Simple Tips to Improve Your Time Management

Simple Tips to Improve Your Time Management

Got a minute?

Let me ask you a couple of questions …

As your online business continues to grow, do you often feel there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done?


Do you become overwhelmed by the number of tasks you need to complete each day?

The obvious solutions to these problems are to be more organized and to manage your time more effectively, but how can you achieve these?

What I have outlined below are a few simple methods and tips which I use in order to get full value out of the time that I have.

Tip #1 – Make A To-Do List

Writing down the things you have to do will remind you of what you need to complete, and if you want to prioritize them, you can put the tasks in the order you need to follow them.

It should be flexible enough so you can pull forward something that had previously been less urgent.

My favorite aspect of the list is that as I complete each task, I can tick it off.

It is like a series of little mini-goals that I’ve achieved – an incredibly positive feeling.

Tip #2 – Eliminate Time Wasters.

Decide if something you are planning to do adds any value to your business or your life.

There are so many things that we think are important and need to be done which are actually preventing us from being as productive as we’d like.

By being aware of your time wasters, you can work on eliminating them and thus spend more time doing worthwhile activities.

One prime example of a time-waster is constantly checking emails whenever there is an email alert.

Before you know it ‘I’m just checking emails’ becomes 2 hours of aimless link clicking and web site hopping.

Do yourself a huge favor and turn off your email when working at your PC or laptop.

The same applies to your social media accounts when you are alerted to posts, messages, and updates on Facebook, Instagram, and the rest.

Social media has become one of the biggest culprits when it comes to wasting time, so do not let it waste yours.

Tip #3 – Tidy and Organize Your Workspace

Keeping your workspace tidy and organized especially your computer’s ‘desktop’ is another great way to ensure you work efficiently.

Having a clutter-free environment will allow you to focus on the tasks at hand rather than wasting time searching for something.

This should include your computer’s desktop and folders.

Always give your folders and files simple, unambiguous names to easily identify them in the future.

Also, if there are folders that you won’t be using for a while remove them from your desktop and ‘archive’ them for later.

Tip #4 – Chill!

My last tip is to simply to take ‘time out’ and relax.

This may seem contradictory when discussing time management but it’s highly recommended.

It is extremely beneficial to take a breather or a quick break as it will help your mind and body relax.

Remember the whole point of time management is to achieve maximum output in the time you have available.

This aim is surely easier to achieve when your body and mind are relaxed and energized as opposed to fatigued and stressed.

And Finally,

These tips might seem simplistic but, in most circumstances, simple ideas tend to be the ones that work best.

These simple methods I use allow me to be more productive and effective regardless of the task I am working on.

That’s all for now…time out!

PS: For more details on the steps to take to build an online business from someone who has done it many times over with great success, Watch this Free Training:

PPS: Please feel free to share this post with your friends, and followers.

This is a guest post from James Utterson, if you would like to be considered for a guest post please contact me.

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