The key to Social Media Success

SuccessSocial media is something that as “consumers of information” we can cannot ignore.  People’s whole lives are on social media. In fact a company like Facebook probably knows more about us then we even know or remember!

As a “producer of information” (which you and I are) social media is equally important, if not essential.

It is said that when a person Googles your name either your LinkedIn or Facebook profile is more than likely to pop up on the search results on page 1.  Therefore you need to make sure you are leveraging the power of social media.

In this blog post I want to talk about why social media is so important and how you can become a master at it and thus be seen as an expert in your field.

Let’s talk social media

Above I said that a person may Google your name and find your social media profile. They click through with the purpose of finding out who you are. Perhaps before buying that product or service they want to “check you out.”

So what are these people look for? They want information about you so that they can:

Know you – they want to see what is this John Thornhill lad or Richard Butler like.  Do they just talk the talk or are they also real people.  From what you post they can decide if they

Like you – don’t underestimate the importance of someone liking you. It is a known face that people buy from people they like.  How will they know if they like you? Based on the information you post.  If it is a mixture of fun, educational, informative and useful.  Believe me there are many people – customers, clients and jv partners who will make a decision about you based on what they see on social media. Once they know you they have to

Trust you – people also buy from people they trust.  You know no matter how good a sales man is you don’t buy from them if you don’t trust them.  You know the old image you have of  sales man being a bit tricky, a bit of a hustler, who will tell you anything to get the sale?  Well you don’t trust that type of person, so people will look at social media to see if you are trust worthy from what you post.

How do I build up the KLT formula?

I have to admit KLT=success. It is a simple formula to understand however, it is not such a simple formula to implement.

You see in order to succeed in all three steps you need to make sure you are publishing content each and every day, maybe even a few times a day on relevant and interesting topics.

This means you need to:

  • Find content
  • Ensure it matches your criteria
  • Post it in real time
  • Monitor the results
  • Oh and you might want to monetize it somehow as well

As you can see this takes time. But I am going to let you know a secret.

Secret number 1

Once you have your content researched and found you can actually automate the posting of it.  This means that you can take the content, plug it into some software and then tell the software when you need to the content posted, set the date and time and viola – the content is automatically published without your intervention.

That’s great right? Well yes, it solves 1 issue out of 4.  You still have to find the content, ensure it matches your criteria, monitor it and then also monetize it.

Secret number 2

There is software out there that can find content, ensure it matches your criteria, monitor the results and schedule it!  This really has helped me build up content for my Facebook posts and groups, LinkedIn status update and of course for Twitter.

This means that I am sharing content that is relevant (articles and pictures) on a regular basis. In fact as of today I have content scheduled until late 2017! Yes it really is set and forget.

You can check out my walkthrough here

Secret number 3

Ok I know you are thinking yeah but this is great but there is no way I can monetize the content from what you have said above. And yes you are right there! So my other secret weapon is here! It will automate all postings based on keywords you give the software.  However you have full control to make sure that certain  filters are in place so that only the content you want appears.  The great thing is that this tool will also help you monetize your posts.

Having an active presence on social media is a must, but it takes time and effort to ensure you continually putting out good content.  The two tools mentioned above can really help you.

Here’s a quick summary of both

Social Automation tool 1 This tool allows you more control over your content and when and where you schedule it to.

Social Automation tool 2 allows you to find content, schedule it (you have no control over timings it does it automatically) and monetize it.

I use both these tools on a daily basis and literally spend maybe 1 hour a month or less loading up the content for them.  They are building my social media authority every day without me doing anything! Now that is pretty darn good in my book!

This is a guest post written by Richard Butler. If you’d like to be considered for a guest post contact me.

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  1. Thanks James

    Glad you enjoyed it as I enjoyed writing this gues post for John

  2. Learned a few tricks on optimizing my business. I strongly feel that I can build a system and run a well oiled machine with this article.

  3. It seems that you are master in this field John. Now, I will have to get my hands on social media with your secrets 😉

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