I love being an Internet Marketer

I have just returned from a week long vacation cruising the Norfolk Broads, this has been the most relaxing time I have ever had and I can highly recommend it. Every day was a different day and some were spent fishing, some were spent walking, some eating and drinking (a lot) in some fine country pubs and wonderful outdoor locations, but most of the time was spend doing absolutely nothing. As I was on a boat cruising around a rural area my phone and Internet connection was extremely weak and usually none existent but my business still thrived while I was away. In fact as I had support taken care of I didn’t have to do a thing.

While I was doing things like this:

My business was doing this, this is a screenshot from just one of my 20+ ClickBank accounts and my PayPal account: (Click the images to zoom in)

In fact while I was relaxing and having a great time my business brought in over $10,000 and that was with no email promo’s or product launches or other forms of advertising going on. I could have set up a few email promo’s to go out while I was away and earned even more but that was the last thing on my mind. It’s a dream lifestyle and I still have to pinch myself sometimes as I really am living the dream. I want to stress I am not trying to show off here, I just want to point out that this is a lifestyle anyone can live. Yes, anyone! Just a few years ago I was working in a factory so if I can do it anyone can.

So how did I earn the figures above?

I earned it by selling information. I have said many many times that creating and selling your own information products is the key to your success. Once you learn how to create an information product that sells it’s just a case of duplicating what you have learned to create even more products. I am not going to deny it takes hard work at first but once you get things going it becomes easier as your business grows.

In fact I found it extremely hard in the early days as I had no one to turn to and had to learn things the hard way. I struggled for about 3 years before things started to happen but because of this I know what it takes to build a profitable online business and that puts me in an incredible position to teach others how I have achieved my success. In fact if you’d let me teach you I could show you how you could achieve the same results via my Masterclass Program. At the moment I am offering a 4 week trial so you can check out what I have to offer for only $4.95

On a final note! I am going on another vacation again in 3 weeks time to Spain and once again my business will continue to thrive while I am relaxing and having a good time in the sun. This is the dream business to be in, yes I work hard to earn my vacations but I work when I choose, I take vacations when I choose and I live a lifestyle that I could only dream about a few years ago. I am living the dream, if you’d let me show you maybe you could be living the dream real soon. Check out my Masterclass Program here.

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  1. Thanks for sharing this John. I’ve been your subscriber for 3 years now and I can really see that you’re walking the talk here. It’s really a great feeling when you want to go on vacation anytime you want and work as you choose, that’s the kind of lifestyle that can bring you if you just work hard enough.

    It’s truly an inspiration to see this post John. It makes me want to work hard more to accelerate my current level in my business.

    Kind regards,


  2. Excellent post there John.

    The Norfolk Broads is somewhere me and my good lady have often talked about visiting, sounds like you had a great time.

    • John Thornhill

      It was great Eddy, although we did have a few occasional issues trying to moor the boat, if you had seen us on the first night trying to tie up 🙂

      However, it’s something I can highly recommend to anyone thinking of doing it. I’ll definitely be doing it again.

  3. Another internet marketer who’s into boats eh? 🙂

    Looks like you had a cracking holiday mate, your writing even SOUNDS relaxed LOL.

    Got to agree with you 100%, it’s the ‘work from anywhere’ aspect of internet marketing that does it for me.

    Nothing else like it. Love the post!

    Tony Shepherd.

    • John Thornhill

      We loved it Tony, seeing something new everyday was a real bonus and being away from everyday life was so relaxing. I could have spent a month on the broads and maybe next time I will.

  4. Hi John

    Great blog post and you’ve hit the nail on the head. It’s the freedom to “work” from anywhere that’s the real perk of what we do online.

    On Tuesday I head to Barcelona for the week safe in the knowledge that things will continue to run smoothly while I’m gone. It takes a while to get to this point… but when you’re there… nothing else even comes close.

    Glad you had such a fantastic time and that business continued to prosper. I’ve always fancied going sailing but have never got round to it – I’ll be picking your brain next time we meet up!

    Cheers 🙂

    Lee McIntyre

    • John Thornhill

      Hey Lee,

      I recall you posted a similar post on your blog and you sort of inspired me to write this post. Enjoy Barcelona while your business grows.

  5. Hi John,

    It’s always great to see people enjoying the internet lifestyle and encouraging others who think it’s impossible. You always point out that it’s hard work-and it is. It’s refreshing to hear the truth once and a while 😉

    For anyone else reading this comment, I’m currently taking John’s Masterclass and there’s nothing else out there that even compares to it (to my knowledge, anyway). He leaves no student behind and no stone unturned.

    • John Thornhill

      Thanks for the comments about my Masterclass Program Marnie, I appreciate it.

  6. That looks so cool John,

    Something I’ve considered for a holiday… cruising the canals at a leisurely pace and stopping off at all the pubs on route.
    (Next time we speak I must get some details from you)

    Rachel and I are taking her girls away for a week on Friday (but I’ll take the iphone and net book with me to do my own support….lol)
    But even then – just the ability to get away when we feel like it and know we can still check in if we choose is great!

    That was booked just a week ago… which would have been a struggle with a ‘job’!

    Good to see you reaping the rewards of all the work you put in during those early years!

    And good to see your MC students busy while you were away doing their own thing with the 100 blog challenge… All growing and achieving more thanks to the start you gave them!

    Chat soon mate


    • John Thornhill

      Go for it Randy, you won’t regret it. I’ll let you know the best pubs to visit 🙂

      Even by doing your own support you still have the freedom to travel. There is no way most people can book a vacation at a weeks notice. Enjoy your trip and let us know how your business prospered when you return 🙂

  7. Hi there John,

    Your post pretty much describes it all for me.

    On your hols and earning cash?

    The dream scenario. And all you need is a PC and dedication and the desire to succeed. I have worked hard for a while now but have yet to have the success I desire but I know that if I keep on going then it will come.

    No business like it!

    Thanks John.


    • John Thornhill

      Hey Andy, I know it will happen for you as you have the right mindset and dedication to succeed.

      • Thanks John,

        That means a lot. And especially as I have a rather neat bonus of yours that I still have to cash in! 🙂

        Could make all the difference in the long run!



  8. Hi John,

    How awesome does your holiday sound!!

    I look forward to the day I can take hubby and bubba on a holiday! I think I will need one after this blogging challenge I somehow started Ooops on that one! 😆

    Online business has some amazing opportunities for everyone. It is such a young industry I believe we have just touched the tip of the iceberg so to speak.

    This industry is giving people the opportunity to dream, the opportunity to believe and the opportunity to have an amazing lifestyle with a little time and a little work.

    I can already feel the sand between my fingers sitting on that tropical island in the great barrier reef with hubby playing with my bubba building sand castles at the waters edge.

    Just got to make it happen!!

    Better get back to work while they are sleeping!


    Jacinta 😀

    • John Thornhill

      I know it will happen for you Jacinta, maybe a lot sooner than you think. Especially if you keep coming up with ‘challenges’ for us 🙂

  9. Hi John
    Great post sounds like it was a well disserved vacation nothing like kicking back and having a few brews, I myself just last weekend came back from a camping and canoeing mini vacation in the northern lower part of Michigan in the states floated down the Big Manistee river with lots of downed trees and stumps and we only dumped the canoe three times it was fun it was a 3 ½ hour trip and took us all 13 of us 7 ½ hours lots of beer stops on the way. Sounds like you and your family had a great time.
    It’s posts like this that keeps me inspired to keep going and never give up.
    Thanks John
    P.S. Looking forward to when I fit into your shoes or flip flops! In the IM world.
    Mike Fleming

  10. Hi John, great post. I’ll be there one day, but carefull i don’t roll off the side ha ha.

    I know that you’ve worked hard to achieve your dream lifestyle John and fairplay to you. I now know the opportunities available through the internet, thanks to you John and I know that it’ll come to me as long as i keep putting the work in.

    R&R, Barry

    • John Thornhill

      Lol, Barry, I was fine all week then we moored up back at the boatyard and I almost went overboard walking round the boat for one final time. That would have been typical 🙂

  11. Ed

    Hey John,

    I think that pic says it all, you know as you and countless other IM`S have said, its the only business as far as I can see that is truly ‘autopilot’, and you know what we have no say in that, what other aspect in life dictates that you can have it on a plate?

    I was going to say hope the weather stayed fine for you but hey blow the forecast, its the family time had for you by all, and again that was all because of this marvellous ‘autopilot’business we are in, I have just yet to reach that status, then its happy days 🙂

    Later John….John AKA Ed.

    • John Thornhill

      Hey Ed, as you can see in the pic the weather was fine, most days were sunny but to guarantee the sun I’m off to Spain in 3 weeks 😉

      • Ed

        Hey John,

        Thats what I like to hear, the fruits of an IM`S labour, keep the i phone on low just in case you get some JV propositions coming through, you never know Tanya may have a rolling pin inside the beach towel?

        I mean its OK having a lump of money in the one hand, BUT you don`t want a lump under the other on your forehead!

        Take care John….Ed AKA John Edwards

        PS: It would be nice to see some pics on the blog when you get back, or better still some video footage?

  12. Hi John,

    Seems , you had one hell of a holiday 🙂 . thanks for sharing this and for being an inspiration for us of what it is possible in this business.


    Steve Sant

  13. Hi John –

    One of the most memorable holidays I had was on the Norfolk Broads with 3 friends just after Finals! Happy Days!

    Great to see you chilling out and seeing the REWARD of all of the hard work you put in. Really appreciate being reminded just how good this IM life CAN be, once you’ve done enough to get a “head of steam up”. Thanks for the (continued) inspiration!


  14. There certainly are a lot of lakes over here in Canada for some excellent boating.. Your masterclass put all the pieces together, now it is just up to me to duplicate it over and over again until I get my boat.

  15. Hi John,

    Looks like you had a great time man, taking action is all that is required to succeed online, your a prime example of what can happen when you take action.

    Edson Buchanan

  16. Hi John

    It’s strange you posted this today as I was listening to the interview you did with Andy Michaels on my ipod whilst painting today so it’s good to see that your staff are growing into their roles and able to cope without you for a week.

    Also it’s enhancing your non flashy guru lifestyle, I’ve never seem a salespage where the marketer is sitting on a narrow boat!

    Keep it real


  17. John –

    So true, So true…

    I have so many friends and family that are still in the
    “daily grind” … I hear them complain about it over and

    Many look at me and say… wow “You are so lucky.. I wish!”

    It saddens me actually. I wish I could just make them
    all understand. I wish I could just touch their shoulder
    and they could magically see what I see. See what WE see.

    Unfortunately I cant. It seems that so many people want
    have this life. Or should I say want to “wish” they had this life.
    Because when it comes down to it they just don’t want to
    work for it.

    It saddens me that they choose to continue being miserable day in and day out. Well, I’m sure they aren’t all miserable.

    …and besides we will always need regular people in the world ehh?

    Congrats on your holiday!

    Talk soon.

    • John Thornhill

      I know exactly what you mean Omar. I have a few friends who I have personally tried to help but they failed, they just didin’t seem to want it bad enough and ended up giving up when I set them tasks to complete.

      Then today I looked at one of my friends facebook wall and guess what? He was moaning about having to go back to work after a 2 week break. It just doesn’t make sense but I suppose most people just won’t put in the effort required in the early days and are happy to just ‘exist’ doing the daily grind.

  18. Hi John

    Looks really relaxing mate – hope you and fam had a great time… although I wouldnt trust a half cut Geordie driving a boat 😉

    It’s totally cool doing IM (and without blowing smoke up your bottom I would’nt be where I am today because of following you.)

    Even though I can’t fly on planes and stuff (because of my disability etc) I now KNOW the lifestyle you’re showing in your pics – I haven’t worked in my office for over 2 weeks (because of the kids skool holidays) and I even trekked all the way to sunny Dorset for a week not so long ago, and made over $5k WHILST I was away doing nothing…

    Truly incredible I.M. – try doing all the above whilst in a JOB.

    Hats off to ya mate, you deserve it… bigtime. And thanks for giving me and others the opportunity.



  19. Wow John,

    That is the U.K. equivalent to visiting the Deep South from Geordie Land is it not 🙂

    Terrific concept though and One that I am sure we are all aspiring to.

    Kindest Regards,

    Graham Price
    http://yourworldchanger.com/?p=48 (My Blog 100 Challenger)

  20. Hi John,
    Sounds like a dream lifestyle and a great holiday.
    I have been on your list for a while now but looks like the masterclass is the way to go.
    Met sone of your students on the 100 blog challenge and they are so friendly and helpful … thanks for mentioning it on one of your posts.
    Will see you inthe not too distant future on your class.

  21. John Thornhill

    I’ll be waiting for you Bryan and look forward to working with you.

  22. Looking good Sir John. I am very happy for you and am glad to see that all of the hard work pays off. I am enjoying the journey along with you. Thanks for helping me break into this very unique business John. You are appreciated here.


  23. Hi John

    Good to see that you’ve had a great holiday! I’m one of the students in your MC. Still struggling with my ebook creation, but I believe if I persevere, I’ll be there someday, just like you!


  24. Hi John love the broads bet you had a great time, its the little stories like this that inspire me to carry on working at this, I cant wait to escape the daily grind. I think some people give up too easily and never really give it everything, like Omar says they didnt want it enought. Have great trip to Spain.


  25. Hi John,
    Great inspirational post, thanks.

    Last visited the Norfolk Broads when I was about 10 (so a year or two ago now!), and I still remember what fun it was, catching my first fish which I had to throw back as a bobby (policeman) on the beat was walking by and we must have been in a no fishing zone. I suspect there are a few more boats on them now, though its a big area and probably still easy to find your own spot with no one else around.
    Look forward to the day when I too can leave my I M business on auto pilot.
    I’m on your M C and taking part in the 100 comment challenge, I’m learning a lot from the many experienced marketers and finding it is a great stimulus, as I had got a bit ‘lazy’ recently! so I have listed all the participants on my blog, to keep me up to the challenge.
    thanks again John.
    all the best
    my 100 comment blog is at http://richard-davy.com/internet-marketing-together-we-succeed-on-our-own-its-harder/

  26. Glad you had a great time, John. The weather here was reasonable, wasn’t it. You were only a few miles from me!

    Enjoy the journey.


  27. Hi John,
    I’ve been a subscriber of yours for awhile now and you never fail to give away some great nuggets one can use. I’m not quite where you are yet, but I’m getting there and it’s been an interesting journey, and still is. I am inspired by you and am glad to be doing what I do. I look forward to my next trip, which would not be possible but for my IM.

    Have a great time in Spain!

  28. Hi John
    Thank you for inspiring blog post.
    I hope one day I will describe my vacation on the blog. It is really nice when you can relax and be sure that your business continues to run smoothly while you are on holiday.

  29. Hey John,

    Yeah, it sounds like you had a great time, I find that holidays like this, where you just ‘chill out’ are excellent for re-charging the old batteries and unwinding, the trouble is that they are also good for piling on the pounds lazing about doing nothing much for 10 days… As you found out! 🙂 If it makes you feel any better, I piled on a few pounds and I was not on holiday! Guess it’s time to hit the gym again 😉
    Anyway, the main point is that your business was still running smoothly while you were on a boat in the middle of nowhere, something I’m sure a lot of people would like to do!



  30. Hi John, not only can you take great vacations but everyone should know if you wanted to you can live anywhere you wanted. Being successful in the ebook business breaks away the chains of having to stay in one location because of income. Thanks to the Internet you can live anywhere you want. Take care and God bless John and enjoy your vacation in Spain, now don’t go on and move there 🙂

    Terry Conti

  31. Hi John,

    Your great post comes at just the right time for me…Masterclass product creation! It has given me the inspiration to get my head down and keep working hard to succeed.

    Then maybe one day I too can holiday whilst my business runs smoothly!

    Thanks for sharing this John.



  32. Hey John,

    Looks like you had a fab time, I’m super jealous, the scenery looks gorgeous.

    I totally agree with you, I love this business too, I don’t mind struggling along right now, and putting in the hard work, to hopefully one day get to the stage your are at someday.

    Sally 🙂

  33. Thank you for this post John

    Very inspirational and I love being a part of your partner to success program

    I know I am in honest and ethical hands and becaus of this I know I will succeed

    Thanks again

    Steve Reh

  34. John,

    Thank you for sharing this.
    I think you should visit Croatia and check how boating looks here.
    We have good Internet connection on the coast as well.


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