My Butterfly Marketing 2.0 Bonuses Revealed

*** UPDATE ***
Visit the link below to discover more about my
Butterfly sites and how much money they are making me.
You will also discover how to claim my exclusive bonuses.

I have had a ton of emails to get through following yesterdays emails asking what bonuses you would like to see me offer for requesting Butterfly Marketing 2.0 through my link.

First of all thanks to everyone who responded to my email. I really do appreciate your support and that you found the time out of your day to get back to me.

The overwhelming request from most of you is that I help you get the most from Butterfly Marketing 2.0, so I have decided to create the following bonus.

I am going to create an exclusive report and series of videos that will help you:-

  • Understand what Butterfly Marketing 2.0 is all about and how you can benefit from it, I will cover everything you need to know and help you understand how Butterfly Marketing works.
  • I will then show you how to effectively research a niche that you can use to create a butterfly site of your very own. I will even show you how you can set up a Butterfly Marketing website even if you don’t have any products of your own. (I have done this many times myself)
  • I will then show you step-by-step in video how to set up your first Butterfly Marketing website. I will walk you through everything you need to know.
  • And if that’s not good enough I will promote your brand new Butterfly Marketing site for life to my 50,000+ mailing list. Not only that, I will promote your site to every single subscriber that joins my mailing lists in the future. So if I end up with 1 million subscribers they will all be emailed details of your Butterfly Marketing website. To qualify for this bonus your website must be Internet Marketing/Make Money related to suit my niche and must benefit my subscribers. Please don’t let this put you off because I will be showing you how to create a quality website so you will qualify if you follow my instructions. I just need to point out for example that if your website was weight loss or dog training related I couldn’t promote it as I wouldn’t make you any sales.

So there you have it, I will help you build your first butterfly site and promote it. For the right people this bonus offering could be life changing and if you want in here’s what you need to do.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your name and email and watch the case studies to see how Butterfly Marketing has changed peoples lives.
  3. Keep an eye out for my emails this week as I will be showing you behind the scenes of my most successful Butterfly Marketing websites.

That’s all you need to do.

Remember! I have created numerous sucessful Butterfly Marketing websites since 2006. I know how everything works and I can show you how to create successful Butterfly Marketing websites of your own. Beware of others who will be promoting this just for the commissions. People who don’t even know how Butterfly Marketing works and simply don’t care about your welfare.

As always feel free to share your comments. I’ll be in touch soon.

*** UPDATE ***
Watch the following videos to discover more about my
Butterfly sites and how much money they are making me.

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  1. Hi John

    This looks like a terrific bonus package – I will definitely invest in BM2.O on 24 March through your link.


  2. Hi John,

    Wow…thats great and you definitely have me onboard. I’m sure many people will benefit from your tutorials, i know you always cover every detail.

    Thanks very much John…looking forward to the 24th.


    Paul Hooper

  3. As usual John, you are always willing to help people, being so honest up front, by including your best bonuses as per your suscribers requests, what can I say, will be getting BM 2.0 thru your link and one day I will be getting messages just like this one, thank you John.

  4. Hi John,
    Looks like an absolutely superb bonus John. What more could you ask for or expect. As usual your honest and upfront approach should get lots of people using your link, I know I shall.

    Ken Biddle

  5. Kong Yang

    Hey John,

    Thank You for considering our replies. I am definitely
    in on this.

    Everyone should get in on this and support John. He is considered one of the MOST realistic marketer that will go beyond to the next person succeed.

    This is a life changing Bonus and can not afford to be missed.

    Thanks John,


  6. This sounds like a great opportunity to actually make some money… and have someone that knows what they are doing show a person… I have signed up for the notices.. and will be here right at the time to try out this new system and see if I can get help making some money.. thanks John you were the first person I listened to online and have been doing ok on ebay… I trust this will be the same.

    Thanks Again

  7. Hi John,

    You never cease to amaze me. I have indeed received around 20+ promotions for this product through email and I can honestly say that you are the only one who has taken the time and effort to put together a package for your subscribers

    Well done again!

    Best regards
    Steve Wilkins.

  8. John,
    that truly is a fantastic bonus!

    I’ve already told my blog readers to come here and look out for what you’ll offer … I bet they’ll be glad that I did now!

    That is what anyone would really have to call adding exceptional value!


  9. Hi John,
    it is a great bonus simply because you will provide something to help others get the most out of this purchase while admitting that good affiliates do one thing ultimately – looking to earn revenue while trying to benefit customers and subscribers.

    It is completely relevant, no overloading with a free course with 1000 pages and 30 dvds with (with unrestricted master resale rights to the entire known world !) most people would never get to the end of..
    Ok that last paragraph was slightly cynical, but let’s face it all too often true with those who care nothing for your success.

  10. Your blog bonuses looks great! I had already completed the 3 steps on there. Looking forward to working with you!

  11. Hey John,

    Signing up for BM2 through your link in not only a NO-BRAINER, but could prove to be priceless considering you are also offering to promote to YOUR list. This in itself carries tremendous value, considering what COULD happen with you promoting the “Right” product for one of your subscribers using BM.

    Not meaning to be a Killjoy, but if one orders BM2, pays the S&H, and then cancels the monthly newsletter subscription, do your bonuses remain intact? If they do, then I think the WHOLE DEAL would definitely be life changing to the majority of people who actually took action and applied everything.

    I will be watching for the answer to this question with eager anticipation!!

    Mike (rtct2006)

    Reply by John:

    Just as Mike is letting you get BM 2.0 and then have the opportunity to cancel I will honor every request that goes through me regardless of how long you stay subscribed to Mikes newsletter.

  12. Thanks for the reply John. This is why you will always be #1!!!!


  13. Hi John,
    Your bonus really look very very good, I’ve paid for the V1 version but never put in action becouse i never had the skills to put on the internet becouse Mike never ship me the packadege and the internet back office was to messy to understand at my leerl of knoladge.
    If you are going to teach me how to do it, i’m going to buy it for sure.
    Thanks again i’m in your masterclass training and is going great!
    Tomorrow I’m going to London, your contry!
    Take Care
    Rui Ludovino

  14. Hi John
    Fantastic bonuses, thanks.I will certainly be using your link.
    I have one question which maybe you can answer. I already subscribe to Mike’s newsletter so does this affect my eligibility for the free offer?
    All the best,

  15. Andy

    Hi John,

    Great bonuses! Im just wondering on the bonus that you’re going to help promote the site to your mailing list. Does that mean that you’re going to do a broadcast for the site I create in case?

    Or an ad at the bottom of your every mail?

    Thanks a lot!

  16. John,

    I just wanted to post a thank you to you for the offer.

    I have an email box packed with BM 2.0 offers ….

    As always your honest shone through, and given I have been a member of the Mentorship site when you opened the doors in 2007 ….

    I know these videos will be worth their weight in gold ….

    Thanks again


  17. Hi John –

    Sensational bonus! After all it is somethimes very difficult to see through the hype and see what the product actually DOES. I will be one of those trying to get the BM2.0 script free through your link (although I will probably put it on the Back burner until your MasterClass is over as I’m already overbusy will another course too).. Many Thanks!


  18. Hi John, I made sure to go through your link to register for Butterfly Marketing just so that I can get your how-to videos. As usual, you show us step by step how to use these great products to make money online. Thanks. Vickie

  19. Stuart

    Hi John
    Excellent videos, what bothers me is if I get the BMv2 course on DVD what happens if I cancel Mikes magazine as I simply can’t afford the monthly fee?

    Will Mike allow us to use the script if we unsubscribe from his monthly magazine.

    I have emailed the support at Mike Filsaime but they wont give me an answer to this question which is very reasonable to ask as a few folk will unsubscribe after a month or two.

    Appreciate any comments John on this


    Reply from John:
    You can use the script on unlimited websites and you can continue to use it even if you cancel Mike’s newsletter, but I would advise you at least try one issue out to see what Mike has to offer. I’m sure the first issue will be extra special to try to keep you subscribed.

  20. Hey John,
    Superb videos. thank you. I took one look at Mike’s JV offer a few weeks ago and knew I had to be part of it, but it didn’t feel right mailing as I’ve never used BFM so, been scouting for bonuses and after seeing your offer I gotta say, wow!

    Easy decision, I’ll be “buying” through your link on Tuesday for sure and putting some sites together so I can mail for BFM 3 when it appears in a year or three 🙂

    Thanks in advance for the superb bonuses. Really looking forward to this.

  21. Hi John,

    I’m absolutely gutted! I was going to offer a very similar bonus package to my list but I just can’t compete with this. It’s incredible and I submit!

    I know that you will deliver real value with your bonus that will definitely help people succeed with BFM so I am directing my people here to sign up under your link and I will be doing the same.

    The videos of your BFM sites have already been very informative and just following one of the ideas that you have used could set someone on the right path to success.

    I honestly believe that the best way to learn is to study people who are successful already and find out what and how they did it. This is certainly true in your case.

    I have also learned a massive amount by just studying the BFM sites that you featured in your videos. By seeing what happens after sign up, studying the way that the OTO is made and then how the members area is set out was invaluable in it’s own right.

    I have created a website that brings many of the leading BFM sites together in one place, including yours, and I use it as a ‘thank-you’ page for anyone that signs up to my list. There’s plenty of learning to be gained from signing up to those sites that feature people such as Alex Jeffreys, Michael Rasmussen and even Mike Filsaime himself.

    You can check it out here:


    I can’t wait for 24th and to start learning even more about BFM!

    Best regards,
    Dave Ovenden

  22. Top quality bounus John, all that extra traffic for free!!!

  23. Hi John
    I’m going to get the BMV2 through your link John, but is there anyway we can tell we have signed up correctly under you. E.G. with Clickbank we can see the affiliate on the order page but is there a way for us to check to make sure as I’d hate to make a blunder on Tuesday:-)

    Another question John, will you show us how to get traffic to our BM site after its created? I don’t have money for PPC but am hoping you can show us some free or easy ways to get traffic.



    PS I have joined your membership monthly and forum and they are superb. I live not far from you in Kelso Scotland and I think you are the the best marketer amongst all the other gurus. You are so helpful John.

    Reply by John:
    I will show you how to make sure you are going through my link tomorrow. (Monday)
    The beauty of BM is once you start the traffic these sites can take care of themselves and I will show you how to generate the initial traffic spike.


    P.S. I have been to Kelso many times, it’s a lovely place. In fact I was only at the races in Kelso a few months ago.

  24. Hey John;
    I’m “in line” for BM2…hope I’m one of the lucky 5000. I’m also looking forward to your awesome bonus offer!
    Have a great day.

  25. John just wanted to let you know I got the BFM2 ordered finally under you after waiting for quite a while I got a welcome message… what a wait and a mess…..

    Can’t wait to use it and make some money


  26. Hi John,

    Well BFM 2.0 meltdown …..

    I will be ordering via yourself in due course.

    I would suggest that everyone takes theie time when ordering BFM 2.0 ….

    There is no ‘cookie’ system and I had noted that lots of people seemed to be using this to their advantage especially on Twitter …

    With tinyurl links with their affiliate link in it ….

    With all the comotion and ‘panic’ it may be you think you have signed up via John only to find you have not ….

    I would not want anyone to miss out, I am very excited about signing up via John ….

    On a side not the BM4 video, what sort of uptake is there on the OTO and Downsell ?

    In fact, this is probably not the place to discuss that so please ignore ….

    Will be in touch soon 😉



  27. I signed up via John’s link earlier and have my bonus report,
    look forward to seeing the videos.



  28. John,

    I’m devastated that I didn’t get Butterfly Marketing through you. I signed up with you but Mike’s server was slow and when I finally got through I think it was directly to Mike rather than through you.

    Server crashed, I’m out of luck and you’re upset.

    “I shoulda stood in bed”.


  29. Hi John,

    I tried to sign up 3 times using your link yesterday but each time nothing happened after I pressed the order button. Thank goodness, I have just this minute managed to complete the order and I have received the payment confirmation email. Phew!

    Mike sure knows how to create a crowd! Yesterday was manic.

    I’m really looking forward to seeing and learning from your videos over the next few weeks. Yours is definitely the best bonus packagae available by a mile.


    Dave Ovenden

  30. John,
    Yes this sounds like a no brainer great deal.
    I know of many that have had problems unsubscribing from Mike Filsiames newsletters and membership sites.

    It is like pulling teeth trying to get the subscription cancelled.

    That is why I am not falling into the membership trap.
    Sorry if that upset some, but it too needed to be addressed.
    Thanks anyway John
    Bob O


    Hello, John. Thank you so much sending valuable info. each time.

    I just received BFM2.O. As you know, software is meaningless if I don’t know how to use it. Mike Filsaime offers live workshop,but
    I just can’t go and attend that workshop.

    Do you offer us mentoring program on BFM 2.0? If you do,
    would you please let me know?

    Thank you so~ much for your support to us! !

    Shinji Fuse

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