How to Use Word of Mouth

How to Use Word of Mouth

The Word of Mouth is simply nothing more than talking to others about something or someone.

Be aware to apply the Word-of-Mouth in your Internet Marketing strategy because this is the most powerful way to build a valuable Subscriber List

Why is Word-of-Mouth Marketing so important?
This way of marketing is so important because not only is it free, but it has additional higher credibility. People are more likely to test and buy a product from you if they hear about it from a friend than if they see an email or a commercial on TV out of the blue.

With digitalization, Word-of-Mouth marketing is a great way to use this technique successfully online. Think of sharing messages with friends and associates. Posting reviews online of certain products on a company’s website or Facebook page is also Word-of-Mouth.

Word-of-Mouth has a GREAT Domino effect!
Imagine you have created a fantastic usable digital product and you have it tested by 20(which is very few) of your family and friends. They are enthusiastic about your product and ask them to share their enthusiasm with all their family and friends (free marketing). You suddenly create 20 DIFFERENT channels of buyers that may generate valuable traffic to your website.

Let’s say your friends also share it with 20 of their friends. Then all of a sudden you have 400 people as potential valuable traffic to your website.

And yes those 400 also get excited about your product and start sharing it with another 20 friends. Then suddenly you have 8.000 potential buyers. The next step…Wow…yes, now we are talking about 160.000!!! potential buyers. You see the “Sky is the Limit”.

Word-of-Mouth goes Automatically
Probably you don’t think about it that much but everyone applies Word-of-Mouth on a daily basis, for example:

When visiting a restaurant with your friends say to them “last time I have eaten here Tomato-Vegetable Soup of the house as an appetizer that was fantastic”. It is almost guaranteed that 1 or more people in the group will order this Tomato-Vegetable Soup. Simply because you yourself are enthusiastic about it. Actually, You are the Seller and some of your friends are the Buyers.

Or you have Solar Panels installed on your house and are extremely satisfied with these panels. Automatically you bring this over to those you talk to and new customers easily come out from there.

Word-of-Mouth gives confidence
It gives confidence, of course, under the condition that you deliver a good product. Do you deliver poor quality … well then it works like a boomerang in the opposite direction and you get no buyers of course.

But assuming that you are a professional and go for quality then Word-of-Mouth is the most powerful tool there is.

Just think about what you would do if, for example, your friend Eric said to you:
“Hey Marcel…I recently followed the coaching program Partnership to Success by John Thornhill, I had to work through it but I have now successfully completed the 60-day program and my 1st product launch was an overwhelming success. I recently heard from you Marcel that you were also thinking about doing something in online business. I can definitely recommend this coaching program to you.”

Of course, I have relied on the information given to me by my good friend Eric and will almost automatically start my research on the Partnership to Success program and check out their website to get more information about it.

If out of the blue I were to receive an email about the program the chances are far more likely that I would just click it away. See there the proof of the power of Word-of-Mouth.

Word-of-Mouth and Social Media
Even if someone would never read the newspaper or never watch TV it is almost impossible not to know, for example, Elon Musk.

Elon Musk is super active on Twitter and sometimes he writes the most incredible nonsense there. But in this context, I think his nonsense has a reason. In fact, it’s nothing more than action to generate a reaction.

Elon Musk tweets something about Bitcoin, within no time it is shared and the world is talking about it. Bitcoin up Bitcoin down, for what it’s worth.

Does all of Elon Musk’s tweeting have a purpose, I think it does. He achieves it by having people talk about him frequently. So there is automatically a lot of talk about his Car Brand Tesla as well. Because Elon Musk = Tesla.

As a result, more people will look at Tesla, and among these viewers, there will be guaranteed buyers. And of course, he likes to sell as many cars as possible. I, therefore, think that the use of Twitter is one of his consciously chosen marketing strategies to keep his products constantly in the spotlight. See there the power of Word-of-Mouth on Social Media.

L.L.T.S. with Word-of-Mouth
This is about “Launch, List, Traffic, Sales” with Word-of-Mouth.

With the first launch of your professional digital product you have your first buyers(hopefully a lot).

After the 1st Launch, everything is different and a whole new world opens up for you (wise words from my friend and Top Internet Marketer Steven Alvey). You have buyers on your list. You are, of course, going to give these customers the attention they deserve and treat them as your friends

And because your friends trust you, they will gladly share your current and next recommendations (not everyone will do it but at least a significant percentage).

Because your friends share your recommendations (Word-of-Mouth) you will get more and more real valuable traffic to your website. (See my above-mentioned example of the Domino Effect with sharing your recommendations)

Now that you’ve generated really valuable traffic to your website through Word-of-Mouth you get a seriously higher number of buyers on your list. Your Sales will improve and are about to get serious. Yes, you are in business now!

I repeat here the wise words of my friend and Top Email Marketer Randy Smith who taught me that it’s with launching your first product that you start to professionally build your list and generate valuable Traffic and Sales. So the first task is your product creation and its launch. The traffic will then follow naturally.

My Personal Word-of-Mouth
If you are serious about moving forward in the online business I highly recommend the 60-Day Partnership to Success program by my friend and mentor John Thornhill.

You don’t have to do it but at least go follow the webinar by clicking on “My Word of Mouth”. You have nothing to lose, it’s free.

I hope this was a valuable article for everyone and really appreciate your comments.

(By the way, I suggest everyone share this article with at least 20 of their friends…lol.)


Oh Yeah…Don’t forget to really serious watch John Thornhill’s webinar,
just by clicking on “THIS IS IT”



This is a guest post from Marcel vd Kerkhof, if you would like to be considered for a guest post please contact me.

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