What is A Blog And Why Do All Businesses Need One?

What is A Blog And Why Do All Businesses Need One?

Good day, today I decided to detail to you a chapter from my new Blogging guide, it’s only the first chapter and a brief introduction to my first digital product. If you missed my last post where I detail the mindset change necessary for anyone looking to do create their business online you can find it here: https://www.johnthornhill.com/blog/why-i-never-succeeded-online

The Blogging guide I am writing is currently unfinished but please keep in contact with me or follow me directly to keep track of the progress, you might find a discount waiting in one of those emails you subscribe to on my blog! So make sure you head over to my site and subscribe to get the latest updates.

The best way to keep in contact with me is to join up here where I am offering the free report that got me working hard daily at my online business: https://lewis-anderson.com/why-you-will-never-succeed-online/

Just go to the site, hit the red Download Free button, enter your name, and email and you can reply to the first email I send you, mention you read my post on John’s blog and you will get a personal reply directly from me so you know I am not just automating everything, I am real and will respond to and support anyone who joins me in my online business and digital marketing ventures.

So here is the first chapter of my new blogging guide, due to be completed soon! Feel free to give feedback.

What Is A Blog and Why do you Need One?

A blog is short for weblog meaning a website log. It’s a digital representation of a log but mostly represented as an online journal. Since blogs began, any blog online today we stumble upon, their sole purpose is to feed fresh categorized content to the internet about anything the publisher desires.

We will find no real difference between a blog and any other website. They are one in the same thing with a blog falling under a website category. Before WordPress and blogging, there were feeds and other ways to serve content where you could subscribe to multiple websites and get sent fresh content via email subscription.

It gave a website the ability to request its visitors subscribe and for the website to broadcast to its visitors, then send updates in a computer-readable format, but it was not something the average day-to-day person could just log into and learn how to start a successful blog.

Blogging could only be done by programmers or someone with advanced knowledge on how to put it together. It would be one static page that got updated with HTML code whenever the blog owner wanted to add more links or content to the page. There was nothing massively used for publishing personal content like a blog can be used.

A blog is a website that can have static pages, but the blog would be a dynamic page, which displayed a series of dated posts. The posts would usually be categorized, dated, and tagged for reference and the content could be about anything.
Posts are like pages but are speaking or detailing a specific subject and they are not usually part of a website’s menu structure, for example, Home, About Us, Contact Us like pages are.

A good example of a blog would be my blog here https://lewis-anderson.com

What Is a WordPress Blog?

Now we have what is called a Content Management Systems or if you see CMS in relation to websites or blogs, that what it means, Content Management System. The idea behind a content management system is that it gives you or any average person who can use a keyboard and mouse the ability to create and build a website or blog from a blank template.

Like Apple, Windows, and Microsoft Office applications, you have a nice visual interface with clear readable words and menus to help you manage the content and website without any coding or technical abilities. You can upload images by going to the content library and pressing upload, you can write the content on posts and pages, changing things around just like you would on anything else you are already used to doing online.

You should already be used to using Apple or Microsoft or any other program where you can copy, paste, drag & drop, insert images, videos, and attach files, while you do that, it shows a nice-looking website on the other end. It’s so simple and easy to perform once shown how anyone can do it!

In fact, it’s harder to open an eBay account than it is to build a blog or website today on a CRM like WordPress. It’s an already built-in system designed specifically for people like me, and you who have no way to code or program a website.

Benefits of Blogging

Blogs have massive benefits and the biggest one is people love content and are always searching online. Blogs are also user-friendly and easy to use so the average person can create their own blog and continue to use it without too much of a learning curve. Blogging gives you the ability to tell a story and build trust with your audience.

It can also provide content for email marketing and social media and give you the ability to establish authority in your chosen niche.

The way we are going to benefit from a blog in the guide I am writing is by using it to build the foundations of our online business, by making it our main website and central hub for all we do. The blog we can focus on in detail later in my course but understand it will be a website that also has a blogging feature.

Whatever business we decide to create after following my blogging guide, the blog and website will always be the place for your online efforts to refer to whether you decide to do a YouTube channel or dropshipping store, it’s all done from this one central blog or voiced from or to your Blog.

You can capture your own audience regardless of the platform you do business on. Even offline businesses should capture clients and refer them to their blogs and online platforms. You have heard of Google slaps and YouTube creators losing chunks of their income or audiences just because the platform makes changes? Well, referring everyone back to your blog removes the ability for tech giants to cut you off from your audience, you keep hold of them via email marketing and your website blog.

Blogs are used for hundreds of reasons but here are a few uses you can use your blog to start earning an income from it.

You can use your blog for affiliate marketing, AdSense, or selling Ad space. You can sell sponsored blog posts, get paid to write reviews, or even build blogs for others. I have managed to create my own dropshipping store, multisite blogging farm, and online marketing website with my current blogs.

Money is made based on the amount of traffic generated and work put into the blog. Successful blogs make six and seven figures, so blogging is not to be underestimated and has many practical uses in today’s world.

Just as many businesses can be built as there are uses for a blog so without detailing the whole of something that can be found with a simple Google search, I will detail the easiest and most recommended businesses that can be built today.

Creating homemade goods is massive and with all the spare time people had during the lockdowns and isolations many people re-found their hobbies.

Creating woodwork, cushions, jewelry, and many other homemade items and selling them on your blog is a terrific way to start generating income today.

Developing a product related to a specific niche is a great business to start from your blog. From creating cookery books and recipes to sell, to Golfing and weight loss advice, there are many product ideas you can start creating and selling online from your blog.

Affiliate marketing is the first way people start with their online businesses. This is usually also with Amazon specifically as everyone knows and trusts Amazon, from there you can get into better products with higher commissions as you learn affiliate marketing.

Becoming an influencer is an amazing opportunity to gain massive traffic and build your blog however, most influencers became so by accident so unless you have that charismatic appeal to a specific audience, becoming an influencer is a bit hit and miss. Not anyone can do it.

With all the potential a blog has, it must be one of the most important tools a business will ever use for customer satisfaction and retention. It’s your business voice and social relationship marketing tool.

Thanks for reading. Subscribe to my blog and newsletter on my website for more Digital Marketing.

Remember to subscribe to my email newsletter and grab the report that got me off my sofa moaning about the world and my problems, to at my desk working daily towards my success.

I currently have no subscribers and only a few followers on my social media platforms so please stop by, subscribe to my YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter and Facebook so we can stay in contact.


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Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed my first chapter, the second chapter is about Identifying Your Purpose, send me an email if you want exclusive access tot to read the second chapter. See you again next month!

Success With Lewis Anderson

This is a guest post from Lewis Anderson, if you would like to be considered for a guest post please contact me.

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