What Can Your Learn From Post Launch Profits?

A few days ago I told you about Post Launch profits, a free report detailing how Alex Jeffreys managed to earn over $100,000 selling info products over a 12 month period from scratch.

Well what is Alex’s motive behind this report? Why would he give it away when he could quite easily sell it for $67 or even $97?

Well the cold hard facts are once you sign up to receive the report you will get hit with a ‘One Time Offer’ (OTO) of $77 and if you reject that you will be offered a ‘Downsell’ offer of $37

This is the reason behind the giveaway, and in fact a lot of giveaways, I have actually used this tactic myself a number of times and it works very well.

So Alex will still make a ton of money even though he is giving something away.

But what else can you learn from Post Launch profits? And in fact many other product launches?

Well you get to study the ‘pros’ in action, see what methods they use and see how they do things, so when the time comes for you to launch your own product you can take what you have learned and apply it to your business.

For example:

  • Look how Alex has had a professional sales page written just to capture your email address. (Is this the way the Squeeze pages are going?)
  • Look how he has created a stunning OTO that is very very very hard to turn down. (Could your OTO’s be as appealing as this?)
  • Look how you are offered a ‘downsell’ if you turn the initial OTO down. (Do you have a downsell offer in your OTO’s?)
  • And most important of all, look how you ultimately end up on his mailing list, and this is what it’s all about folks.

See how much you can learn just by watching how other people operate?

So next time you see a ton of people promoting a product see what you can take from it and incorporate it into your own business.

And remember this, you don’t always have to buy a product to learn from it!

And if you have not checked out Post Launch profits yet now is the time to do so, study Alex in action for yourself and learn from it. And be sure to read the report as it’s a ‘little belter’ as we say in the North of England (That means it’s good 🙂 )


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1 Comment

  1. Hey John,
    Thanks for dissecting Alex’s launch. I would love to know how much he rakes in on this.

    I would also like to say that his affiliate tools go above and beyond most of what I’ve seen out there. That’s something I’m taking notes on for my next (okay, first) launch. 🙂


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