How I Generated 54k And Won 2 JV Competitions While On Vacation

I’ve just returned from a week long vacation and while I was away my business was still running on complete autopilot and I managed to do over 55k in sales from a launch and win 2 JV Competitions while I was drinking cocktails and enjoying some sunshine. I guess this is the picture that defines Internet Marketing and if you read on I’ll explain exactly how I did it.


Before we go any further I want you to understand that to get to this stage took a lot of hard work, this is not something that just happens overnight, so if hard work isn’t your thing you may as well stop reading now.

There were 3 key factors that enabled this to happen.


Lets look at these in more detail.


You don’t need me to tell you that list building is the single most important thing you need to be doing online. You read it every single day and it’s 100% true, nothing, and I mean northing is more important than building your list. I build my list(s) from launching products, affiliates send the traffic and I turn that traffic into buyers and leads. There are tons of other ways to build a list but that’s what works for me. It’s not complicated or hard, I just create an offer and get it ‘out there’, I then rinse and repeat.


You can automate just about everything in IM from taking payments and delivering your product to building a list and sending broadcast emails. I had all of my emails planned before I went on vacation and everything was queued in Aweber before I left. All I had to do was monitor things. I had already been in touch with Omar Martin and Brian Oliver about their launches and informed them I would be away and would be queuing emails. This is something I do almost every time I go away.


I want you to understand I would never launch a product on my own and go on vacation. This would be crazy as you never know what can go wrong. The product that did 55k in sales was 60 Minute Reseller and I launched it with Dave Nicholson. Dave assured me everything would be fine in his hands and that I should just go away and enjoy myself and he would take care of everything.

If you know me you probably know I do a lot of launches and promo’s with Dave so this wasn’t an issue with me. In fact it was a great feeling as I was sat round the pool watching the sales come in knowing everything was getting taken care of.

I also knew I had a network of affiliates who would mail for the offer we had put together and knew that they had our backs. Again, this is not something you build overnight but something that takes time and effort (and trust) to build.

So if you can take anything away from this post it should be these 3 things.

Build a list.
Automate as much of your business as you can.
Build a network of partners who can help you grow your business.

You may also be interested to know that the 2 JV Competitions I won were launches that my students were running. Not only do I teach my students how to create and build a business of their own but I always get heavily involved in their launches.

I’m writing this post for 2 reasons. Firstly, to let you know it is possible to earn an income on complete autopilot and secondly, to let you know I am currently planning on taking on a handful of new students. 

I must warn you though this is not a magic bullet, it’s not cheap and that a lot of hard work is involved. However if you are prepared to put the work in then maybe we could be working together real soon and maybe you’ll be sipping cocktails watching the sales roll in.

Interested? Fill out this survey and hopefully we’ll be working together real soon.

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  1. Jesse Munguia

    Love the post. Thanks for being so open to take us under your wing and hold nothing back John, you rock!!

  2. Hi John,

    Great stuff as always. You just keep giving. Keep up the good work, all the best.


  3. Hi John,
    Looking for a program to rebrand an ebook
    and clicked into the old John Thornhill’s Personal Coaching
    program and somehow ended up here!

    From the list on the sidebar, I’ll be able to access a
    newer program I bought…thanks for the redirect!

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