going to work out?”

It's enough to make you start wondering, “Do any of these gurus even use the methods they teach? Or are they just getting rich selling me courses?”

You might even start to wonder if there's something wrong with you. After all, if OTHERS can use these trainings, strategies, and systems to create the business and lifestyle of their dreams, then why can’t you?

Are you doing something wrong? Or are you missing a bigger picture?

Actually, there are three main reasons why most people fail to create a successful digital product:

Reason #1

A Lack Of Coaching & Support

Building your digital product empire – or even launching a single successful product – is a lot like learning any new skill.

Take playing the guitar, for example.

You can gather all the information you want about different chords, the intricacies of different notes, and how best to tune your guitar.

But your progress will be limited without two things:

Regular practice
Direct guidance and feedback from a teacher or coach

Without these, your chances of developing your skills to a high enough level to perform in front of a live audience, for example, are extremely slim… at best. 

Instead, what you need is to work with someone who can observe the way you play, spot the mistakes you’re making, and show you exactly how to correct your technique… right there in the moment.

This sort of direct, hands-on feedback is what’s necessary to learn any real-world skill properly. 

However, it’s a stark contrast to what you get when you buy most online information products, where you’re simply handed a package of videos and PDFs, and then left to figure it all out by yourself… 

… without any real sense of guidance, and without any personalized support from the product creators (who, if you believe the photos on their sales pages, are relaxing on a beach or yacht in some island paradise while you wrestle with their program).

It doesn’t seem fair.

You’ve tried your hardest to work with these people’s trainings, but without adequate support from someone who genuinely cares about your success, you never really stood a chance.

Reason #2

Marketers Driven By Greed

There are literally thousands of entrepreneurs who will buy a course, then do absolutely nothing with it. It just sits there on the shelf gathering dust.

I believe the main reason for this is that many of these courses are created by Internet marketers who just want to enroll as many people as possible, without any regard for who gets results. They do these huge launches and enroll 2,000 customers at one time.

Unfortunately, when you do this there’s no way you can provide the kind of personalized, individual support that really gets results. So the creators make millions, but their customers never get the outcome they paid for.

They’re also very good at spotting a gap in the marketplace for a particular course or information product. And each time they do, they like to position that one thing as the “holy grail.”

But ask yourself: did any of those gurus ever once stop to ask you what your product was? 

Did they ever care enough to see if you actually had a viable idea for the strategies and tactics they teach to work?

Were they willing to adapt their educational approach to fit your situation? 

Were they willing to provide you with personalized, hands-on support to achieve the outcome you were looking for?

Of course not!

They just wanted to sell you their stuff, whether or not you could truly succeed with it. In short, the course you bought was never truly designed for you to succeed in the first place. Frustrating, I know.

Reason #3

Starting From Scratch

It takes a long time to create a great product.

IF you’re doing it from scratch, that is.

And this is a major reason why so many people put off going into the industry. Even if they love the idea of creating and selling their own digital products, and think they’d be good at it.

The problem here, is that entrepreneurs (wrongly) assume they need to start at ground zero with every project. 

Which is NOT the case.

And in actual fact, doing this not only grossly overcomplicates everything, it also means you’re playing with fire every time you launch a new product.

When you’re building something new, how do you know if it will convert or not?

Answer: you don’t.

During the early days of my marketing career, every new product I launched involved private label material, and was constructed using content that was already proven to convert. This model could be used in any niche, for any product, at any price point.

See, when you have templates that are proven to convert, you have complete and utter confidence that your product will be a success, often before you've even put it out there and tested it.

It's NOT Your Fault!

The reality is, none of these problems is your fault.

You could put every ounce of your sheer will and determination into creating a successful digital product, but with these three forces working against you, you'd still fail!

To make matters worse, every day brings with it a whole host of new additions to the information product merry-go-round. 

More courses from more people who have decided that they TOO can teach you how to succeed in selling digital products online… each promising that their information will be different.

After a while, these investments become harder and harder to justify to your loved ones, and to yourself.

Some days, it's enough to make you wonder if you should just call it a day, and give up on your dream of creating the freedom, wealth and happiness that you've been working towards.

But you absolutely shouldn't. The dream is possible, and closer than you think…

I know. Because I’ve done it. 

And I’ve helped hundreds of others do it, too.

​When you know the secrets I’m about to reveal, it’s like having a license to print money.

​But before I get into all the exciting details, allow me to introduce myself... 

Hi, My Name Is John Thornhill

I’m a serial online entrepreneur, direct response marketing expert, and author of the best-selling book Rapid Digital Assets.

In addition to all that, I’ve been running the Partnership To Success coaching program since 2008, and have many of the most successful marketers and entrepreneurs in the world as students.

Just a few of the marketers I’ve personally coached who have gone on to build 6 or 7 figure businesses in this time include…

Omar Martin
Jon Bowtell
Lee McIntyre
Steven Alvey
Randy Smith
Dave Nicholson
Dan Sumner
Dawud Islam
Shelley Penney
Keith Purkiss
Mark Wightley
Gary Alach
Trevor McHaffie
Dan Thompson
Sue Worthington

… and literally hundreds more.

But believe me… I didn’t have any advantages starting out as an entrepreneur. I’m just an average guy who barely made it out of Thornhill High School in Sunderland.

And I wasn’t lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon in my mouth. So there was no million dollar trust fund or rich uncle to help fund my entrepreneurial journey. 

In fact, to describe my upbringing as “working class” is being generous. 

My first 5-6 years as an entrepreneur…

I Had To "Bootstrap" Every
Business I Started

And it was NOT easy.

Every single business was started on a shoestring budget. And for the first few years, things were extremely lean. In fact, I was so broke that I went out on a limb and financed all my start-up costs on multiple credit cards. 

I worked around the clock. (Because I already had a full-time job manufacturing car doors for Nissan.) I used to come home from work, fire up my laptop, and grind away into the early hours of the morning… often surviving off just a few hours sleep.

I sold most of my personal assets, canceled my Sky TV subscription, and drove a 15-year-old banger of a car... just so I could invest every possible penny in getting the business going. I even skipped meals so I’d have the money to test new marketing ideas.

And like so many other entrepreneurs, I hit my fair share of roadblocks. (Actually, “roadblocks” doesn’t even come close to describing the disasters, disappointment and depression I endured.)

You see, when I started out in online business back in 2002, I had zero experience of product creation and zero experience in doing business online. 

I stumbled across all the same books, blog posts, and videos about building an online business that you did. And, like you, I thought to myself that if they could do it, then maybe I could too. 

So I diligently did my research and noticed a pattern:

All the most successful people online (the ones bragging about their yachts and laptop-on-the-beach lifestyles) seemed to be TEACHING something.

Clearly, selling digital teaching products was the shortcut to riches that I'd been searching for. Now all I had to do was create a digital product of my own, and my life would be transformed overnight!

So I Created A Digital Product...

I was gutted.

I spent more than six months putting my heart and soul into creating the best digital product I could possibly imagine.

And when I finally finished it and released it to the world...

… it FAILED. 

In fact, I remember very clearly the ONE sale that I made on launch day.

Doing some quick math, I figured out that I had earned a grand total of $0.38 for every hour that I spent working on that product.

(Clearly NOT a good return on investment!)

But why did it fail?

At first I thought it was because I didn't have an audience... so I scrambled to build my blog and apply every traffic-getting strategy that I could find to get the word out about what I was doing.

And some of the strategies worked. Pretty soon, I had a decent-sized email list...

… yet still, nobody wanted to buy my product!

I was just about ready to throw in the towel, but I persisted in the mere hope that something would work eventually.

And finally... 

At Last... I Had My Big

After six long, painful and humiliating years of one business failure after another, my first successful venture involved private label material.

I found a package of 25,000 ebooks with full resale rights selling on eBay for $50. The material was stored on a CD, which was shipped to me in a plain envelope and probably cost no more than $3 to produce.

​And that was my turning point.

I swiped the best books from that collection, adapted and repurposed them, and sold them all individually… over and over again. (This was back in the “Wild Wild West” days of the Internet. I later took my business away from eBay in 2008.) 

Sure, I made some decent money. 

But the BIG money didn’t start rolling in until I realized that I could make more money teaching people how I was doing it... 

The Discovery That Changed
The Course Of My Business

After hearing about the success I was having, one of my colleagues from the car plant turned to me at work one day and uttered the words that changed my life:

“Can you teach me how you're making money online?”

And I’ll be honest… I resisted at first.

I mean, can you blame me? I had spent over six months building a product that NOBODY wanted to buy… was I really going to go down that road again?

You know how they say, “Once bitten, twice shy?”

Well, I’d been bitted HARD by the failure of my first product, and I was afraid to try again.

But the more I tried to skirt around the issue, the more he pestered me. Plus, the more I thought about it, the more I realized I was missing out on a HUGE opportunity.

After all, if my friends at work were impressed enough to ask me to teach them how I was doing what I was doing, then I figured others might want to see how I was doing it as well.

So finally, I decided to compile a short ebook teaching what I knew, put up a quick sales page, and sent out an email to my (tiny) list telling them to go and check it out… 

… and I was almost bowled over by the flood of “Notification of payment received” emails that immediately began hitting my inbox!

They came in while I was at work… while I was sleeping… while I was watching TV.

They didn’t stop.

It was an amazing time.

In fact, over the next few months, I sold more than 10,000 copies of that little ebook… all delivered to my customers automatically through the web, without me lifting a finger.

​FINALLY... after six long and emotionally painful years of serial failure... in only 6 months my digital product business made enough money for me to... 

Buy My Freedom From My J-O-B!

Since then I’ve been on a mission.

A mission to share with my fellow entrepreneurs these successful tactics, strategies and secrets for building an online business FAST.

You see, selling your own digital products and making a lot of money are great. But the way most entrepreneurs go about it makes you a slave to your business.

Sure, you may make an above average income... but you have no life. Your business is an all-consuming mistress. And you’re not the only one who pays the price. It takes a HUGE toll on your family, too.

Instead, what I have to share with you is a unique way of building your business that gives you incredible time and lifestyle freedom. Because when money doesn’t control you... and you have time freedom... life becomes pretty darn spectacular.

First of all, you just plain FEEL better... because you no longer have that always-present weight on your shoulders. The weight you feel from others controlling your life.

And the ever-present FEAR you feel... deep in your solar plexus.

From lack of money...

From your boss always nagging at you...

​And being forced to jump when he or she says “jump.” Because you need the money.

​When you do what I’m about to show you, you can be…

Finally FREE From
Financial Stress!

And it’s hard to put a price on that. Because when you can finally be your own boss... 

​When you’re finally in control of your future...

When you’re not in slavery to another man because you need the money...

The feeling is almost indescribable.

​EVERY day is a great day. You feel excited... stress-free... like a 10-ton boulder has been lifted off your shoulders. 

​Because money worries are a thing of the past.

That is the feeling I want for YOU, too, when you create YOUR successful product.

And that’s why I’m excited to personally invite you to join us in…

Partnership To Success

The Only Product Creation Program Where
A Dedicated Team Of Product Creation Experts
Coach & Support You... Every Step Of The Way!

This system has been created and structured to help you do one thing:

Create a lucrative, fun, and emotionally rewarding digital product business... without all the trial and error, emotional turmoil, and lots of lost time and money I had to go through to figure it out on my own.

When you join Partnership To Success, I'm going to personally guide you through the process of launching your first successful digital product. 

To be clear: when I say I'll “personally guide you” I mean that you'll get hand-holding and guidance directly from me via Zoom. 

In addition to being coached personally by me, you will be assigned your own dedicated Partnership To Success Coach, who will get to know you and YOUR business.

You will have unlimited email support from your coach, so you can get all of your questions answered. They will respond to your questions within 24 hours on weekdays, and will walk with you hand-in-hand throughout your Partnership To Success journey, to give you support and guidance when you need it.

We currently have three coaches on my team. All of them have been hand-picked by me for their knowledge and expertise, and they know all of our strategies inside and out. They also have a direct line to me, for anything that requires my personal attention. And they bring unique backgrounds and experience to the students they work with.

As you work together, your coach will get to know a great deal about you and your business so that they can provide better and better insights to you over time.

And the more effort you put in, the more support you’ll get in return.

For students who show up and do the work (and this is the key), our coaches truly go above and beyond. They will proactively go the extra mile for dedicated students and look for additional ways to solve the problems you’re facing.

Just $995 or 6 payments of $197

Why Partnership To Success Is Unlike Any Other “Training” Program You’ve Experienced
In The Past

Most online training programs just give you information, and we BOTH know most people won’t succeed with information alone.

Yes, you need a complete system and strategy that works (and we have that for you)… but you also need coaching, accountability, and support to get to the finish line. In other words, you need real education!

And in order to get that education, you need to be taught by real-world experts.

Anybody can say they’re an expert, and they may have been at one time. But often once people begin teaching, they stop doing, and their skills become outdated.

That’s not how Partnership To Success works.

I didn’t create this program and then leave it to grow stale while I moved onto the next thing.

The process I teach is the same one I continue to follow over and over, which keeps our skills sharp and requires us to stay up-to-date with the information we teach.

Best of all, the amount and quality of coaching and support you’ll receive is better than ever.

We've taken feedback from the thousands of students that have been through Partnership To Success, and invested thousands of hours into building the most comprehensive coaching support system you'll ever find.

I can confidently say that Partnership To Success will teach you the fastest, most effective, and most reliable process I know for building a profitable digital product. 

And it’s a quick process. You won’t spend months creating some huge, complex beast of a product with videos, audios, downloadable checklists, PDF reports, and so on. Instead, you’ll launch your first product in as little as 60 days… even if, right now, you’re not sure what to include in your product or how to find people who’ll buy it.

Now, let’s get into the nitty gritty of exactly what you’ll learn inside the program… 

What's Inside Partnership
To Success

When you join this program, here's how we'll work together:

​Every week, for the next 10 weeks, you'll get access to a new online module hosted on a private, password-protected membership site. 

Each module will reveal a crucial part of our PROVEN Partnership To Success process for launching your own digital product. They're all engineered to work together synergistically. 

And you’ll discover how you can quickly implement these secrets to create and sell YOUR first successful digital product… so you can enjoy a level of independence, satisfaction and financial freedom that most people will never know. 

Even better, we’ll show you how to do it working just 1-2 hours a day... so you can enjoy both your business and your life.

Now that you know all that, let's move on to what's revealed in the various modules. Then I'll explain all the details about how we'll work together if you decide to join Partnership To Success.

Here’s the entire program curriculum, laid out for you:

module #1

Building Your Platform

How to set up the foundation for long-term
business success

First thing’s first, you need to be clear on what you're doing, where you're going, and how you're going to get there. The program starts with a 10,000-foot overview of exactly what's involved in taking your digital product business from idea to income. And you’ll learn how to set yourself up to get the most from this training over the next 60 days and beyond.

Our PROVEN roadmap for building a successful, thriving and emotionally rewarding digital product empire… which works no matter what level of online experience you’re starting with.
How to set up a blog that allows you to go from a total unknown in your niche… to a celebrity expert… in 180 days or less! (Even if you have ZERO technical skills and have never built a website before in your life.)
A step-by-step guide to building a simple lead magnet and high-converting opt-in page that builds you a buyer-filled email list who looks to you for solutions.
The “success” mindset every digital product creator needs to adopt. This is VERY important if you want to succeed in this program! But once you get this, you’ll be focused and on-track to launch your first digital product in as little as 60 days.
module #2

Targeting Your Niche

How to pick a profitable niche chock-full
of hungry buyers

One of the biggest mistakes I see people making is going straight to building the product they always wanted to create. Before you create anything, you need to be sure you know what people want to buy so the time you invest actually pays off and customers are eager to buy your product.

A fast and easy way to find top performing products in any niche. (You’ll see the top converting offers so you can model them using our proven system... and can start making more money FASTER.)
A complete system to find, select and narrow possible niches so you find the “sweet spot” where you can create a product that will sell itself… and avoid wasting your hard-earned money and time on unprofitable ideas.
How to pick a profitable niche that gives you the best possible chance of success. Few digital product creators spend enough time on this essential step. Marketing online can be tricky, but don’t worry. You’ll get details on not just choosing and defining your market, but validating it, too.
How to take your niche and carve out an entire category. Doing this can instantly make you the industry leader and makes it virtually impossible for your competition to succeed.
The step-by-step process to create your customer avatar so you have laser focus when building your product and doing your marketing.
How to get inside the head of your customer and tap into their emotional “hot buttons” so you can make your products IRRESISTIBLE.
module #3

Planning Your Product

How to find out exactly what your future
customers want to learn

Once you know what people in your target market want to learn about, you’ll be ready to brainstorm and map out the various elements that you plan to include in your first successful product! We’ll show you how to easily and effectively structure your product, so you’re on the fast-track to success.

A simple exercise for discovering the best possible idea for your first digital product. One of the most important steps in the product creation process is deciding what your product should be about. Here is where we’ll show you a simple system for discovering the best place to start with your first digital product.
How to guarantee your product idea will SELL. There’s an important difference between something your market wants, and something they’re willing to BUY. These research techniques will show you how to find out what problems people are happy to pay to have solved.
A quick and proven way to validate your product idea has legs… before you invest months researching and building it. This is the special validation process that all of our successful students used to ensure they ditched their bad ideas before they led them astray!
The 3 types of “format” that you can use for your new product. These proven formats work best for digital products, and depending on your content, time commitment and personality, we’ll show you which is the best structure for you.
How to avoid the “analysis paralysis” that CAN keep you from getting your first product done. The #1 most common pitfall that kills momentum is over-planning. Let us show you how to deftly dodge that problem and get your product in front of your ideal customers – FAST!
module #4

Creating Your Product

How to create a digital product that puts
you on the fast-track to success

At first glance, it looks like a huge chore to create all of the content for your digital product… especially when you’re starting from scratch! But when you do it the way I show you, you won’t have to start from scratch. Because in this module, you’ll discover… 

How to create your first digital product within DAYS – instead of weeks or months – by using a little-known application of the 80/20 rule. (It’s so simple... but almost NOBODY knows it!)
Discover 3 little-known frameworks that make creating a high quality product your customers will LOVE to buy a quick, easy and fun process. This is the exact step-by-step plan used by two of my students to grow their online businesses into mid 7-figure monsters in their respective markets… in record time.
How to take advantage of the biggest publisher of information in the U.S. and use their material to create your digital product… without paying a penny in fees or royalties!  Practically NOBODY knows this insiders-only strategy. But a select few in-the-know have been quietly using it to make a MINT.
How to increase the value of your product by giving it the right name. (Many customers will judge your product by what you name it, so it’s important you get this right.)
My proven 52-point product creation checklist – the exact one I’ve used to generate MILLIONS. It’s simple and easy to follow… and I’ve proven time and time again that anybody can do it.
Not all products are equal. Discover advanced product creation and positioning strategies so you can command a premium price for any product you create.
module #5

Building Your Members Area

How to deliver your product in a totally
automated, hands-off way

Growing your business as quickly as possible and making a lot of money are great. But the way most entrepreneurs go about it makes you a slave to your business. What I have to share with you in this module is a unique way of delivering your products that gives you incredible time and lifestyle freedom.

How to turn your content into a polished online course, membership site, or any other digital product you can imagine… even if you’re a total technophobe and don’t even have a website right now.
An “under-the-radar” automation trick that makes delivering your digital product take less time and effort… but provide MORE value! Get this right and life's a breeze. Get it wrong and you’ll be faced with a mob of angry customers who will NEVER buy from you again. 
How this one simple addition to your members area can as much as DOUBLE your sales, profits and income! (It takes less than 30 minutes… literally!)
The key to welcoming new customers in a way that immediately makes them feel like they are in the right place. Getting this right is the key to providing a great customer experience… minimizing refund requests… and building great word-of-mouth marketing for your product.
module #6

Crafting Your Sales Page

How to craft “overnight” sales copy your
customers will be powerless to resist

The difference between a product launch that just does okay, and a launch that brings 5 or even 6 figures is this: the product creator behind the successful launch knows how to craft a sales page that works to convert visitors into buyers. And soon, you will be able to do that, too. Because in this module we’ll cover...

How to write headlines and sales copy that really SELL… including all of my favorite headline and copy formulas and fill-in-the-blanks exercises to write great copy instantly.
Three elements that MUST be present on every sales page. (When they are, you’ll see sales and profits beyond your wildest expectations!)
A step-by-step video walkthrough of MY most profitable sales pages. You’ll see everything is laid on the line as I explain the psychology behind them… why they’re presented this way… and how to model them for maximum income with your own products.
Five secrets for quickly writing effective, hard-hitting, order-pulling sales copy… even if the only thing you’ve ever written is a shopping list. (No experience required. Simply “fill in the blanks” and you can create million dollar sales copy.)

A quick way to uncover and use the exact same “problem language” in your copy that your customers use. (This creates an IMMEDIATE emotional bond with your prospects and practically FORCES them to trust what you say.)
The one most powerful element missing in almost every sales page you see online. (Add this in and you could easily DOUBLE or TRIPLE your conversions overnight!)
module #7

Joint Venture Partnerships

How to attract joint venture partners and
build a “round-the-clock” sales team

If you’re planning to rely solely on your own marketing efforts to drive sales, then you’re thinking too small! Your key to record-breaking revenue may lie in strategic joint venture partnerships. In this module you’ll learn how to find, pitch, and build  win-win partnerships with other marketers who are chomping at the bit to sell your product FOR you.

How to approach joint venture partners and get them excited to say “YES!” to promoting your digital product. (Even if they don’t know you from Adam.)
Top secret, from-the-trenches insights about what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to attracting new partners… including the most important pieces of information they’ll want from you.
How to structure your partnership agreements to keep your JV partners happy and motivated to continue driving sales. (This instantly earns you their loyalty and makes them WANT to go the extra mile when promoting your product.)
Why joint venture partners will be falling all over themselves to flood your sales page with their BEST traffic. (Simply make this "top secret" offer to them and they'll practically BEG you to take their best buyers from them.)
How to pull off a viral product launch that drives massive traffic and sells your product like CRAZY. (This secret works even if your list is brand new and you know almost nothing about marketing.)
module #8

Setting Up Your Tech Tools

How to fuel the engine that will power
your long-term business growth

By this point, a lot of the “grunt” work has already been done. In this module, we show you how to set up your tech tools so you can prepare to launch your digital product, and build a system that automates the entire process.

An in-depth look at the three most popular payment processors on the market. I’ll walk you through the pros and cons of each platform, and show you how to choose the right one for your needs and budget.
The little-known tool which will track all of your sales and ensure both you AND your affiliates get paid on time, every time… without you ever lifting a finger. (Best of all, it’s FREE!)
Want the best chance of success with your new digital product? Then HERE is the affiliate marketplace you need to be using. (Imagine having your pick of the BEST affiliates, constantly sending traffic and sales to you.)
How to easily password-protect your digital product so it can only be downloaded by paying customers. (Follow these steps to connect your payment processor to your membership site software and prevent non-buyers from finding your thank you page… even if you’re non-techy.)
Step-by-step tutorials on how to set up and use ALL of the most important business growth tools online. Whether it’s autoresponders, landing page software or payment processors, selling digital products DOES require some tech know-how. But fear not, you’ll learn how to quickly and easily set up all the tools you need to successfully create, sell and deliver your product.
module #9

The Finishing Touches

Simple and proven strategies to set your
product up for massive success

At this stage, your focus is firmly on getting ready for your first successful launch. The devil is in the details, so in this module, we’ll take you step-by-step through how to review and test everything, so you can give your product the best possible chance of success.

My tried, tested and PROVEN formula for cranking out a cash-cow video sales letter that works like magic to convert prospects into happy, paying customers… FAST.
How to get sales from people who have already decided to NOT buy. (Almost nobody knows this high-level marketing secret.)
A common but devastating mistake many new digital product creators make when planning their launch. (Digital product creators unaware of this secret put paid to their chances of ever making sales. Do this instead and watch the customers and sales start flooding in.)
How to structure the support you offer to your customers so you can still enjoy a "freedom lifestyle." (Once you know this, your customers will never consume your life or affect your relationships.)
The single most important secret that GUARANTEES your success as a digital product creator and attracts lifelong customers! (I have students in my program who have paid $10,000 or more, have been with me for more than a DECADE... and plan to stay for at least a decade more!)
A little-known way to use non-competitive products from other marketers to rake in extra profits. (It’s a simple technique that costs you nothing... but could increase your average customer value by HUNDREDS of dollars.)
module #10

Launching Your Product

How to successfully launch your product
and enjoy your first 5-figure payday

By now, your digital product is complete, and it’s time to generate your first paying customers! This is where the REAL fun begins. We’ll walk through different strategies for launching your product, and help you determine the best fit for your situation.

How to launch your digital product to a crowd that is ready and waiting to buy… without wasting months or years of your life giving away free stuff to “build a relationship” with people who will likely NEVER spend a single penny with you!
A simple (but crazy effective) 3-stage “launch battle plan”that gives your product the best chance of sales success. You’ll get detailed examples and checklists. And best of all, you’ll have direct one-on-one support throughout the entire launch process from your coach.
The counter-intuitive technique I’ve used to generate hordes of traffic in every launch I’ve done. I’ll show you exactly what it is and how to deploy it in your business.
How to architect an irresistible product offer that makes it easy for your customers to buy your product during your launch. You’ll discover an almost magical shortcut that makes your offer SO compelling, people buy without hesitating… including people who would normally NEVER even consider buying!
How to add thousands of new names to your email list during your launch… AND how to properly nurture that list to create an army of repeat buyers who jump to buy your products again and again.

But that’s not all.

Not by a long shot.

If you’re a person who takes action NOW, I’ll also include… 

FOUR Special Bonuses To Help
You Get Your Digital Product DONE... As Quickly As Possible! 

A nice passive income can be yours when you follow our methodology for creating and selling digital products.

Partnership To Success gives you everything you need to know, along with all the coaching and support you need to implement what you learn.

But it’s up to you to take action.

Over the years, we’ve noticed this is where would-be-rich digital product creators start to flounder. The “getting started” part can be the biggest hurdle.

So, after listening to feedback from the thousands of students who have gone through Partnership To Success, we have come up with a way to help you solve the three biggest challenges new product creators face, with FOUR special bonuses created exclusively for this program.


Content Creation

Let’s face it: creating your own digital product from scratch is a lot of work. In fact, it might just be the most time-consuming work you ever do. When you’re staring at a blank page, wondering where to start, it can be overwhelming enough to stop a new digital product creator like you in your tracks. But with private label material working for you, all of that is easily taken care of, so… 

BONUS #1: Lifetime access to 50 high quality, done-for-you digital products – with full PLR rights – through our collaborators, PLR Monster. Each done-for-you package includes a fully editable PDF ebook, professionally-written sales page, high-converting landing page, download page, JV page, and graphics.

Value: $997


Traffic Generation

My number one source of traffic is my own email list. In fact, these days, whenever I launch a new product, I know before I build a thing that it is virtually guaranteed to bring in mid-five to six figures. But how can YOU be sure that your product launch will be a success if you’re starting out from scratch, with no email list? Luckily, we’ve got you covered.

BONUS #2: A 3-day joint venture promotion to my email list. Once your product is complete, I will  promote it to my 100,000 subscribers to kickstart your launch and get the sales coming in the door right away.

Value: $5,000


Recruiting JV Partners

If you’ve been wondering how on Earth you’re going to convince new joint venture partners to say “yes” to promoting you, so that you can get your product into the hands of hundreds (or even thousands) of eager new customers when you launch, we’ve got the perfect solution for you.

BONUS #3: An introduction to my joint venture partners and affiliates. I’ll introduce you to my 6,000 JV partners and affiliates. These are the successful marketers only insiders like me usually have access to. Now you will, too.
BONUS #4: 12 months of complimentary VIP access to the world’s largest product launch announcement forum, JV Notify Pro. As a VIP partner, you’ll be able to announce your launch to the entire JV Notify Pro community, attract more quality joint venture partners, brainstorm with like-minded entrepreneurs, and even source proven “integration offers” that you can add to your own funnel as an upsell or bonus.

Value: $3,564

Add it all up, and that’s a total value of $9,561 for the bonuses alone.

Just $995 or 6 payments of $197

More Coaching And Support
Than You'll Find In Any Other Program — Guaranteed!

In addition to all that, you’ll also get unlimited coaching and support to help you overcome any (and every) product creation challenge you face, for a total of 6 months. 

That way I can make sure that you stay on track with the system. And so I can help you tweak and customize each component of the Partnership To Success methodology to fit you and your business like a glove.

Here’s how the coaching and support will happen:

1-On-1 Milestone Calls

Milestone calls are where you’ll get on the phone with your coach for a 1-on-1 session. These calls are designed to take place at key checkpoints in the program so that you can get direct feedback from your coach and know for a fact you’re on the right track BEFORE you invest your money and time.

Live Q&A Sessions

All students get bi-weekly access to the entire Partnership To Success coaching team in our live, members-only Q&A sessions. This is your opportunity to ask my team of experts ANYTHING. You’ll get direct feedback from our team of coaches, feedback from your peers, and the accountability you need to achieve the goals you set for yourself. We’ll stay on until the last question is answered each and every session.

What's Working Now Trainings

As a Partnership To Success student, you also get to listen in on our monthly internal “What’s Working Now” meetings where members of the team (and occasional special guest experts) will share what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s working across all of our different companies and offers. In the past, these virtual meet-ups were for employees only, but I’ve decided to let Partnership To Success students attend these sessions as well. 

Private Mastermind Community

If you want to be successful, you need to be surrounded by people who are on the same mission as you, and who speak the same language as you. That's why, as soon as you join Partnership To Success, you'll get access to our private, members-only Facebook community. As a member of this group, you'll be able to ask questions and get help 24/7, grab an accountability partner, share your wins, and network with over like-minded 1,000 entrepreneurs.

Email Support

In addition to all that support, you’ll have unlimited access to your coach via email. Any time you have a specific question, simply click the “Submit a ticket” button inside the members area to tell us what you’re struggling with, and your coach will reply to you personally within 24 hours. 

Phone Support

Sometimes you need to talk with someone, and you need to talk to them NOW. That’s why Partnership To Success students even get their coach’s phone number for when you really need to reach them.

How Quickly Will I See Results?

The beauty of Partnership To Success is that you don’t need to finish your product before you can start making money. In fact, in module 2, I teach you a simple strategy that will give you the ability to “earn while you learn.”

How quickly you see results will obviously depend on how much time you dedicate to going through the training and implementing what you learn. But we’ve seen students launch their first product in as little as 60 days. More typically, our students who launch their first product reach that point around the 90-120 day mark.

But I want to stress something important to you. While the Partnership To Success methodology is one of the fastest and most effective ways to create a successful digital product, how fast you can create your product should NOT be your primary focus. 

Your focus should be creating a digital product that has the greatest chance of success.

After all, nothing is slower than rushing to create something that doesn’t succeed.

Creating a successful product in a matter of hours or days is not realistic, because it means you have to skip over a lot of the important market research work that stops you from wasting time on an idea that has little to no chance of success.

That’s what Partnership To Success has been designed to do.

And it shows in the results our students are able to achieve.

Just like these students, who also wanted to create their first successful product...

Seeing these kinds of results always makes me smile.

Just $995 or 6 payments of $197

Now, before we go any further, I want to be really clear about who should (and who shouldn’t!) consider joining this program…

Who This Coaching Program Is For...

To be a fit for the Partnership To Success coaching program, there are a few boxes you’ll need to check:

You have a genuine desire to help others.

You have a genuine desire to help others. If you’re only in it for the money and don’t really care about your customers, it will show in your marketing and the product you create, and that will undermine your chances of succeeding.

You want freedom.

You’re striving for financial and lifestyle freedom. You want a business that will allow you to design your life in a way that lets you spend your time doing the things you enjoy. You also want to stop worrying about paying your bills, coping with unexpected expenses like a leaking roof, and retiring comfortably. If you know this is possible with focused effort in the right direction, that’s how we know you’ll give the program your all and succeed.

You have to be willing to put in the effort.

While we’re all about doing things smart, we also believe that work is a necessary part to success! We’ll do our part by making sure you’re always focused on the most critical things for success with your digital product, but you still have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and put in the effort to achieve the success you’re looking for.

You must have the time set aside to implement.

Do you have 30-60 minutes a day to implement the strategies we’ll cover together? If not, then you likely won’t find success with this, or any other program.

You must be willing to fail.

If you’re going to be in this group, you need to leave your ego at the door.

If you meet these five criteria, then I'm confident that you can succeed in this program, and we'd be excited to work with you.

But, while Partnership To Success may be ideal for many, it certainly isn’t for everyone…

Who This Program Is NOT For...

Let's talk about what Partnership To Success is NOT... 

Partnership To Success is NOT “just another course.”

Yes, there is content and training, but at its heart, this is a coaching program where we will drag you, kicking and screaming if we have to, across YOUR finish line.

Partnership To Success is NOT one-size-fits-all.

We’ll start by pairing you with your own dedicated coach who will get to know you and your business. Then we’ll build a custom 60-day launch plan for your business, and help you prioritize the specific tasks and activities to achieve YOUR stated goals.

Partnership To Success is NOT another hack or tactic. 

Yes, we will give you access to dozens of strategies and tactics, but the goal of this program is to kill shiny object syndrome… not encourage it. Partnership To Success is the complete package for creating your first digital product. You will not need to enroll in any other course to achieve what you want. In fact, we tell our students NOT to sign up for other programs until they’ve completed Partnership To Success.

So if you’ve tried other marketing systems in the past and failed, then Partnership To Success is probably for you.

Because I believe that with my personal “done-with-you” help and guidance, almost anyone with a little ambition can claim their share of the massive fortunes being made in the online education market… in practically no time at all!

But just in case you’re still a little unsure... 

Here's What Other Partnership
To Success Students Are Saying

Thanks to John I now spend most days playing golf which is my passion instead of working 9-5.

Steve King

I have been following John since the early days and thanks to his teaching and support I now have multiple successful online businesses.

Dan Sumner

From 2 months and 10 days of massive action taking I generated over $70K. Believe in John, believe in the process, put the blinkers on and put in the work. 

Niranjan Pradhan

I struggled for years online before I found John's program and because of of the steps he taught me I now have a 6 figure per year online business that keeps going from strength to strength. Next year I am shooting for 8 figures.

Steven Alvey

I have launched many products with John's guidance and to date my biggest launch did over $500,000. I cannot recommend John’s program highly enough. Just take a leap of faith and follow the step by step videos and you won't look back.

Randy Smith

Thanks to John my first product launch did over 500 sales and at that moment I knew I had found the winning formula to success online. Within a year I managed to 'retire' my husband and I am now full time online generating multiple 6 figures per year.

Shelley Penney

Working with John was my best decision ever and since joining John's first version of this program I have gone on to generate 8 figures online. Don't underestimate the POWER of what you have here and don't take for granted what is being taught. Absorb it. Stop procrastinating, stop pointing fingers and making excuses for yourself. Just go and do it.

Omar Martin

My combined earnings as a vendor and affiliate have now gone through the $250K mark, meaning I am a quarter of the way there to becoming a 7 Figure Super Affiliate! (It doesn't include earnings from ClickBank or JVZoo or from when I was a JV Partner on other peoples Warrior Plus launches so the final figure is actually a bit higher. As usual my message to anyone thinking of joining is to stick to the program as it clearly works!

Dawud Islam

Your Partnership to Success Program has been a revelation to me. Not only have I been led by the hand when I needed it. After following your training for just six months I now have my first product online. We had a very successful launch with 30 Day Traffic Flow and it has been a great start with more to come. Once my training with you started I realised I was doing something’s right but was going down the wrong path with others. You always go the extra mile and no one can say you don’t give value for money.

Dave Whitworth

Since joining your program my first major product launch Push Button Giveaways has grossed $6446 so far and $100s of recurring income is still coming in each month. I have added over 16,000 subscribers to my list in 12 months and am generating a 4 figure monthly income from this. I’ve made some useful contacts for the future with other students, who helped a lot with testing and improving my products and I’ve also done a couple of joint events. Hopefully I’ve been able to help some of them too. Looking forward to meeting all the new students.

Keith Purkiss

In January 2008 John launched his first coaching course and this proved to be a turning point in my online ventures. Through John's easy to follow tutorial videos I created my first eBook Prints Make Profits which is a step by step guide to my eBay niche business methods. Fast forward to today I now have a second eBook Twit Masterclass on the market and I provide a weekly newsletter to my subscribers through my newsletter and tips and advice via my blog. My subscriber list is growing steadily and so is my online income! John Thornhill's coaching programs have provided me with these tools and more importantly John's personal advice, guidance and assistance have given me the belief and confidence to realise my online potential.

Stuart Turnbull

I was trying my hardest to make money online - buying into program after program and finding that either they didn't work or that I just didn't understand how to make them work. I was spending thousands but still I just could not find the way to make that first buck. Then I joined John's Partnership to Success program. With his guidance I am producing my first product, staying much more focused - and saving loads of money because I don't have to buy any more packages/offers/shiny things! I expect to release this first product within the month and I am confident of making much more than that first buck because John is promoting it for me! Then, continuing in the program, John will be working with me to build my store of products - and my income!

Jennifer Taylor

What Do People Invest To
 Create This Kind Of Impact In
Their Business And Life?

Before I reveal the price you’ll pay if you decide to join Partnership To Success, let’s look at the other options available to you for building an online business.

Option 1: Get An MBA

You could go to college and get an MBA.

Many people fall into the trap of thinking an MBA is the be-all-end-all solution to building a successful business.

Don’t get me wrong, an MBA will give you a basic understanding of key business principles…


… along with a pretty piece of paper with your name on it.

But will it give you the in-depth market knowledge you need to create a digital product that sells?

Will it teach you how to recruit joint venture partners, build a “buzz” around your launch, and write sales copy that profitably converts traffic into buyers?

The answer is a definite “No.”

In the world of online business, an MBA has ZERO practical application. So, unless you want to become a cog in somebody else’s corporate machine, it’s not worth the paper it is written on. 

Not to mention that MBAs are extremely expensive. The average cost of an MBA in the U.S. is around $60,000.

Total cost: $60,000+
Time frame: 2-3 years
Real-world business experience: No
Results guaranteed: No

Option 2: Hire A Coach

You could go and hire a coach or marketing consultant to help you.

I’ve hired several coaches throughout my journey as an entrepreneur. In fact, I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for some of them.

However, I can tell you from experience that there are also a lot of posers and pretenders out there. If you’re not careful, you could easily find yourself following bad advice that does more harm than good to your business aspirations. 

That’s why working with the best coaches is the only path I’d recommend. But it doesn’t come cheap. A good coach will cost you $10,000 to $15,000 or more… and that doesn’t even take into account that they almost certainly don’t understand the systems we teach.

Total cost: $15,000+
Time frame: 6+ months
Real-world business experience: Yes
Results guaranteed: No

Option 3: Do It Yourself

Your other option is to figure it out on your own. 

Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of thinking this is free, but it’s really not. 

You see, the Internet is already full of information on every topic you need to know about (market research, product creation, copywriting, traffic, list building)... 

… but analyzing, studying, and digesting all of that information will take you YEARS. 

Sure, you’ll pick up the odd tactic and strategy along the way. But it will take you a lot longer to try and piece it all together. 

And all the while your dream of success, freedom and adventure will remain out of sight with no clear path to achieving it.

(Not to mention that your monthly bills for hosting, email marketing software, and all the other tools you’re paying for can really start to add up over time!)

If you want to fast-track your way to success, it’s important to learn from someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve, so you can avoid wasting years making the same mistakes they did. 

That’s exactly what Partnership To Success will give you.

Total cost: $5,000 - $50,000
Time frame: 5+ years
Real-world business experience: Yes
Results guaranteed: No

All of these paths would be worth it, if only they delivered on the results that they promised.

Except that they don’t. Not reliably.

But we do. Guaranteed. (We’ll talk more about that in a moment.)

And it costs a lot less to get started… 

You Can Get Started For
As Little As $197

The tuition for Partnership To Success is $995 for 6 months – or 6 monthly payments of $197.

I want this program to be accessible to anyone and everyone who wants to change their lives for the better through selling digital products..

It’s for anyone who wants to create impact, freedom, and wealth for themselves, through their own enterprise and hard work.

If you bring your commitment to implement the program and work with your dedicated Partnership To Success Coach, you can change your life. 

You can change your family’s lives. And the lives of all the people you’ll touch with your new online business.

Partnership To Success Includes:

The entire Partnership To Success Program – 10 modules, with more than 160 video lessons
Lifetime support from your dedicated Product Creation Coach, who will respond within 24 hours on weekdays
More types of support than any other program, including Office Hours, Breakthrough Hours, and 1-on-1 Milestone Calls
Lifetime access to the Partnership To Success Mastermind community
BONUS #1: Lifetime access to 50 high quality, done-for-you digital products – including full PLR rights – through our collaborators, PLR Monster
BONUS #2: A 3-day joint venture promotion to my 100,000+ email subscribers
BONUS #3: An introduction to my 6,000+ joint venture partners and affiliates
BONUS #4: 12 months of complimentary VIP access to the world’s largest product launch announcement forum, JV Notify Pro
Our 6-month “Success Partnership Guarantee” – launch your first digital product or get your money back

Just $995 or 6 payments of $197

Our Unparalleled 180-Day
Money Back Guarantee

I want you to feel secure that if you go through the training, keep up with the lessons, and do the exercises with me, you’re going to get your digital product DONE. 

That’s why I’m saying “screw it” to the industry standard 30-day guarantee… and instead giving you a full SIX MONTHS to dive into the program, take action, and finally hit play on your digital product machine!

However, our guarantee isn’t the typical, sneaky “try it out, we promise you’ll be satisfied!” sort of guarantee. (You know the kind. The type where the product creator is hoping you purchase and forget long enough for the time window to pass.)

Our guarantee is different. We stand behind our product 100% because we know it works when you take action.

Here’s how THAT works… 

When you join Partnership To Success, you’ll finally have a true partner in your product creation success – someone who will always have your back, and who will be there to ensure you’re taking the exact steps necessary to successfully launch your product.

Your responsibility in the partnership is to bring 100% of your effort and resourcefulness. To watch the lessons, download the worksheets, and do the exercises. To reach out to your dedicated Partnership To Success Coach when you get stuck. And to persevere when the going gets tough.

When you do that, you’ll be met with a true partner. Our team and your Coach will provide you with the very best training and support available, and will pull out all the stops to help you succeed. 

Simply put, if you stay committed, we WILL get you to the finish line. Period. 

And what does that mean, exactly?

We GUARANTEE that if you follow the steps in Partnership To Success and implement the advice of your Coach, then you will successfully launch and sell your first digital product.

However, if after following the steps in the program and advice from your Coach, you don’t launch and sell your first digital product, we will work with you to create a personalized “Course Correction Plan” that will lay out the exact steps you need to follow to get back on track.

After implementing your Course Correction Plan, you will successfully launch your first product, OR you will get a full refund.

The timeframe of this money-back guarantee is 6 months from the date you sign up for Partnership To Success. 

After those 6 months have passed, you won’t be entitled to a refund, but you will still have lifetime access to the Partnership To Success materials, along with our coaches and support to help you complete your journey.

Just like most educational institutions, who don’t let you take as long as you want to finish a course, we limit our guarantee to 6 months because we want you to take action and achieve your desired result within a reasonable timeframe.

We know it’s possible. All you have to do is show up and put in the effort.

That’s a true partnership. You commit to doing your part, and we commit to getting you the results that we’ve promised, no matter what it takes. And if we can’t, then we don’t deserve your money. It’s that simple.

And this guarantee protects you, even if… 

You don’t have a website or blog
You don’t have an email list
You don’t have any experience with online business, let alone selling digital products
You have limited technical know-how
You’re not sure what your product should be about
You have too many ideas for your product
You have no idea how (or even where) to get started

That’s how confident I am in our processes, and I know that the people who do the work will get amazing results.

That’s why you can feel 100% confident about doing business with me and investing in this program.

I honestly don’t know how to stack the deck any more in your favor.

The only thing you have to do is suspend your disbelief and give it a chance. You have nothing to lose and hundreds — even thousands — of paying customers (who turn into repeat buyers) to gain. 

Now, with that in mind, I want to ask you a question… 

Where Do You Want To Be 60 Days
From Now? How About In A Year?

Congratulations on making it this far!

The fact you’re still reading this page shows me you’re seriously considering joining Partnership To Success. By now, you’ve seen an overview of the program, taken a sneak peek inside the modules, learned a little bit about how the coaching is structured, and read our unprecedented guarantee.

However, if you’re anything like most entrepreneurs, I’m going to assume this isn’t your first time being excited about an opportunity. 

Of course, I’d like to think this one is better because of all the coaching and support. But you’ve invested in courses and programs before, and maybe you haven’t implemented what you learned.

This is an opportunity to get on a different path.

Remember, as Tony Robbins says, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.”

So, if you’re ready to step outside of your comfort zone and let us help you create something amazing, act now.

Because the next time this opportunity comes around, it may be close to a year from now…

… and one year from now, where will you be in your life?

Will you still be wondering about the best place to get started with your digital product? Wondering what could have been if only you took action?

Will you still be trading your time for money in a job you hate? Constantly worrying about how you’re going to pay the bills and make ends meet? 

Will you still be stuck in “information gathering mode?” Justifying to your loved ones how you’re spending your time and money on more courses and trainings, with nothing to show for it?

What if you could leave all that behind?

What if there was a different way to successfully achieve your goal of creating an online business?

As you decide whether or not to join Partnership To Success, I want you to think about your goals and what you want to make of your life.

Think about the kind of lifestyle and security you want to provide your family. 

Think of the vision and goals you have for yourself.

REALLY think about the things you care about.

Which decision will bring you closer to your goals?


At the end of the day, the money you earn from your first launch – even if it’s a very successful launch – probably won’t be a life-changing sum. But launching your first profitable product WILL mean you’ll be successful, experienced with our process, and on a proven path to online business success.

Best of all, it’s only a handful of months away… 

Calculate How Much Revenue
Your First Product Launch
Could Generate

Play with the sliders to see what revenue figures
are realistic once you launch your first product

Number of sales
Price of product
Launches in a year


Launch revenue


Annual revenue
What can you do with the money?
Treat yourself or your family

And That's Just The Beginning... 

Until now, I’ve only talked about what happens before you launch your first digital product.

But the REAL magic starts to happen once your launch is over. 

After completing your launch, you will be experienced with our process. 

You will understand what it takes to create and sell a product that your market wants. 

You will have launched your first product, and your business will have a profitable asset that can be used to generate passive revenue for months (or even years) to come.

Even better, you will have built a buyer-filled email list. An email list who looks to YOU for solutions to their most pressing problems. 

Once you are in possession of that asset, you’ll have the foundation that will allow you to fuel your freedom and ability to build a business you love. 

Whether that’s running a million dollar digital product empire with multiple products (like I’ve done)… or whether it’s launching a small number of products a handful of times a year, to earn multiple 5 or 6 figures per year.

Whatever kind of online business you want, it will start to become possible after your first product launch. 

Now, with all that said… 

The Time To Act Is NOW!

Due to the unprecedented level of coaching and support our students receive, we're setting firm limits on the number of people who can enroll in Partnership To Success.

Every coach has a finite amount of time, so we’ve determined these limits based on how many students each coach is able to realistically support. We wanted to make sure that you can always get the help and guidance you need, when you need it, instead of being crowded out by too many other students who also need help.

That’s why we’re setting up a few concrete “entry dates” which will be the only times that students can enroll in Partnership To Success. As soon as all the seats in any given intake have been taken, we’ll be closing the doors to new students for the foreseeable future.

Which means the next time this opportunity rolls around, it could be close to a year from now.

So, if you're interested in starting and growing your online business, and you know that selling digital products can make a real positive difference in your life (and your family’s lives), NOW is the time to make a decision.

Here's What Will Happen When
You Join Partnership To Success:

When you click the button below, you’ll be taken to a page where you can complete your enrollment. Once that's done, you’ll be assigned your own dedicated Partnership To Success Coach and you'll dive right into the program.

Your first step will be going through the foundational training material we've carefully put together to ensure you have the maximum chance of success right out of the gate. And after that, you'll go straight to deciding what topic your first successful product will be about.

So now, it’s decision time… 

Just $995 or 6 payments of $197

Still Got Questions? Here’s
What Your Fellow Partnership
To Success Students Asked
Before Clicking Enroll

Q: “What if I don’t have an idea for my product?”

A: That's perfectly fine, you don't need to have an idea for your product yet. Partnership To Success has an entire module dedicated to helping you identify a strong idea for your digital product. You'll learn how to research a niche, really listen to what your market wants, and even snoop on your competitors. You'll also learn how to validate your product idea before creating any of your content.

Q: “How is Partnership To Success different from other courses and programs about product creation?”

A: Partnership To Success is different from other product creation programs in at least three ways.

First, it's not just information. It's education. We won't give you information then leave you to figure it all out yourself. We provide you with a real education, which means we'll work in partnership with you to ensure your success. When you join Partnership To Success, you'll be assigned your own dedicated Coach — someone I've personally hired and trained — who'll get to know you and your business, and answer any questions you have by email within 24 hours on weekdays.

The second way Partnership To Success is different from other programs is that it gives you everything you need to learn. Other programs teach you one small piece of the puzzle. We give you the whole puzzle. And we'll hold your hand and walk you through connecting all the pieces together. You'll learn everything you need to turn your idea, hobby, or passion into a profitable business.

Lastly, Partnership To Success is different, because we guarantee your results. If you put in the time, do the work, and reach out to your Partnership To Success Coach for help when you need it, we guarantee that you'll launch your digital product. If that doesn't happen, we'll get on the phone with you personally and work with you to get you back on track. And we'll KEEP supporting you as long as you're building digital products. Even if it takes you years.

Q: “How much help am I going to get?”

A: You will get unlimited support in this program. Your Partnership To Success Coach is there for you when you need help. He or she is only an email away, and you'll get a reply within 24 hours on weekdays. (But please note that for the next few weeks, coaches will be reaching out to new students and getting them on board. So your coach may take up to 48 hours to get back to you. But we'll return to a 24-hour response time very quickly after the launch.)

Q: “How do I convince my husband/wife to let me do this?”

A: Joining Partnership To Success is a big commitment, and you'll be on a journey that's challenging, rewarding, scary and exhilarating all at the same time. Having the support of your significant other is a big deal and can make a difference in your success. We want you to have that support. So please go over the sales page with your partner, watch the testimonial videos, check out our website... they can even Google me if they like. And have a heart-to-heart talk about your goals, the changes you want in your life, and how committed you are to making this work.

Q: “When can I expect to start making money?”

A: Partnership To Success is designed to have you launch your first digital product and make money within 60 days. That's assuming you devote 10-15 hours a week to actually doing the work. That said, we've had a few over-achievers launch in less than 60 days.

Q: “I need to make money FAST. Will this help?”

A: If you need to raise money today, then Partnership To Success is NOT for you. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme. It's an educational program for building a sustainable and profitable business for the long-term. It will take you about 60 days to start making money through your first digital product. If you need money right now, if your children are starving, or you're about to lose your house, please don't enroll. Go and get a job. Or, check out the multitude of free resources on our website.

Q: “How do I know if I’m ready?”

A: Are you ready to partner with us and commit 100% to your success? Only you can answer that. Why don't you read and reread this page, watch the testimonial videos, and go over the other materials I've shared? That way, you have more than enough information about me and the program. The only thing left is for you to decide if you're going to take this journey or not. If you're willing and able to put in the time and do the work, then we're here to support you.

Q: “I don’t want this to be another thing that I start and abandon.”

A: We don't want that, either! Our goal is the same as yours: for you to have a successful digital product (or several) that supports your dream lifestyle. You won't get there unless you actually do the work and complete the program. This is why Partnership To Success gives you everything you need, including your very own Coach, who will help you stay accountable and on-track.

Q: “What if I fall behind?”

A: In an ideal world, all students of Partnership To Success will zip through the 10 modules. But none of us live in an ideal world. Life gets in the way sometimes, and the program is designed to accommodate that. So if you're not as far along as you wanted to be, just pick up where you left off and keep going! There is no “behind,” because Partnership To Success isn't a race. You set your own pace and work around your schedule. Once you've paid for the program, you have lifetime access to it. But remember, to get results, you must take consistent action.

Q: “What if I live outside the U.S?”

A: That's okay. Our students come from all over the world. The modules are available online, and you can access them anytime and anywhere, as long as you have a computer and an Internet connection.

Q: “What if I’m not good at getting things done?”

A: We can't do the work for you, but we've done everything we can to make the program as doable as possible. Each module is broken into short lessons, and each lesson has all the worksheets, examples, and other resources you need to apply it. Also, in the first module, you'll create your personalized timeline to take you from where you are now, to launching your first product 60 days later. Use this timeline to track your progress. You'll also have milestones when you check-in with your Partnership To Success Coach for feedback and advice. We hope all this will motivate you to get things done!

Q: “What if I’m not good with technology?”

A: Creating a profitable digital product does require technology. However, you don’t need to know how to program or code. In the program, we do two things to help people overcome their problems with technology. The first is to limit the “technology stack” that you need to succeed. And the second is to explain which solutions we recommend for each of the essential pieces of technology you'll require. But fear not, we understand that MANY of our students have concerns over the use of technology and we have designed the curriculum to succeed without the need for lots of tech smarts.

Q: “What if I sign up, and then decide that the program isn’t right for me?”

A: If you’ve read all the program info, had your special pre-enrollment call with my team, and you believe that Partnership To Success aligns with your goals and values, then chances are it will! In our experience, most people can be successful with Partnership To Success, provided that they’re willing to work hard and take advice.

And you’re always covered by our Success Partnership Guarantee: as long as you’re putting in the work, we’ll do whatever we can to get you on-track to launch. And if we can’t get you on-track, we’ll refund your money.

Q: “How does the Partnership To Success program work?”

A: Partnership To Success is an online coaching program with 10 modules and 165 lessons in all. It's designed to get you from scratch to launching a digital product in 60 days, and beyond that, to a full-blown digital product empire.

After joining the program, you'll schedule a welcome call with someone on my team. Then you'll be assigned your very own Partnership To Success Coach. At key points throughout the program, you'll create your personalized timeline for launching your first product, and work with your coach to make sure this timeline is realistic and reasonable. You can always revisit your timeline to speed up or slow down your pace, because let’s face it: life just gets in the way sometimes.

Each lesson is in video format, and comes with a downloadable PDF checklist, which you can print out and refer back to as you implement the steps in each lesson. You'll also get examples, action guides and other resources you need to complete the assignments.

Partnership To Success is a self-paced course, but there's logic behind the sequence of the modules. You can't finish a marathon until you've learned how to run, and you can't run until you've learned how to walk. ​

Q: “Is this training live? What if I can’t travel?”

A: The training is not live and you don't have to travel. You'll access all the lessons and program materials in digital format through the password-protected Partnership To Success members area. As long as you have a computer and Internet connection, you can go through the program.

Q: “Do I get access to the entire program at once?”

A: No. Although the Partnership To Success program is a self-paced program, you must work from one module to the next. You can't skip lessons or jump around the course. We structured the course so you'll move logically through the process of creating your first digital product and then scaling your successes – with the maximum chance of success and without getting overwhelmed. ​Every week, for the next 10 weeks, a new online module will unlock inside of the password-protected Partnership To Success members area. You must complete the work for the current module, before moving on to the next one.

Q: “How much time does it take to do the program each week?”

A: On average, you'll need to spend 10-15 hours per week on the program. You'll find some modules easier than the others. You'll breeze through some lessons and trudge through others. Plus, the unexpected happens, and you'll get more work done on some days than other days. But if you commit 1.5 to 2 hours a day, give or take, you should be able to launch your first product in 60 days.

Of course, if you have less time available, that's fine, too. It just means that it will take a bit longer to get to the finish line. But, as they say, the race goes not to the swift.

Q: “Now isn’t a great time. When will this program open again?”

A: If now isn’t the best time for you to start working on your digital product, keep in mind that you can still join now but start with a later intake. When enrollment opens again, I can't guarantee it will be at the same price. In fact, it will most likely be more expensive, as we add new ways of supporting our students. But if you join now, you'll get lifetime access to this and all future versions of Partnership To Success. Plus, you’ll be able to secure your spot now in the intake that you know will be the best for you, before it’s full.

Q: “What kind of coaching will I get in the program?”

A: You'll get personalized, one-on-one coaching from your Partnership To Success Coach. You can reach out to your coach as often as you want by email and get a reply within 24 hours on weekdays, and you’ll even have your coach’s phone number in case you ever need to urgently reach out with a call or text. You can ask your coach anything related to the program and your implementation of it.

If you’re still on the fence about this decision, I want you to know this… and it’s IMPORTANT:

I’ve Seen Millions Made From
Even WRONG Actions... But I’ve Never Seen ANYTHING Good
Come From Inaction!

You see, the people who make their dreams come true...

The ones who are free... financially, emotionally and spiritually...

Are the decision-makers. The action-takers.

Meanwhile, the people who have to “think about it” are forced to live lives of quiet desperation. 

And really, that’s just a way of letting your fears stop you from doing something that could totally transform your life. It’s how many people subconsciously sabotage their success... so they can stay in their comfort zone of failure and mediocrity.

So the way I see it, this is simple:

If you let your fears get the best of you…

Your fear of failure…

Your money fears… listening to the voice in your head that says “Hmm, I’m not sure I should spend the money.”

Your guilt… “I really shouldn’t invest in myself. I’ve got bills to pay and mouths to feed.”

Your fear of the unknown… “What if this doesn’t work for me?”

Or the WORST fear… “What if this DOES work for me? Can I really handle making millions of dollars?”

In other words, if you leave this page today and continue with business as usual… with life as usual… then I can guarantee you the WORST possible outcome:

Things Will Continue Exactly
As They Are Right Now… 

Which means you’ll still continue to search for the elusive answer to achieving online success.

You’ll still continue to stay on the information product merry-go-round, where you feel like the answer is always one marketing promise away.

You’ll still continue to endure all the emotional agony and trial-and-error torture of trying to figure out everything by yourself.

Or… you can take me up on this offer today and change that… starting RIGHT NOW.

And enjoy a life of freedom, fun, and financial success… envied by all your friends, family, and former work colleagues.

If you’re truly serious about making an amazing change happen in your business and income over the next few months, then here’s what to do next:

Click the button below to enroll in this breakthrough program before we have to close the doors to new students for the next few months.

Just $995 or 6 payments of $197

We’ll send you a confirmation email within minutes that contains all the details you need to access our membership site, along with the bonus materials you’ll get when you join Partnership To Success.

But whatever you decide, don’t delay. 

Your future may depend on it. 

We’re looking forward to working with you, so go ahead and enroll now.

To your success and freedom,

John Thornhill
Creator of the Partnership To Success program

P.S. In closing, let me share this: 

I have a gut intuition about you...

And I’ve learned to trust my gut... because my “head intuition” is often wrong.

But my gut intuition is rarely wrong.

And it’s telling me something.

It’s telling me that yes, you ARE ready to be successful.

And you DO deeply desire to live the life you’ve always dreamed about.

That’s why I invite you to do THIS... right this very instant:

Click the button below to join Partnership To Success TODAY.

Just $995 or 6 payments of $197

As soon as you do that you can start putting it to use RIGHT AWAY to experience the thrill of more new customers... more sales... and more money in your pocket.

I’m excited for you, and I’m looking forward to your success!

Here’s A Recap Of Everything
You’ll Get When You Join
Partnership To Success

Partnership To Success
Online Coaching Program

The full Partnership To Success Program to create a digital product that sells
Step-by-step video lessons, PDF guides, mind maps, checklists, and MP3 audio recordings
Lifetime support from your dedicated Product Creation Coach
More types of support than any other program
Lifetime access to the Partnership To Success Mastermind community
BONUS #1: Lifetime access to 50 high quality, done-for-you digital products – including full PLR rights – through our collaborators, PLR Monster
BONUS #2: A 3-day joint venture promotion to my 100,000+ email subscribers
BONUS #3: An introduction to my 6,000+ joint venture partners and affiliates
BONUS #4: 12 months of complimentary VIP access to the world’s largest product launch announcement forum, JV Notify Pro
Our 6-month “Success Partnership Guarantee” – launch your first digital product or get your money back

Just $995 or 6 payments of $197

More Student Success Studies

Just $995 or 6 payments of $197

Copyright © 2022 Partnership To Success. All Rights Reserved.

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For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE. For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.  

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: You understand and agree that there are important risk factors that should be considered by you when deciding whether to invest in this training. NO EARNINGS PROJECTIONS, PROMISES OR REPRESENTATIONS. While my trainings have created hundreds of success stories, I have no idea of your experience, and more importantly your work ethic. You must recognize and agree that I have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to you investing in this training. Any earnings or income statements, or any earnings or income examples, are only estimates of what I think you could earn. Some of my students make no money, some make a little bit of money, some make a lot of money. What you earn will be down to a lot of factors that are out of my control.

Choose Your Option

Choose the option below that suits you best to enroll in
this breakthrough program before the doors close.

Full Pay


payment plan

$197 x6
