Your Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Your Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

When I was working full-time, every job I had left me feeling like I was missing something.  I often wished I could just be content in the role I was in at the time. My mind, however, kept urging me to reach for more, that I could succeed at anything I wished if only . . .

I wasn’t raised that way.  When I graduated from high school assuming I would be able to go on to be a teacher, I was told there was no money to send me to college. But I suspect that in hindsight, my parents felt I did not need any further education, as college was not needed for a woman.

This mental unrest never stopped and led me to try many different businesses, always assuming this new one was the avenue to success.  So I spent the next several decades letting my mind . . . for the lack of a better expression . . run amok. Of course, about 80% of these businesses failed.

I would like to think that now I have learned to corral my wayward mind.  I constantly remind myself of the adage “If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always gotten”  I should just get this tattooed on my forehead and paste it on my computer screen!

Having the right mindset for any business, online in particular, is essential for success.  Let me give you a few suggestions to help you:

Business Choices
– Before choosing a new business, sit back and look at your life.  Determine if you can carve out enough time to devote to the business you are choosing.  I can guarantee you there is not a business out there, especially online ones, that can give you quick success.  You should plan to put the business first for some segment of each day.

Trust But Verify 

– Choose something you can believe in and something that gets you excited.  Sale is a huge part of whatever you are going to do so it is valuable to believe in it.

– The internet is overwhelming with information and opportunities.  It’s easy to get excited but you need to research carefully before picking.  If you choose a business that’s mediocre, your credibility will be on the line and can do much more damage than just low sales.  Apply a mindset that has you thinking beyond the end of your nose.

Shiny Objects

– You will need tools to support your business.  E-commerce, affiliate marketing, online courses, etc. Software and apps are plentiful – but buyer beware – do they have the technical support you need to generate the promised result? Will the support be there in 6 months, a year?

No Man Is An Island

– If you think you can do your business alone, think again.  The 80% failure I mentioned above?  I have no one to blame but myself.  External training will make you see your weakness and if that support holds you accountable, you will stay on the correct path to success.

– And finally, pay it forward.  Success isn’t just bringing in money but, just like this blog, you should be willing to help others, the reward here is, as they say, “priceless”.

Please allow me to share a link to my online business training.  It would be great to share journeys yes?

More later,

Best regards,

Peggy Uhal

This is a guest post from Peggy Uhal, if you would like to be considered for a guest post please contact me.

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