How to Avoid Failure in 2009

I have just written a short report that may shock you but I feel I have to say what needs to be said so I can help you succeed in 2009. Once you have read this report you will look at some marketers differently.

There is nothing for sale and there is no need to opt-in but you need to read the report now as the information I reveal will become time sensitive. Simply click the link below to download the report. (Right Click > Save As)

Once you have read the report please feel free to share your comments.


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  1. Agree 100% with the comments in the report, as the old saying goes, there’s only one place success comes before work – the dictionary!

  2. Great Report John,

    You really put it straight. 2009 can be what you make of it. Unfortunately, for many reading this there excuses will prevail and they will waste yet another year while watching others succeed online. I just wrote a post on my blog about this very thing where one of my subscribers was challenging the opportunity.

    I’ve learned that there are 3 types of people online. Those that wait for things would happen, those that watch things happen to them, and those that MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. Now is the time to decide which one of those you are. It all comes down to a very simple choice.

    Do you want to succeed or not? It’s not up to anyone. It’s not gonna happen because of some revolutionary product either. It’s gonna happen if you have the desire and commitment to follow in someone’s footsteps, dedicate yourself and press forward.

    You truly hit the nail on the head with this one mate. I have a funny feeling that you’ve got something big on the way and I can’t wait to see it!

    Talk Soon!
    Omar Martin

  3. Hey John,

    I totally agree with you. I see so many people try at one thing only to give up when they get ‘bored’ and move onto the next. It’s no surprise they never succeed. Although slightly hypocritical of me to say, I’ve done it myself before!

    I started my own blog ( on Monday this week (12th Jan) and have been doing something every day; Writing articles and submitting them to article sites, expanding my social networking friends lists, writing more articles, setting up a newsletter and seeking subscribers. It’s hard work, but every day I’m seeing development and progress. It’s important to look back at the work you’ve done to understand just how far you’ve come.

    You mention that determination is important to success. I used to struggle when it came to determination. So I tried altering my daily routine. I now wake up at 06:00 Mon – Fri and go to the gym to kick start my day to get me motivated. I get a fantastic buzz from it. I really do recommend it to anyone!

  4. Hi John

    You really struck a chord with ‘it takes hard work’.

    I’m rushed off my feet;

    Listing on eBay

    Packing and dispatching eBay purchases

    Providing email support to my eBook buyers

    Writing eBook no 2

    Researching ideas for eBook no 3

    Continuously reviewing and adding to my autoresponder messages

    Posting to blogs and forums

    Seeking out new JV partners

    Posting to my own blog

    Reading all your emails! (only joking)

    So much for an income on ‘autopilot’

    But I’m enjoying every minute of it and I just had my first $1,000 week!

    As you know, John, a couple of weeks ago I got an unsolicited email from Jim Cockrum asking if he could add my eBook to the bonus pool and offering to promote it in return,
    what a thrill!

    None of this would have happened if I hadn’t joined your coaching program 12 months ago.

    So good luck for 2009, I’m sure you’ll reach your $1m goal and thanks for all your advice and support in 2008.

    Kind regards


  5. Michael

    Great report John.

    A lot of hard-hitting home truths that made me realize it is about time I got a grip.
    I’m very much looking forward to your forthcoming email.


  6. Andy Cockayne

    Inspiring read John…

    I am an example of buying a product full of enthusiasm only to find my enthusiasm ‘dwindles’ as time goes on until I finally stop…

    I am determined to change all that in 2009 and I am keen to learn where this is going! 🙂


    Andy (Sheffield UK)

  7. You are so RIGHT John! A person needs to focus to get things done and that means leaving behind all the coolest latest offers that are bombarding the inbox minute by minute.

    If a person puts as much effort into one project, their own information product, as they do when they spread themselves out over the latest quick money scheme, they would be much farther ahead.

    Maybe it’s just a learning curve people need to go through. I’m guilty of this myself. But if you can learn from others… this is one thing you can learn that will shave years off your money making learning curve. Just say no to the bazillion new offers and focus, focus, focus on your very own original info product and you will get somewhere.

  8. John,

    Fantastic information!

    I wholly agree with every single one of your points.

    Anyone who has been through your coaching program, as I have, can attest to the fact that it does take HARD work to make this wacky world of Information Marketing really work.

    Your products and information are first class.

    Thanks for all that you do and provide.


  9. Hi John,

    I think info products have extraordinary potential.

    I think the main issue is figuring out the right topic. I’m trying to figure this out at the moment.

    As I’m only interested in making money from what I care about (otherwise I may as well get ‘a job’) this is trickier. I’ve already rejected the idea of ‘Tips on Paris Hilton’s Underwear’).

  10. Agree 100 per cent with all you say, John. Looking forward to learning what you have in store for us.

  11. Hi John,
    Guilty as charged!
    Oh John, you are so right, and you’ve put it so well.
    last year, I reached “burnout” after getting my first product online; I used my new grandson as an excuse (mind you, a new baby is almost as much work and consumer of time as getting a business established online!)and I just dropped all that effort! What a waste!

    Thanks for all that you’ve given us so far (well, I know sometimes you sell stuff, but you always over deliver). I’m looking forward to making a fresh start in 2009, with your help, and a time management plan.


  12. Great report John!

    It is all to true. To put a positive spin on this reality, because so many people just don’t get going and implement, and follow through on one of the many many ways to make money online, the Internet Marketing business remains a very lucrative place to be for the people that are really able to work hard and believe in themselves.

    As well as understanding that this takes work, one also needs to understand they must stay focused. Information overload is very real, and take a lot of people out before they even really get started. Try to stay focused and don’t get distracted by the latest ‘product launch’. Organization and planning is crucial to survival online.


    Jeromy (AKA Hillbilly)

  13. *Hi John,

    I was gobsmacked to read this little report from you and,
    I was amused in a way to realise that you were talking
    about ME … ;-))

    I have most of the ‘traits’ that you mentioned in the report
    but, maybe I am a little short on the patience bit. LoL

    THANKS for the kick up the arse John and, I look forward
    to your e-mail ….

    Best Regards, David

  14. Hi John,

    I just woke up here in sunny Perth, Australia, and the first thing I saw in my inbox was your blog post notification. Of course I had to take a look straight away!

    All I can say is – your report just confirmed to me that signing up for your coaching program has been the best thing I ever did in my online ventures. There are not many guys out there like you, and the information and help you provide to other struggling Internet Marketers is priceless.

    To everybody out there: John is so right, perseverance and dedication are so vital in this business. See, I started with John’s 16 week coaching program early August last year, and I am in week 8 at the moment (talk about a long 16 weeks LOL). I don’t have much time to do this, but the important thing is – I keep doing it!!! I am not giving up, and eventually I will get there. And I know I will be successful some time in the future.

    So not matter what you do – just don’t give up!

    Thanks for this great report, John!

    Petra 🙂

  15. Nickolas

    Agree with you 100% and love very much the left background in your photo. Don’t keep them empty there!!!

  16. Hi John,

    A wonderful report and so true.

    I credit my success to you and all the help you have given me over the years (ebooks, coaching program etc).

    Without your help I would still only making a few dollars here and there and scratching my head about what I was doing wrong.

    In fact only recently I started trying a few other things and wasn’t succeeding so went back and started reading an early product I purchased from you – Resale Rights Blueprint (which is still as relevant today as when I purchased it over a year ago) and next month I plan to go over the coaching program lessons again and release another product that has been spinning around my head.

    All I can say is that you are my guru .. but there is one thing I’m wondering about – Pina Colada’s?


  17. Well… there’s nothing sexy about telling the truth of success when blood sweat and a few mental tears are shed along the way !
    I have yet to be convinced of anyone who became an overnight success…it just appears that way to outsiders.

  18. Hi John

    Well yet another piece of great content, lee McIntyre did a great video of this type of focus talk, and this is what inspired people to make money online and stay focused, instead of going buying the latest get rich quick scheme product,

    Top pic went Ibiza in 2007 was awesome loved the cocktails with a slice of umbrella…

    Hoping to go Jamaica this year (fan of bob Marley lol)

    Hope you make you $1 mil target, you deserve success more than most internet marketers out there, have a wicked 2009 john


  19. Hi John

    totally loved the report man I will will be sharing it with my subscribers on my list.

    its does take alot of hard work but when it becomes a passion and you feel good about helping others out, it seems that the money follows.

    Thanks again John and looking forward to your email.


  20. David DeWitt

    Hallo, John!

    Great message, John, and again another indication of your sincerity and honesty. I have kept up with this blog from day one because of your generosity and helpful guideance about everything related to selling info products online. I think I have a rather useful and unique info product just created after much hard work and several revisions that have taken place when newer information became available to me. I have kept at it despite many setbacks of both time and money, and never given up on it. Now, soon, I face getting it out there. Everybody who creates Paypal buttons will be interested in what I have discoved how to do with them – something that I hunted all over the internet trying to find out how to accomplish to no avail. Finally, I realised few, if anybody, knew how to do this and a lot of people were trying to discover how to do it!

    So I worked on creating solutions myself for many weeks and months. That’s dedication. That’s a desire to succeed. It is even a desire to help others. And is shows patience, too. Lots of it. Something I had to aquire.

    And it has been hard work. So I think I am on the right road here.

    I thought it would be too technical. But I learned. I thought several times that I couldn’t do it… I thought it was impossible, but in the end, I discovered it isn’t, because I didn’t give up on the idea even though I failed many times to make it work.

    I care for a daughter who is disabled, and work full time. I thought there was no time to do this. But there is time even if it is in short bursts, or times when you have to choose between a bit of extra sleep and work on your project. Finally, I got this thing done and it works! I have several folders of files related to this product that are rather full. Early research (as you say, it is all there on the internet, even if it is in pieces here and there), and first drafts, pictures, tests, so much stuff that I had to put it all out of sight and pick out what was most current to avoid complete confusion!

    But, finally, I got all my ducks lined up in a row and my product is helpful, unique, and can make people money immediately!

    I am not ready to put it out there, yet – as you can see there being no website link. But that is coming, and I’ll see how it goes when that is ready… After all, I have learned the value of patience!

    I am looking forward to your next email, John. Thanks for all the encouragement and helpful advice. It is much, much appreciated!


  21. John – First timer here even though I have purchased many of your products. I feel that I have all the credentials that you mention and DO put a lot of time into developing my online presence. Over the last couple of years I have built up over 50 websites with a goal for each of them to earn a minimum of $1/day each as a start.

    This is slowly becoming a reality just from Adsense but I am totally disappointed in the Clickbank earnings, having not had a single book purchased. I even contacted Clickbank to see if they could look into some of the books that seem to move a buyer to additional pages which I think loses my ID number. They never responded. That is one reason that I purchase your ebooks with PLR that I can offer and sell myself. Hopefully, that will make a big difference in earnings for 2009 and beyond.

    I have an idea that I could put into an ebook that no one else offers, along with a video showing the steps for utilizing my idea, but am worried that once I make it known, the formula will be passed around the Internet without me making the money I would expect. I would expect that it would be very costly to try to go after everyone who may copy my idea.

    I look forward to your future emails and wish you success towards your Million dollar year!

  22. Hi John,

    That’s a real ‘Hit the Nail on the Head’ report. Everything you said in it is true and i’m sure most, if not all had experienced most of whats in it. I found i was getting swammped in information and jumping from one thing to another every week. As you mentioned, this just isn’t going to work!
    I needed some structure and guidance, which is why i joined your coaching program…best thing i have done in this business yet! You do need to be patient, things don’t happen over night and you need to put in hard work to lay the foundations to your business…or it just won’t work.
    Thanks for the great report John…and another big thanks for the coaching program…it’s been a god-send!

    All the best,
    Paul Hooper

  23. Hi John,

    Great information once again. You really over-delivered on this one. Imagine, you can make a lot of money on this report, put affiliate links and sell it, but what did you do? You gave this report for free! An honest marketer that truly wants to help people succeed online.

    Keep up the good work John!

    Best Regards,

  24. Cheers John, Great words and very true, but I bet people still won’t listen

  25. Nicely put John,
    and straight to the point!

    After having just had 4 months of doing virtually nothing bar support my customers, I can honestly tell all your readers that thanks to listening to you and acting on your advice back in 2006 – I’ve happily kept drawing cash from most of my sites over the last 4 months …. None of that cash would have kept coming week after week if it hadn’t been for the hours of dedicated hard work you nearly bullied me into putting in back then…lol

    As always – I’m indebted to you as so many others also seem to be.
    (And you’re still my favourite goo roo who thinks he’s not…lol)

    Warmest Regards

  26. Hi John

    Brilliant report, I’m sure many of us can relate to it.

    I know that many people look up to you John – me included, and really admire all that you’ve done. You’re a true inspiration.

    You WILL reach your target this year I’ve no doubt.

    Keep up the good work John

    Best Wishes

    ps I found out something really funny today, I was setting up a message in aweber and checking the spam system – it came up that my website address was of a porn nature – charming – didn’t realise what it meant until I looked – duh – thought I’d give people a laugh anyway 🙂

  27. Hi John

    Guilty as charged!

    Had a friend who would refer to a grass-hopper mind – constantly flitting from one thing to another and never getting anything done properly. Some of us just have to learn the hard way!

    I still have to get round the problem that I think everyone has already written about what I would write about – and they are probably more expert than me. I know neither is true, but nevertheless it’s a hurdle.

    No-one to blame except myself though, and no excuses.

    I’m not giving up though – I really don’t want to have to get a J.O.B.

    BTW, doing your Coaching course opened up a whole world for me. OK, so I haven’t ‘reached’ anywhere significant yet, but boy, have I learned a lot!

    Carry on with the good work. (I’ve Tweeted this blogpost too.)


    PS I know spelling isn’t your strong point, JT, but did you /have/ to keep putting goo-roo? It was only funny the first time! 8-))

  28. Hello John
    I really enjoyed your article which certainly rings true.I’ve attended seminars whre the gurus tell you that it just takes a few simple steps before the money starts pouring in.
    But the truth is that first of all you must be prepared to learn the basics and then work up from there. Your blog is very useful to me.

  29. Matt

    Nice one John!!

    Im building all my info together, at the moment i’ve got so much to read & do & these emails you send keeps me inspired, i think i will join your mentorship monthly. I feel positive for 2009 & I know it will all just click together.

    Best Regards


  30. Hi John,
    I,m sure you know me from all my e-mails questioning this and questioning that, I have put m y time in bothering you. But the really cool thing is, you never made me feel like I was bothering you.

    I have recently become disabled (crappy story I am only 43) but anyways I am in your coaching program and I have two products on the market. No sales yet but I am trying, I took your advice and subscribed to Submit Your Article and I have submitted two articles so far, before that I had submitted 12 articles to Ezine Articles.

    I have been working my a__ off. I get up at 6:00am and I work straight to 6:00pm when my wife pulls me off the computer. I have never worked so hard for no pay, well I earned $58 from adsense.

    But I am going to keep on working this hard and I am going to make it work. After the coaching program is done I will be buying your eBay eBook package and see if I can build a successful eBay business. I know I will, your package promises it and I trust everything you say.

    Thanks for all your help, John and for your patience. You even took the time to analyze one of my sales pages and tell me how to fix it and I spent a couple hours re-doing it and I am much more happy with it.

    Your a Great guy and you deserve everything you get, because you earn it! You will hit your goal, I know you will!

    I wish you the best with everything.

    Howard Platt

  31. Hi John,
    Like nearly everyone else commenting on this post, I’m guilty as hell! So I’m eagerly awaiting the promised email! What’s happening? It’s Sunday the 18th Jan and I’ve been checking my mail box every 10 minutes like a kid waiting for Santa!
    Best regards,
    Frank Levy.

  32. Hi John,
    Everything you said in your report was true, and i thought exactly the same. 12 months ago when i started searching for the “perfect” online business, i bought and tried just about everything going, and nothing worked. (Or so i thought)!

    I expected it all to start paying me straight away, but when it didn’t, i put it to one side and forgot about it. I was so dissapointed with it all. I nearly went back to work. 2 months ago, i started looking at it all again and realised i had to work slower and not rush it all like i had before.

    I’ve been buiding Affiliate Blogs, and i’m quite proud of them.
    I feel better knowing that one day these will start to make me money, (hopefully plenty of it). Been following you for a while john. You truly care about your followers.

    Thanks again John

    Kind regards
    Julie Templeton

  33. Cat


    Thanks for sharing your perspective with us–for free.

    Great information–you hit all the major points that anyone in business has faced or will face.

    I am one who gets lost in all the information, but I try to gleam what seems appropriate for my business. But your reports don’t drone one, you get right to the point, which is why I’ve continued to read your emails.

    continued success and thanks for helping others along the way


  34. John,

    Thank you for your free report. All to the point, no padding, and no annoying time wasting sitting around watching and listening to waffle on some video or other!

    Yes information overload is a problem. But I am going to have to learn to Unsubscribe from a load of lists – needless to say yours won’t be one of them!


  35. Hi John,
    I really enjoyed reading your report, infact I enjoy reading anything that you send out to me.

    I agree with everything thing that you say and myself and my Brother are determind that this year is going to be our year for success.

    Since Christmas I have uploaded an ebook, started to use twitter and over the last few days I have been setting up a blog, so I hope we are going in the right direction 🙂

    Once again many thanks for the report, it was great.

    Best regards, Paul D.

  36. You’ve shown by example exactly what we need to do to succeed. Even though you didn’t require us to opt-in to your list before getting your free report, you included a “call to action” at the end asking us to return and leave a comment.

    Thank you for the lesson. I’m off to get back to work creating my own product.


  37. Thanks for this report John. You can beat hard work.

  38. Gidday John and fellow readers,

    Ok as you see my name is Nathan Childs, I am 23 in just over a month and i am from Australia and have recently bought a product from Lee Mckenna which was 1000poundperday. I bought this product as i have recently had an injury around 4-5 months ago now, and it was a fairly serious accident on my motorbike i mean i could still do a few things but just couldn’t walk as it required surgery, the nature of the surgery was a Left Knee Reconstruction.I was in the concreting trade and I was told that the time it would take to return to work would be nine months. The first month was painfull then it was ok for the next 2 months but then after then and still to this day the 22/02/2009 it has been pretty crazy, i have not allot of money left and im talking in the hundreds category low hundreds, i have been told that the cartlidge in my knee has worn out and my bones in my knee are rubbing together which is creating my whole knee to grind as if you where grinding your teeth, The doctor said that there is nothing they can do since the cartlidge is what gives you the smoothness when your joints move. So i thought ok i have to think of a new way to make money now and i thought well i am really into health and fitness and i know so much on weight loss so why not start out a business on what (I know). I mean yes i know concreting really well too but i personally felt much safer on weightloss and maybe in the future i may return back to my concreting traits as a new product but any ways point being, I am not here for a fast buck i mean yes i want to see some income but i understand the saying “you have to learn to crawl before you can walk”. So i was going through Lee’s Product and reading everything there is now Lee said that he seen John’s product 90daypowerseller, And he bought it and posted in his product that we really should check it out, so i did and i bought it, it was the best decision i have made so far. And also in my favour he shows you how to do it all and it was on weightloss so it was a big bonus. Now My first thoughts where PLEASE WORK PLEASE WORK PLEASE DON’T BE SOMETHING TO TAKE MY MONEY AND RUN, and i mean it was just over $150AUD and when you have no money to spare and which you can return to and physically do with injuries like this. I am not crying out for help to any one i am just letting you all know who i am and what i am about, and that i am glad i made the right choice. I know you all might think i am raving on truth is yes, i am and i am proud to be. Go back 3 days ago i was sitting on my couch with my girlfriend watching t.v. not knowing what to do next. then i was on ebay looking around in the business category and there was Lee’s product and from there to know i have my whole website set up and i done it MYSELF. I have a few things i have to go back and fix up as i skipped a couple of steps as i have not yet got my product but i will say, i know what i want and my product is very carefully and professionally being planned out and hope to author and publish it to the best i can possibly do i want to succeed in this business so i am back and forth getting right into it all trying to set things up as best i can within the next week i will have this all together and my product/s will be ready for sale or maybe just a subscription to my free report either way i am going to keep up with the good work and follow john an lee’s proven success to run an online business and i think everyone should be reading what has been put together on “how_to_avoid_Failure_in_2009”. after i read it, i must say it just gave me so much to think about and to say. I will stop now i could go on and on but all i will say is anyone dealing with this business really needs to be prepared to listen and follow in the right footsteps untill you are ready to blitz the whole system and go right out on your own limbs, and that is what i want to do i don’t know everything there is to know in this business yet but i do know that it has been proven to succeed, and i am ready to really knuckle down and have a go. If you can follow the right people and take in what is being said it they have proven to be a success then you are looking in the right front doors john please check out my pages mate and let me know what i should fix up as mate i am this far because of you and Lee so i would like to continue following you both thank you.


    Nathan Childs
    Nec Marketing/Publishing

  39. I guess I’m feeling the pressure right now. I feel many of the things John mentioned in his report. I’ve just completed my first year of IM with one product developed in a niche other than Internet Marketing. There’s a great deal of people making money “teaching” people how to make money. But HOW do you make money if your niche isn’t Internet Marketing? That’s the code I’m going to crack in 2009. I just spent one year and about $4000 with coaching and products that, even when implemented didn’t produce the results that the sales department sold or committed to. I’m as (or more) patient and as hard-working as the next gal/guy, but I can’t tolerate over promising and under-delivering.

    John, I’m in your Masterclass and I’m really feeling good about the progress thus far. Thanks for putting together the product I thought I was getting last year.


    Doug Kramer

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