Secrets to a Six-Figure Side Hustle

Secrets to a Six-Figure Side Hustle

On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing anything was a long, slow, tedious process usually undertaken in the home.

By 1900, however, one or a few people could oversee a factory machine that would churn out thousands of products in a fraction of the time.

We too are living through a similar, productivity-boosting revolution – in information rather than industry.

And yet many people treat the fruits of this revolution as a simple pastime, sharing cute cat videos or playing online games.

They are yet to grasp the dramatic improvements to the financial wellbeing of themselves and their families they could accomplish.

In this short article, I will outline a simple formula anyone with a computer and internet connection can use to not only earn a 4-, 5- or even 6-figure income working from home…

They can also do it as a side hustle.

That means working for only 30 to 60 minutes per day – even with no experience.


Needless to say, our side hustle must be as easy as possible. We don’t want to spend hours creating products or answering the phone to customers.

This means focusing primarily on some form of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is when you promote the products and services of another company or merchant.

All of the sales, billing, and support is handled for you by the company. All you need to do is refer visitors to the product sales page, and you are paid a commission for each successful sale.

Thousands of companies, including big brands such as Amazon, Microsoft and Nike, offer an affiliate program, so choice is abundant.

High Reward

5% commission won’t cut it. We want 50%, 75%, or even 100% per sale for our efforts.

This means discarding physical products in favor of digital – e.g., eBooks, online courses, software, etc. 

The latter cost nothing to reproduce, so vendors can pay us a bigger share.

Other benefits we need to look for are two-tier or downline rewards.

These are commissions you can earn when your own referrals promote the product in question to still more people; you get to take a small cut from their sales.

Needless to say, such an arrangement can be spectacularly lucrative.

Great Products

Anyone buying the products we promote should love them. After all, we want our customers to be happy.

But there is a very special checklist we must follow when selecting products suitable for a 30-minute per day side hustle:

  1. a) Quick: The products must sell quickly. We don’t want to be waiting months for our first paycheck.
  2. b) Low cost: They need to be affordable, i.e. in the $9.95 to $19.95 per month range. Or, at least, people must think they’re getting a bargain.
  3. c) Recurring subscription: One-off commissions are a dead end. We need continual earnings from a single sale, month after month, year after year.
  4. d) Lifetime commitment – Customers canceling their subscriptions after only a month or two would be a disaster. Our products therefore need to be so unbelievably useful that giving them up would be devastating for the customer.

Sow Seeds Today for a Harvest Tomorrow

The affiliate programs we choose must market to our leads on our behalf once we have made an initial sale.

For one thing, this means less of our own time spent crafting marketing copy by ourselves.

But the more important reason is that the programs should promote multiple or big-ticket products to our referrals on our behalf – potentially forever.

Believe me, there’s nothing better than waking up to a $500 commission check from a sale made to a customer whom you referred to a company two years prior.

Build a Permanent Asset

The final requirement is possibly the most important of all:

We must build a permanent audience of leads and customers on an email list.

Anyone who makes serious money online for the long term does this, bar none.

As your list grows with more subscribers, you will eventually reach a point when you can craft a quick email to promote a great new product you’ve discovered.

Minutes later, several hundred dollars (or more) will hit your bank account.

Starting Your Own Six-Figure Side Hustle

Following these five simple steps is enough for you to launch a side hustle that will create a perpetual motion of predictable passive income.

One that can grow from 4 to 5 to 6 figures and beyond.

But what if there was more?

What if there was a way of accomplishing this simple formula all in one place?

  • A place that makes your side hustle easy to set up
  • A place where quality products to promote have been selected for you
  • A place that can get you high, recurring rewards, month after month
  • A place that does all of the marketing for you
  • A place that will show some of the best set-and-forget traffic sources
  • A place that builds your permanent email list on autopilot
  • A place that vanquishes any last remaining guesswork
  • A place where you partner with a proven super-affiliate marketer eager to share with you exactly what you must do

Fortunately, such a place is very much a reality:

Your way in is right here.

This is a guest post written by Duncan Whitmore, If you wish to be considered for a guest post then please contact me.

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