Personal Coaching. Your Questions Answered.

When do you re-open your coaching program?
Coaching will re-open at 3pm EST on July 1st 2008.

How many coaching slots will be available?
There will be a total of 50 slots available, I will release 25 slots to the pre-notification list via a secret URL and will release the remaining 25 slots to all my subscribers 24 hours later at:

How can I maximize my chances of gaining a slot?
Get on the pre-notification list at:

Do you really think I’m going to fall for the ‘only 50 slots available trick’? I know you will be selling more slots.
While I hate turning down payments of $497 I really can’t take on more than 50 people, remember that this is personal coaching and if I sold more slots I would be spending too much time working. I like to have time with my family and I can easily cope with 50 students but no more. If you think this is a marketing ploy you will find out when all slots sell out in minutes that it’s not. I will be taking on 50 students and that’s it.

Fair enough, can I pay you now to secure a spot?
No, that wouldn’t be fair to everyone else. It’s strictly first come first served.

How does this program differ from your previous products?
The main difference is I have assembled everything in a step-by-step easy to follow manner and I have covered everything I know. You also have to realize this is personal coaching so I will be personally guiding you every step of the way.

How much can I expect to spend after I invest in your coaching program?
There are some things you must have such as a domain name and a hosting account to store your websites on plus an autoresponder service to build your mailing list. These are monthly fees that can’t be avoided and you can expect this to cost around $40 per month, but these fees will become insignificant as time goes by. You will also need to invest in a few low cost services such as a ClickBank publishers account. Although there are more expensive easier options you can complete this course and the total cost of everything you need should not exceed $200 and remember that is over the course of 16 weeks.

How much can I expect to earn from this program?
This is the million dollar question that I wish I could answer but I’m afraid I can’t. Everyone is different, has different ambitions and desires and different skills so I can never say how much you can expect to earn but I will make you this promise. I will do everything I possibly can to guide you and turn you into a success. I will be here for you every step of the way and you will never feel alone with no one to turn to.

I have another question?
No problem, simply reply below and I will answer your query before I launch.

Remember! The first 25 slots will only be available to people on the pre-notification list. To maximize your chances of getting a slot get on the pre-notification list at:

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  1. Hi John

    I joined your 90 day powerseller challenge around a year ago. I became what you said could be achieved in less then 90 days.

    I have purchased many of your ebooks and look at the forum a few times a day.

    I know one day I will be a success and I would wanted to thank you for this chance to work one on one with such a great person.

    I will keep looking for the email to join the peronsal coaching.


  2. Just a quick question John..
    How am I going to get any sleep tonight ?


    Andy in NZ

    Reply by John

    Lol, nice one Andy 🙂

  3. Hi John, I’m am interested in your program, but I noticed one thing in common with your past students and case studies is that they all come out with a ClickBank product to attract affiliates and a blog to build a community.

    For a beginner, I’m sure the outcome is very rewarding, but I understand that you will teach *everything* you know.

    Are you able to give me more details one what exactly you will teach and what veteran marketers can expect to get out of this 16 week course?

    With Respect,
    Aaron Danker

    Reply By John,

    If you have your own products online and are already making money this coaching program may not be for you. Although I do teach advanced strategies I don’t begin doing that till later on in the course so you may find the first 2 months a little slow.

    However, if you still haven’t made your first sale then this program is perfect. It’s not just about creating products but also about driving targeted traffic to these products while building your mailing list at the same time.

    After looking at your link I feel I can teach you new things Aaron but it may take a while to get to that stage so maybe this program is not for you.

  4. Lynda Hill

    Hi John

    Will we be able to pay using PayPal?

    I’m getting rather excited, BTW.



    Reply by John,

    Yes, I will be using PayPal to process payments.

  5. 7 1/2 hours left! I really hope I am on your list. To learn from the best would be a great opprtunity for me. I have a web site, products but with-no-knowlege about marketing, sales letters, autoresponders etc. Please… count me in.

    Reply by John,

    Make sure you are on the pre-notification list at to stand the best chance of getting a slot and watch out for my email at 3PM EST (8pm GMT)

  6. Shreya

    I already have a domain name and hosting plan. I also have Getrespons as an autoresponder and a webpage editor similar to Frontpage. Will I have to get anything else, other than the money spent on advertising? Can I use the programs that I have already singed up for or do I have to sign up for the programs you use and recommend?


    Reply from John,
    The tools you have so far will be fine, your only other expenses will be a ClickBank publisher account and a few other minor items (less than $100 total) and you wont spend anything on advertising 🙂

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