Multi Profit Websites – Your Questions Answered

As you probably already know Multi Profit Websites (MPW) launches on Tuesday the 27th of October. Myself and Dave Nicholson have spent almost 3 years and $100,000 working on what we hope will change the way websites are created for a lot of people.

Multi Profit Websites really is the website anyone can build in 3 easy steps.

We started pre-launch last week and if you haven’t seen our first video you can check it out here:

In that video you will find out how Dave and I got started and also how powerful MPW really is.

Since we launched that video we have had a ton of questions. Here are some of the most common. If you have a question please leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you.

Q: Is there a limit to how many websites I can create?

A: No, with our multi user license you can create as many websites as you wish. In fact we encourage you to create as many websites as possible. After all it is possible to create a niche website in well under 30 minutes so you have no excuse for not creating hundreds of sites.

Q: Who hosts the sites?

A: You do, they are your sites and we want you to have full control, this means you host all of the sites you create yourself. Don’t worry if you’ve never hosted a site before as we show you exactly what to do.

Q: How will I generate an income from the websites I create?

A: With Multi Profit Websites it is possiblle to generate an income from the best performing affiliate programs such as eBay, Clickbank, Amazon, Google, Commission Junction and/or a selection of pre selected website affiliate programs (fully customizable) and any other website affiliate programs or your own products. You can even sell your own eBay products from your website! However, the beauty of MPW is you can add/remove as much content as you wish so you really are in full control. Unlike other website builders you are not tied down to one specific affiliate program. In fact if you wish you can remove every affiliate program and just build a content website. It’s up to you.

Q: Will my website be completely 100% unique?

A: Yes! With our Multi Profit Websites easy edit feature, you can create your own 100% unique content niche website. The admin WYSIWYG control panel will allow you to edit your website, add your own content, your own keywords and your own articles. In a nutshell you can edit all your website settings to make your website is targeted to your own personal niche.

Q: I am a complete newbie, will I have any problems?

A: The website has been designed with the beginner in mind. Each and every aspect of the website has been created to make your Multi Profit Websites experience as simple as possible. Simply login to your control panel and edit your website settings. Each setting includes step by step instructions and we also have a video walk through. It really is as easy as 1.2.3

Q: What are the requirements needed for the website?

A: You will need your own domain name and hosting service. Don’t worry if you don’t have hosting as we will walk you through the whole setup process.

Q: Will my website be database driven?

A: No, MPW does not require the installation of complicated databases. The website has been specifically designed not to be database driven, to make it as easy as possible to manage your website.

Q: There are multiple affiliate programs included by default with Multi Profit Websites. What if I do not or cannot include one of the programs, e.g. Google’s AdSense program?

A: You have the ability to pick and choose which companies you wish to use to promote products as an affiliate, e.g. If you do not want to promote Amazon products, no problem, you simply uncheck the Amazon check box!

Q: How do I get help if I need it?

A: We have our own dedicated helpdesk for Multi Profit Websites, to help you out whenever needed, you can contact us at the helpdesk here.

Q: Can I see some example websites.

A: Sure, watch the video at and you will see a ton of websites created using Multi Profit Websites

Q: I have another question.

A: No problem, either contact support or leave a comment below and I’ll personally answer your question.

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  1. HI,

    Amazing video and exciting product concept. I am sure if it is as good as in the video, this would cut the struggle and put the newbies on the fast track to profits. But how much would it cost? There is nothing in the video about the pricing? Is it affordable for the average affiliate who has already wasted quite a bit of money.


    Reply by John
    The cost during the launch period is going to be a one off payment of $197 and this is for an unlimited user license.

  2. Hi John, Congratulations to you and Dave for Multi Profit Websites!
    It’s a next generation product that is so much better than anything else I’ve found online.

    I’m curious about the website script itself. Does it allow us to add our favorite widgets or PHP scripts through the MPW dashboard, i.e., Google analytics, Gravitar, Yak and others? Thanks

    Reply by John

    Yes, you can add as much unique content as you wish and this includes HTML code, php code and more.

  3. Anne


    Do you need to have a domain name for each website? Or could we create a portal/gateway page to each website. Might be useful if we have hundreds of websites 🙂

    What auto responders do you support? I only saw aweber. I use iContact myself.

    What price is this going to be?


    Reply by John

    We recommend you have a domain for each site although it is not 100% essential. It’s really up to you.

    We support any autoresponder service.

  4. Hi,John,
    I am a student of your Masterclass.Do I need MPW ?

    Reply by John

    Although I would normally say no you can incorporate MPW into the Masterclass program.

  5. jbmalik

    Other businesses have tried to do services like multi-profit websites, and the end-customers end up with their web sites banned from google because their site has a ‘footprint’ with the thousands of other websites that use a similar software/platform/script. What makes your solution any different?

    Reply by John

    We created MPW to allow users to specifically create 100% unique sites, users have total control over their websites and can add/remove/edit as much content as they wish. Therefore each site created will be 100% unique.

  6. Cragar

    Hey Guys,
    I’ve been following along and watching very closely…As You can tell…Since I am the first post here!Just had one thing to say to Sir John..How about those MC Students!YEA
    Delete this if you wish but it would be nice have a break here.An opportunity to help promote here is really needed by the MC class, as we have not gotten a HUGE list built to promote to yet.We need time to know the product, maybe use the product and promote.
    I frequent the Warrior,Anthony Blake,IM4newbies,and the How to marketing forums constantly giving me an opportunity to promote HEAVY there as I am trusted!
    Having a break and a little time would allow me and other MC students to be able to catch a little stream of income off this launch too!
    After all—for every one of us (MC’ers)that you help out…Who knows how many sales you could get for that.
    By the Way — HI DAVE and thanks for the help with the site template and your time (Tweet Dynamite).
    You really do stand behind your commitment..When you say that you will be sure to help any one who needs help.Just wanted those who may read this to know that, because to me and a lot of others out there..that is very important to know.(And to know it is true)
    Wish you both the best!
    Keep Watching Because I DO!
    I’ll be back..

    Reply by John:
    If you have any requests contact me via the Masterclass helpdesk and I’ll see what I can do to help.

  7. Hi John,

    Just thought I would comment and say MPW is awesome! awesome! awesome! Love it, Love it, Love it!
    I have so may ideas for other sites, now I just need the time around my 2 year old! 😯

    Thank you for everything! 😀

    Jacinta 😀

  8. Brian

    Hi John, looking forward to this – how much will it cost for this?

    Regards, Brian

    Reply by John
    The cost during the launch period is going to be a one off payment of $197 and this is for an unlimited user license.

  9. David

    Hi John, looks like a great product you and Dave have created.

    I think building websites is the main reason lots of people quit before they really get started as they find this the most difficult area to master.

    I am stuck at level 5 at the moment but have joined MM and hopefully this will get me motivated to soldier on and the MPW product will hopefully give me a boost.

    Keep up the good work and the encouragement…


  10. Great information as usual John.

    Keep up the good work.


  11. Ed

    Hi John,

    Can i customise the opt-in box feature to match the same unique presentation of the site i would choose to build awesome product?

    Thanks John….John.

    Reply by John

    Yes, you would be able to do that John.

  12. Phil

    Hi John and Dave,

    How is this different from having a BANS site or is it a different concept altogether using Ebay and amazon etc.

    The video is great and I am looking forward to getting hold of it. Thanks


    Reply By John

    While I don’t wish to compare MPW to other products if you watch the latest video (video 2) you will see that nothing compares to MPW in terms of power, flexibility and ease of use:

  13. Hi John,

    It was a little tough to see the headers in the templates, but will you have a source on how to change this? If you don’t have a source will you show us where to change it?

    Any chance of getting it before the 27th?

    Reply By John

    You are able to edit any theme by simply going into the images folder for your theme and editing from there. We will also be supplying some ‘raw’ PSD fiiles that you can use.

    I’m afraid we can’t release this to anyone before the 27th as that would be unfair. If you sign up on the home page you will be notified before anyone else when the site goes live.

  14. John,
    Thanks for answering a few questions that I had. I’m really looking
    forward to the launch. I know how hard it is to build a site on my own. Trying to learn all the technology for internet marketing takes so much time that many people give up before even getting to the marketing stage. Your product will give more newbies a chance to be successful online and a whole lot faster.

  15. Hi John this looks absolutely awesome can’t wait for the launch I can see so many possiblities of expanding my ebay and Amazon business looks like I will need to update my products sooner than I thought. Well done to you and Dave.

  16. Andrei

    Hi John,

    Watched the 1st video – can identify with your background and motivation.
    Let’s say I create a bunch of these websites – where is the traffic going to come from? These might be unique and smart websites, but until people start seeing them and clicking on my links… this is not worth much, is it? Do you include/provide/recommend any ways to get traffic? My understanding is that Google, et al. give high(er) rankings to sites that get “linked to” from many other sites. How do you go about this aspect?


    Reply by John

    We will teach you all we know about generating traffic to your sites. We are also going to create a ‘fast track traffic guide’ that will show you how to generate free traffic to your sites within 24 hours.

  17. Just watched the video guys and i must say its full of great content.This is the sort of product i have been looking for for some time now so i will need to talk with her indoors and tell her to this is it and can i have my Christmas prezzy early !!!

  18. Hi John,

    This looks awesome. An amazing shortcut for newbies. Too often marketers focus on the phycological aspects of marketing and not at all on the technical aspects of making it work, so thanks for this.

    Found out about this via your interview on Lee Mcintyre’s blog. Great content, thanks.


  19. Hi John
    Multi Profit Websites (MPW) is just fantastic product
    just what i was looking for only problem for me is the £120 thats a very good price ,but is there anything in the pipeline. where we could say pay you £30 per month for 4 months.
    best regards

  20. I am interested in purchasing mpw. I have one question that I submitted to planetsms help desk 4 days ago but did not get a response. Is there a monthly membership fee after i purchased mpw?
    I do not know how to host a website since I am a novice in this type of marketing. Thanks.

  21. Val

    I am so impressed with your videos and wondering if Multi Profit Websites is still available now in 2010?

    Are there any monthly recurring fees?

    Reply From John

    Multi Profit Websites is back on the market and there are no recurring fees

  22. len

    Hi. am i able to build websites for clients with this

    • John Thornhill

      Reply from John

      Hi Len

      We offer a resale license for $197 that allows you to do this. You are offered this after your initial purchase.

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