Looking To Start Your Own eBook Business? Make Sure You Know Your Rights First!

Right now is one of the best times in Internet marketing history to make a lot of money online with information products. An information product is a digitally downloadable product, also known as an eBook, or eCourse. However it is not just written books that are downloadable, an information product can also include: audio, video and software.

Even with the popularity of audio and video products, eBooks remain a staple of online publishing and they’ll be around forever.

EBooks offer a quick and easy way for prospects to search and learn about a hot topic. No more running to the nearest book store. A quick search in Google and a person can literally find an eBook on just about any subject imaginable in seconds.

And the good news is that if you want to create your own information products you don’t even have to be an expert on the subject to provide the information. It’s a good idea to have some degree of interest in the subject but you don’t have to be the leading expert. You just need to know how to help the audience get the information that they want.

But before you can start building a profitable eBook business I think it’s really important that you know your rights. Now I’m not talking about  your humanitarian rights, but the different types of rights that exist for eBooks.

EBooks typically come with resell rights, master resell rights or private label rights. I talk more about eBook rights in Build Your eBiz with Resale Rights and PLR.

Now no one can be aware of all the different terms that are set up for different licenses because that largely depends on the author. But if you can have a basic understanding of the general rights that come with most eBooks then you will be in a better position to utilize them to their full potential and avoid any possible legal action that could result if you don’t follow the conditions that are set forth in the licences.

So what is the difference between Resell Rights, Master Resell Rights & Private Label Rights?

To keep it as simple as possible, if you have resell rights, you have the right to resell the product, in conjunction with the terms and conditions set forth in your license. This means that you cannot alter or edit the product in any way, and you cannot put your name on it as the author.

If you have private label rights, however, you can edit and alter the product as you see fit, and you can even put your own name, or your company’s name, on the product as the author. You can also:

•    Change words and chapters
•    Put your name as the author
•    Change the sales page
•    Add graphics
•    Break the product down into several different products
•    Add audio & video

There really are no limits here. This type of license can be a real money spinner if utilized in the correct way and  gives you the opportunity to increase the perceived value of the product and resell it as your own for big profits.

Because you have more freedom with private label rights, these types of products generally cost more to purchase the rights for. Some products even have two options when you purchase them: resell rights or private label rights. In fact, you can use your private label rights products and sell the resell rights to others, after you have changed the product and put your name on it.

There is also a difference between resell rights and master resell rights. Resell rights simply give you the right to resell the product, while master resell rights allow you to resell the product and the resell rights!

Again, it is easy to see how one could be confused with these various terms. However, if given the choice, always go for the private label rights. This will allow you to have a product of your very own, without actually having to create one yourself.  Most private label rights licenses give you much more freedom.

To find out more about building a business online using eBooks check out Build Your eBiz with Resale Rights and PLR where you can find step-by-step videos showing you exactly how to get started.

I hope you have found this post informative and allow me to wish you the best of luck with your online business endeavors!

Steve Wilkins


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  1. When I first started online, I used to think that PLR and MRR was a waste of time… but not now.

    I was so wrong. You can build a million dollar business uniquely selling PLR and MRR. Today, I make a lot of money with them.

    Many of those who don’t make money with PLR and MRR don’t take the time to make them their own (changing them, creating new webpages. etc.)


  2. Ed

    Hi John,

    Its great to see one of my fellow students, present a post on your blog..

    As the post indicates this busines that we are all in has to be one of the most powerful selling mediums on the net..

    And like yourself and Steve i too look forward to the success that i know is around the corner1

    Cheers for that….Ed.

  3. Hi, PLR is very useful as give aways (if you have the rights for that) and excellent as bonuses. Can also be good to give PLR to your own students.

    Reply by John:

    I could provide some PLR material, look out for an important announcement from me on Monday

  4. Hi John,

    Thanks for all the fantastic, detailed advice!

    I’m looking forward to having lots of success with PLR I’ve created, and I hope to be as successful as you are one day…

    Keep up the great work!


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