Why Do So Many Websites use WordPress

Why Do So Many Websites use WordPress

I wondered why WordPress is so popular.

So, I began looking into what WordPress has to offer for website design and development and, why so many web site designers choose to use it.

Here is what I discovered. WordPress powers 30% of websites according to an article published by smallbiztrends.com

Novice designers use WordPress because it is easy to install, easy to learn. You do not need to know CSS, JAVA, HTML, or PHP, and it has an intuitive interface.

It offers unmatched flexibility to customize websites through its many free and paid themes.

Web designers also have access to additional extensibility with the considerable assortment of plugins available.

In some cases, you can download the WordPress software and have your website published on the internet in less than an hour.

What is WordPress

WordPress is the most popular open-source CMS (Content Management System) used on the internet today.

It is used for basic websites, blogs as well as complex enterprise solutions.

Packed with an array of features there is no limit to how it can be used and customized to suit personal preferences.

There are two flavors of WordPress there is WordPress.com and WordPress.org.

When you create your website on/with WordPress.com your website is also hosted there.

With WordPress.org you download the software and then install it onto the web hosting company (server) of your choice.

Some web hosting companies have a WordPress “quick install” option available.

Here are some other WordPress features

Publishing Tools –
Posts can be scheduled, and you can post via email. Schedule posts to your website

User Management –
Allows the assigning of access to Administrators, editors, authors and contributors and subscribers to according to their roles/responsibilities

Media Management –
Add media files such as PDF’s, jpeg, png and text files, spreadsheets to your uploader and these files can be made available on your website.

Search Engine Optimized –
WordPress is SEO optimized from the moment you begin using it. There are also plugins
to refine your SEO for individual / specific requirements.

Portability –
Should you need to move your website from one hosting company to another.

Support –
If you have any questions or run into problems, there is the WordPress Support Forum

Can Publish content immediately –
There is no need to wait in order to publish a post. Once you click on publish your site is updated.

Where to Get WordPress
As mentioned, there are two ways that you can get a WordPress website. With either option, you will need a domain name. There are several places on the web where you can purchase a domain name.

If you decide that you want to download WordPress onto a domain that you own hosted website, check with your hosting company to see whether they already offer WordPress on their servers.

If your hosting company does not already provide WordPress, you can download the software by following these steps:

Using your web browser navigate to the WordPress.org website.
Select “Get WordPress”.

This will download a zip file into the downloads folder of your browser or to the location where you have selected downloads to be saved. Once the file is downloaded install WordPress following the steps provided by your hosting company.

If you decide to have your website hosted by WordPress.com. Follow these steps:

With your web browser navigate to WordPress.com.
Then click on “Start Your Website”.

With all the many features and functionality, I have a huge appreciation of why WordPress is the choice of the many, from beginners to professionals that design websites.

So, with either option of WordPress.com or WordPress.org anyone can get started on a website of their own in a short amount of time and join the many millions of web designers that choose WordPress for the designs of their websites.


If you have found value in the information above and would like to take it to the next level by monetizing your WordPress website. Click the link below for a free webinar that details how you can start generating sales from your WordPress website.


This is a guest post from Nicole Tribble, if you would like to be considered for a guest post please contact me.

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