What’s Stopping You With Success In Affiliate Marketing?

What’s Stopping You With Success In Affiliate Marketing?

In my case it is my mindset, there is a lot to learn when you start as an affiliate, and the most important thing is your mindset. I have dabbled in Affiliate Marketing has failed each time. Why? It was my mindset that came from my beliefs. The beliefs I’ve been carrying since I was a child and held me back.

My Beliefs Were:

  • People will and did say I was crazy.
  • People put me down. “You can’t make money online”.
  • I doubted myself.
  • I can’t do this.
  • Good things happen to other people.
  • I’m not smart enough.
  • Money doesn’t bring you happiness.
  • Money is the root of all evil.
  • I don’t have anything of value to share…and the list goes on.

I didn’t believe I could earn a living online knew I had to change my thinking to get myself unstuck and change my life.

How and Why I Changed my Mindset.

It was as simple and hard as I woke up one day and thought, “There has to be more to life than this. I’m 65. I don’t own a home, I struggle to make ends meet and one day my rental may no longer be available. “This scared me and I knew that day I had to make a decision to get my act together. No more sitting on my butt worrying about the future, no more living in the past. I had to change my life if I wanted to feel any form of security and eliminate my stress.

I realised if I wanted a better life I had to stop doing what I was doing and believing and start working on my mindset. Some don’t believe in self help and meditation. I thought what I believed was right and anything else was BS. So I started hunting, looking for help to change how I think. I said earlier that changing is simple and hard, let me explain.

The simple part is making the decision and finding the resources, the hard part is letting go of my old beliefs, taking action and believing I can do this. I remember my first self help audiobook by Jen Ciincero, I was skeptical at first but that one audiobook has changed me for the good.

I Learned:

  • To love myself.
  • To trust myself.
  • To believe in myself.
  • To work on me every day.
  • I am in control of my life.
  • I can succeed.
  • I will succeed.
  • Let go of my fear and take a leap of faith.

Affiliate Marketing is a business and is no different from brick-and-mortar business, both need action, investment and more importantly, a never give up mindset. We all look at people who have had success being an affiliate or whatever they do and ask how they do it. When I look at people who have already succeeded in any industry, I ask what they have that I don’t. I’m willing to bet that we are not that different, we are all Human.

Whether you are on your way to success or have already succeeded and are living your dream life. We are the only ones who can change our situation, no one will change it for us. It was a hard lesson to learn for me because the scared child in me was always waiting for someone to save me.

People who have already reached their goals no doubt had bumps in the road but, it isn’t the bump that matters, it is the way you handle the bump. You have two choices when you hit a bump, give up or find a way over the bump.

There is a light at the end of every tunnel you just have to look for it. If you’re not sure how or where to start, or how to handle the bumps, find someone to help you. It’s not easy to find someone who you click with and trust to lead the way. For the last three months I have been running around in circles trying different programs, spending money I didn’t need to and banging my head against a brick wall I almost gave up. I’m lucky I stuck to what I wanted, I accidentally stumbled upon John Thornhill, and I decided to put my trust in him. I was so relieved to finally find a down-to-earth, no hype or BS kinda guy. I knew when I listened to John that things will be different for me this time.

I’ve only been learning from John for a few days and I can already see the value. I’m getting my business set up rather than scratching my head after listening to others who just confused me.

The moral to all this is so important, never give up, climb that mountain and get to the top, believe in yourself and love yourself enough to reach your goals and live your dreams. My new journey means everything to me, without my will to reach my goals, I may lose my beloved horse and dog, and I could also end up homeless. I can’t and won’t let that happen and this is what I’m doing to learn and grow my business.

This is a guest-written post by Pauline Smith, If you wish to be considered for a guest [ost then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

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