What’s This “Affiliate Marketing” All About Then?

What’s This “Affiliate Marketing” All About Then?

If you are looking for a way to make some extra money over and above what you earn from the “JOB”, then you are by no means alone. Many jobs, such as in retail for instance, are day-to-day repeats: you do pretty much today what you did yesterday and will do again tomorrow. Do it for 40 or 45 years and you can retire.

However, it doesn’t produce the sort of money that you can earn if you work for yourself. I know, because I worked in retail for three or four years – at Selfridges in Oxford Street – and rose to the dizzy height of Assistant Buyer and Staff Trainer. However, I have been self-employed since the age of 24. Without going into too much detail, I worked for three or four companies as a salesman on a commission-only basis. But by the age of 27 / 28, I was earning £4,000 a year. That was in 1968. That is the equivalent of just short of £100,000 a year today!

However, I had to pay all my expenses. Buy and run my car, fuel, etc. So, it wasn’t all pocket money. Nonetheless, a great income. I made a sale and earned really good commission. The company is happy, and so am I.

And that, in short, is what affiliate marketing is all about. You become an “affiliate” – i.e. self-employed salesperson – for a business, and that business pays you nothing until you make a sale. When you do, you get a very good commission. Today, working as an affiliate, you can earn 50%, 75%, and sometimes even 100% of the sale price!

True, some commissions are small because the initial sale price is small. But you can also earn, say, 50% on a sale value of $997! Not only that, but there are many offerings where you can earn ongoing commissions because the customer pays a recurring fee every month or every year.

Think about this: if you have 100 customers paying – let’s say $47 a month for a product or service, of which you get 50% – that’s £2,350 a month for doing absolutely nothing! Yes, you had to get that customer in the first place, but once you have done that you do nothing. £28,200 a year while you sit in the sun on the beach!

It gets better, because you can multiply that by any number you wish, just by bringing in more customers or selling different products! It can be a fabulous life!

NO Expenses!

Not only that, but today you can do this with NO expenses! Yes, because everything is online there are no overheads. No visiting people. No costs for phone calls. Sure, you can buy advertising space, and that is a cost. But that is something to look at later if you want to attract even more customers.

Now, just for a moment, let’s look at the downside. You see dozens – hundreds – of offers from companies or individuals online offering wonderful products that will earn you $500, $1,000 or more – starting tomorrow – they will tell you! Certainly, it may be possible, but it is very unlikely.

Why? Because while you may find people who are interested in the product, they may not buy it the first time they see it. They may not even buy it the second or third time they see it. 

Why? Because they don’t know you from Adam. Why should they believe what you tell them about this “fabulous” product? The answer is that you need to build a list. What’s a list? A list of people who have given you their email. That means that you can send them emails about the product. After a bit they begin to get to know you. They start to like you. They begin to trust you.

And that is when they will trust you enough to buy the product that you are recommending. Bear those words in mind: Know, like, and trust.

It Takes A Little Time

This is why you may not start to get those fantastic sales that so many of these product/service providers are telling you that you will get tomorrow. It takes a little time. However, once those people do know, like, and trust you, you can sell other products to them as well – over time. So, building a list is crucial.

But how do you do that? The answer is that there are several ways to do it, most of which can be done without spending any money. Instead, it will take you some time. Not a huge amount of time. Perhaps a few weeks. Maybe a month or six weeks. You may get a handful of sales in the meantime, but then they will start to trickle in on a regular basis. As you build your list, the more sales you make.

 This is why I am a big fan of John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program and Clickbank Super Funnel. Unlike many of these program producers who couldn’t care less whether you make sales or not, as long as they have sufficient coming in, John actually cares about every member. He WANTS you to succeed. And he goes to extreme lengths to ensure that you do.

He provides videos and tutorials that go into great detail about how you build your list and how you get those people to know, like, and trust you. He doesn’t promise you will become a millionaire next week. You DO have to put in a little effort, but it’s only perhaps 5 – 6 hours a week. Split over seven days, perhaps half an hour or an hour here and there. And you can fit that in whenever it suits you.

Find out more by clicking HERE. You’ll regret it forever if you don’t!

This is guest post written by Peter Wood, If you wish to be considered for a guest post then please get in touch with me.

















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