One Month Mentor Case Study – Stefan Dyke

Name: Stefan Dyke

Niche: Blogging

Blog URL:

Website URL:

I have been making (some) money online now for a few years, however I have never attained the level of income that I have been aiming for and, to be brutally honest, the main reason for this is me. I fell into the same old trap that many people who start out in this business also do, I got side-tracked by every ‘next big thing’ and never consistently applied myself to building a sustainable business online.

I’ll also admit that I was looking for the easy way to make money online and of course with many product creators out there promising ‘push button’ success I found that I was quickly emptying my bank account on products that were never going to help me to create an income that I could rely on month to month.

The good news however is that during this period I began to realize that there were some marketers out there who were just as interested in helping others to succeed as they were in living the ‘Internet marketing’ lifestyle. They didn’t have the pictures of the million dollar houses or the garage full of supercars to show me; however what they did have were real addresses and telephone numbers which they weren’t afraid to share.

And, of course, they were also making enough money through their businesses to be doing it on a full time basis and living very comfortably while doing so. As I got smarter about how I needed to work on my own business I realized that if I spent more time actually working and listening to guys like John Thornhill I was far more likely to learn something useful than I ever would have been in the past by buying the next greatest product to come to market.

So when John announced that he was going to create a One Month Mentor program to share a step by step method for creating an Internet marketing business I knew that if the price was right I would be signing up, and when that email came through to tell me it was live I pretty much clicked the link and signed up within a couple of minutes (I think I even watched the video after I’d paid).

Having recently finished the course I can say that I have absolutely no regrets (well except maybe that I can’t yet afford John’s Partnership to Success program!) as I learned more in that month than I think I have in all the time that I have been online. Interestingly there weren’t any really ‘big secrets’ in what John showed me, it was more about his method of teaching and the way in which he shows how it all comes together that really impressed me and also helped me to fill in some gaps in my own knowledge.

Although the first few days were just a refresher on things I already knew it was when it started to break down product creation that I really began to see the light, John simply made each of the steps necessary to create a new product and get it onto ClickBank so clear cut that in some cases I found myself shaking my head at how easy it can be when you have the right tools to hand (and also a set of goals and timescales to work to).

I’ll admit I did take a little longer than one month to finish all the training John has put together (for a number of personal reasons) but I am proud to say that I did complete it and have a new product on the ClickBank marketplace. Incredibly it is already being promoted by affiliates even though I have not done a huge amount of additional work to advertise it myself so I am confident that once my own marketing efforts get some traction that the sales will start to ramp up.

Overall I must say I am really pleased I followed John’s program and I am already starting to map out my next product having had a number of good ideas during the creation of the first one. Having a blueprint at my fingertips with which to get each new idea off the ground is going to make it that much easier in the future and although I think there is always more to learn about this business, John’s One Month Mentor program has given me a fantastic platform upon which to launch my own Internet Marketing success story.

I would absolutely recommend John’s program to anyone who wants to get started online, the content is fantastic and when you look at the price he’s asking you’ll quickly realize that it’s an incredible steal when compared to most of the other training programs out there. So head on over to to learn more about what John has to offer and get ready to change the course of your Internet marketing journey!

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  1. Yeah, I think it is all about having a mentor who guides you and tells exactly what you need to do. I also think it is best to stick with one mentor at the time, because if you “diversify” in the early stage, you will be confused by all these methods that they teach. One mentor might teach you about SEO and other may teach about creating products, something that John teaches.

    The other key is to clearly understand that there is no push button or a big secret and that’s what every mentor will tell you. If you can understand just this one thing, you are ahead of many people.

    Another important thing about mentoring is mentor actually pushes you forward and make yourself doing things and taking action.

  2. Hello John and Stefan,
    Woah! I am really impressed at what people can do in 31 days!! And Cash Blogging Tactics looks amazing!

    31 days? Awesome!

    Apparently John’s teaching methods work!(very well I might add!)

    Let’s hope we all can learn so quickly!

    Amazing stuff!! Thank you John! 🙂


  3. Many Congrats to Stefan 🙂

    Not only on getting affiliates already – but on actually completing the course, taking action and making that start…

    Now it’s just a case of rinse and repeat and keep building!


  4. Hey John… fantastic to hear yet ANOTHER success story from your coaching. I can already see that Stefan is destined for great things, and I look forward to seeing much more from him.

    It’s incredible to see just how many of these successful students you churn out on a daily basis… it just shows how great you are doing…

    …and it’s FANTASTIC to see these students doing so well. I remember when my business was just starting out… it seems like it was only yesterday.

    Stefan, you have an incredible journey ahead of you.


  5. Congratulations Stefan,
    You’ve had a great teacher and you’ve done something that most “would be’s” dont, and thats take ,massive action and be persistant and consistant.

    Keep up the good work, John and Stefan, all the very best to you both, Simon.

  6. After MasterClass I must Decide which way I’ll go . He have so many programs and products. So, I’ll see. But for sure is Man who know what he’s doing. And we’re here (most of us) to Learn from John.


  7. Hi folks,

    Just a quick note to say thanks for the positive comments about the product and also the encouragement to keep at it. I thoroughly enjoyed John’s course (as the case study indicates) and am planning to build on the great foundation he has given me.

    All the best to anyone who takes John up on any of his training options, I have no doubt that you won’t regret your decision.


    PS. If any of John’s readers are interested in promoting my product and would like a customised discount page then check out for contact details.

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