The one thing to change to rocket your business

The one thing to change to rocket your business

Not many people know the truth.

BELIEFS…. Are they helping or destroying your success?

We are living in a world where the system, the culture, the family, the education… drive our life since we are born. They implement in our minds some beliefs (or better said their beliefs).

But what is a belief and why are they so important?

A belief is something that you feel sure and accept as true.

(For example, mummy and daddy always used to say… “You have to work hard to earn money”, “money causes fights and problems”, “rich people are selfish”, and “money doesn’t fall from the trees”…)

You may have heard, seen, or felt something for a long time, or just experienced it intensely, and they became beliefs for you (their beliefs are now your beliefs too).

They have a crucial importance in your life although not many people know it. 

And what should I know? 

Our beliefs drive our lives. It means if you are not getting the results you want in your life, you should first look inside rather than out. You can have beliefs that can be damaging to your goals and you aren’t even aware of them.

Our results in life can not be higher than our identity. Maybe you are not aware of the importance of what I just said. Those who understand this have the KEY to change their life.

I will repeat it….


But hey, the good news is we can change them. I want to share with you how you can do it. 

But before we dive into the steps please, write down 3 beliefs that you are ready to challenge and select the one that you think is core for moving forward faster in your goals.

Ready to elevate your business and start making more money?


(Let’s go through the steps with an example. It´ll be easier for you to follow)

1, Identifying the self-limiting belief.

Self-limiting belief → “It’s impossible to make lots of money”

2, Negative consequences.

What has it not allowed you to be, to have or to do?

Having this belief…    “I´ve always settled for getting paycheck by paycheck” or

“I’ve never been consistent enough to make money” or 

“I’ve always been broke”…

3, Look for a new empowered belief.

  • Knowing that it’s true for you… (I´ve always settled for getting paycheck by paycheck”)…. 
  • What is not true for you? → “You can get as much money as you want”.
  • Why isn’t it true?…..” because it’s very hard to earn money” or “only people with luck can 

get a large amount of money”.

  • What can you believe NOW instead? → “I was born to make a lot of money like everyone else” or “I can be wealthy and modest” or “It feels great having a large amount of money”…..

4, Joining new belief to pleasure.

What positive things could the new belief bring to your life?

Joy in life, abundance, success, with more money I can help more people, better life, comfort…

5, Visualizing a future.

Close your eyes for a few minutes and visualize yourself in the future living a life with that new belief.

DONE!! You´ve changed it!! Well done!!

How do you feel?

If we change a BELIEF then, we change the MEANING then, we change the EMOTION then, we change the ACTION → Then, we change OUR LIFE. 

TIP → Question everything. As soon as you detect a limiting belief, follow the steps to change it.

Now that you´ve changed your limiting beliefs, elevate your online business and take action supported by your new empowered beliefs.

What’s the next step to rocket your online business? Visit this page for more details. 

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” Carl Jung

This is a guest post by Laura Mengual, if you wish to be considered for a guest post then please contact me.

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