Solo Ads for Newbies

Solo Ads for Newbies

One of the biggest challenges most digital marketers face is how to drive traffic to their sales pages. One of the ways many choose is to purchase Solo Ads because they are easy to do and can be quickly profitable. They can also be beneficial to people like me who are fairly new in their digital marketing business and have not yet built up a list of subscribers or a social following.

Now, if you’re asking yourself, “What the heck is a Solo AD?” don’t feel alone. I just recently found out about them myself and learned a Solo Ad is an advertisement on another person’s email list in which your product is the only thing being advertised in that email. Ideally, the other person has a warm and active email list of subscribers who need and are interested in the thing you want to promote. That other person is the Solo Ad seller and will charge a fee to you for sending your stuff to their list of subscribers (usually in terms of Cost Per Click, or a set price for a guaranteed number of clicks on your link).

However, as you may already know, the Solo Ad Seller part of the digital marketing industry is fraught with sellers who are, dare I say, less than scrupulous. If you aren’t careful, you could end up spending a LOT of money and have NOTHING to show for it!

Personally, I am still “testing” my way through the Solo Ad world and am on a learning curve, just like learning digital marketing. Figuring out how the process works is something I count as a win and each time I make a mistake, I also count that as a win. Obviously, when a sale is made, I count that as a BIG win!

Along the way in my Solo ad-testing journey, I was introduced to a new Solo ad-selling platform that (as of this writing) is still in beta testing. The original launch to get people signed up on the platform as beta testers has ended, so now the only way to get access to it is through the affiliate link of someone who is already on the platform.

It is called Traffic Zest. As stated earlier, it is still in beta-test mode and there are still some bugs being worked out. Because of that, I have chosen not to rely on it to actually generate any income for me, though that is a good possibility and would be an added bonus.  For me, I use this platform as a very inexpensive way to “test” my various landing pages, funnels, and campaigns to be sure they are working properly (because sometimes I miss things when I send tests to my own email addresses) and to learn how Solo Ads work. Check out the video on this page to see if it might be of interest to you.

Signing up for the platform is free (you can do that here). There is a minimum funding of $100 required to actually use the Traffic Zest platform. However, you can use that $100 in a myriad of ways by setting any number of parameters you choose (covered in the video linked above). 

I usually set my maximum campaign run at $20 or $25 total. Candidly, the actual spent amount will usually go over by a couple of dollars…this is one of the kinks the developers are working on to fix while in beta.  So when I set my max spend at $25 for the entire campaign, I usually end up spending about $28. I’m okay with that. 

So, again, check out this video here to see if Traffic Zest might be useful to you.

And if it is, then you can sign up for the platform here.

At any rate, I hope this information is as helpful in your Solo Ad journey as it has been in mine.

This is a guest post written by Kat McNeil, If you wish to be considered for a guest post then please contact me.

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