Harry’s Coconut Madness Left me Feeling Scammed

Beautiful woman in shockLast night I want to see a band called Madness in concert with a few friends, if you’re lucky enough to be under 40 or from outside the UK you may be wondering who they are. They are a Ska band that date back to the late 70s and I’ve seen them about 10 times as they always put on a great show. (I’m showing my age now)

So we’re drinking round Newcastle before the gig as you do and it comes to my turn to get the drinks. I always seem to get the busy bar when it’s my turn, so I wrestle my way through the crowd to order the drinks. One of the drinks I order is a Malibu and Lemonade, not for me I must stress as I’m a Guinness man myself. Anyway, the lady behind the bar proceeds to give me something called ‘Harry’s coconut mix’ and I say “that’s not Malibu” to which the reply was “It’s just the same.”

Err, no it’s not, what you really should be saying is “we buy this cheap crap and charge you premium prices as we make more profit from it.”

This sort of business mentality drives me crazy. This is a busy City bar that makes thousands per day that would rather save about $10 on a bottle of spirits that they charge about $5 per shot for. Talk about being cheap and leaving the customer feeling ripped off.

And this is something you need to think about with your business, if you sell products or services online make sure you never leave a customer feeling ripped off because if you do they are probably going to refund, or worse still write about it on Social Media.

Ask yourself, if you bought your own product as a customer would you be absolutely thrilled with your purchase? If you have to even think about the answer for one second you’re not providing enough value.

I have always strived to provide the best value possible and a lot of people tell me I charge waaaaaay too little for my products, but that’s okay because if people are telling me that then I know I’m providing great value. Not looking for cheap ‘Harrys coconut mix’ shortcuts to make more money.

And it’s no different with the latest offering I’ve created with Dan and Sue Worthington.

For about the same price as a Harry’s coconut mix and Lemonade you can grab a great little plugin that can help you build a list and drive traffic virally on autopilot for just a few minutes work.

If this plugin were a drink it would be premium rate Malibu that Harry would be proud to call his own.

Click Here to check it out and let me know what you think.

For the record Madness were excellent as always, they always give great value and never leave the customer feeling ripped off, I guess that’s why it was a sell out

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  1. I got this feeling after the first training program “product” I purchased for $27. At the time, I thought I had found a great value because it had videos and walked me through the steps. I discovered that most of the software used to complete the work had become so out of date that I had to spend a great deal of time looking for answers on my own.

    I sent a note to the creator, and she just chuckled about needing to update “that course.” I learned an expensive lesson about what you call “evergreen” training. Also, I want to make sure that if I allow something to lapse into obsolescence that I make it right with my client (like a certain IM guru did for me recently – *wink*).

    Thanks for the reminder, John, you do set a high bar for the rest of us!

    btw – $27 is a fortune to spend for an ebook at a few videos!

  2. Madness are brilliant fun and I guess your Harry’s coconut milk is not quite a Jaguar (only those familiar with Madness will get this)

    Providing value is the key to avoiding “buyers remorse” and refunds but perhaps more importantly if you intend to build a long term relationship with someone selling a crappy product that doesn’t deliver on the promises of the sales page is a sure way to fail.

    Mialei $27 is not a fortune to spend on an ebook and a few videos it depends on the content within the product.

    On another note I have been testing out my product because I didn’t want to produce my solution until I tested it myself and I am happy to say I have at a minimum tripled my income in the last 4 months bought and bought a new car outright for cash.

    Happy days time to move forward with confidence.

  3. I once went drinking round Newcastle with a friend who’s cousin worked as a bouncer on that nightclub ship, can’t remember what it was called. Long time ago and never to be repeated! Not a place for a soft southerner.

    • John Thornhill

      The Tuxedo Princess 🙂

  4. Merry Christmas John,
    You and I had a chat one day about what to blog about and you said to take everyday occurrences and equate them to IM, which is what you have done here and it is a brilliant example.

  5. Hi John

    aah yes, that revolving dance floor, I know it well!

    I always appreciate the value you bring to the table John, I’m sure it’s one the main reasons who have become so successful.

    Low prices normally means the product is also low in value. That’s not always the case, as you said, you charge a lot less for some of your stuff than you should.

    Sometimes a higher price will make a product appear a premium one and will attract a buyer that is more concerned with quality rather than price. Ask the owners of Chivas Regal, I’m sure they’d agree with me!

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