Is Money The Root Of All Evil?

Is Money The Root Of All Evil?

“Money is the root of all evil!” If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard this or thought about it, I’d already be rich. But let’s look at this from a more realistic perspective.

What exactly is money? Simply put, money is a piece of printed paper that we’ve assigned value to. Think about it—has money ever hurt you physically? Does money have a brain? The answer is no. Unless your money is possessed by evil spirits, I’m pretty sure it’s not evil, nor will it make you evil. Money is no more evil than your jeans, hat, or boots.

Money won’t make you greedy, selfish, or evil. If you’re already greedy or selfish, you’ll be that way whether you’re rich or poor. Money is only as evil as the person who possesses it. Yes, money has been used for some horrendous acts, but money didn’t create those events—people did. So why are we so scared of it?

Why are we scared to make more money? Our beliefs shape our fears. I was brought up hearing just how evil money was and I believed it. Until I started working on my mindset and looked at things differently, I was too scared to be successful. Scared I’d change and become one of those greedy people everyone would hate. Really! What was I thinking?

Let’s look at money from a different angle. No one can deny that money has been used for some disgusting, evil acts. We see it every day on the news, on social media, and hear about it on the radio. But let’s consider the flip side—money has been used for some beautiful acts of kindness as well.

When I first started dabbling in affiliate marketing, my mind was on making money, not on my goals. I now focus on my goals, which are freedom, security, the means to help others, and less stress. I’m also focusing on the journey.

We already know people use money for some bad things, but money has also been used for good. Imagine if you had more money—how much good you could do. It breaks my heart when I see posts on social media with images of neglected animals. It happens way too often. If I had more money, I could help these animals.

We also know there are many children struggling throughout the world for various reasons. Couldn’t having more money enable us to donate and help these children? Wouldn’t it be amazing to help your children when they’re struggling?

I now believe money is the root of goodness and kindness, and I won’t apologize for wanting more. I want to help my family. One of my goals is to rescue horses and give them a beautiful, safe home to live out their days. I want to be able to donate to good causes and help in any way I can.

There is no evil in these thoughts—there is only love. I can’t change your beliefs about money, and everyone has the right to their own beliefs. There is no judgment here, just a simple request to have an open mind and concentrate on the good money provides, not the evil it’s used for.

Heck, money is funding my new journey, and I’m so grateful to be partnering with John Thornhill on my journey to freedom. I’d love to hear your thoughts about your beliefs regarding money. There’s no judgment here; in fact, I value others’ views. It doesn’t matter if we agree or not.

We all have the right to our beliefs, whatever they are. If you’re enjoying my journey, I’d love to introduce you to John Thornhill and his inspiring teachings, and I’m looking forward to helping you help yourself.

This is a guest post written by Pauline Smith, If you would like to be considered for guest post then please get in touch with me.

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