Procrastination Be Gone! Top Ten Practical Tips for Getting Things Done

Procrastination Be Gone! Top Ten Practical Tips for Getting Things Done

So you have an idea to start a business, or lose those last ten pounds, or simply clean the house.

Ah, but the nasty procrastination has reared its ugly head—We all suffer from it.  The art of doing everything except what we’re supposed to be doing, even laundry, is enticing when you are putting off that one thing you know you need to do.

It’s like our brains are conspiring against our to-do lists, whispering sweet nothings about “later” and “tomorrow.” But fear not, fellow procrastinators! With a little humor and a sprinkle of practicality, we can conquer this beast and reclaim our productivity throne and finally get things done!

Top 10 Action Lists to Overcome Procrastination

  • Just Start, Seriously: The hardest part is often just starting. So, tell yourself you’ll work on that dreaded task for just 5 minutes. Once you get going, momentum might just carry you through.
  • Break It Down: Big tasks can be intimidating. Write it down and break them into smaller, manageable chunks. Tackle them one chunk at a time like you’re on a delicious buffet of productivity. Checking off small tasks one at a time is very satisfying and before you know it you are making progress.
  • Set Deadlines (Real Ones): Procrastinators thrive on deadlines, but why not set your own? Make them realistic, though. “Finish world domination plans by Friday” might be ambitious. A simple thing like setting a timer for five minutes and doing tasks until it dings will keep you on the straight and narrow
  • Find Your Prime Productivity Time: Are you a morning lark or a night owl? Figure out when you’re most productive and tackle your tasks then. Unless it’s 2 AM and you’re craving pancakes—that can wait.
  • Minimize Distractions: Goodbye, social media rabbit holes. Put away the phone, close unnecessary tabs, and find a quiet corner where Netflix can’t tempt you with just one more episode.  Save these “fun” things for the next tip… rewards.
  • Reward Yourself: You do deserve a reward for completing what you set out to do. Positive reinforcement works wonders. Promise yourself a treat—a snack, a walk, or even just a guilt-free hour of cat videos—after completing tasks.
  • Accountability Buddy: Get a friend or a colleague to hold you accountable. Meet once a day, once a week or once a month.  Nothing motivates like the fear of disappointing someone who believes in you (and possibly knows embarrassing secrets).
  • Embrace Imperfection: Perfectionism can lead to paralysis. Accept that not everything needs to be flawless. Sometimes good enough is, well, good enough. Remember, “Done is better than perfect”
  • Visualize Success: Imagine how awesome it will feel to cross that task off your list. Bask in the glory of productivity and revel in the satisfaction of getting things done.
  • Learn from Slip-Ups: We all falter. Instead of beating yourself up, learn from why you procrastinated. Was the task too vague, too overwhelming? Adjust your approach for next time. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move along.

Now, armed with these tips, go forth and conquer! Remember, procrastination may sneak back into your life, but you’re equipped to kick it to the curb. You’ve got this, one task at a time and you can get things done!

So, let’s bid adieu to “I’ll do it later” and embrace the sweet, sweet victory of being a proactive, task-slaying superstar. Now go, unleash your productivity—after you finish reading just one more article on overcoming procrastination, of course.

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This is a guest blog post written by Debi Pawzos at 

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