Getting The Most From Live Events

handshake isolated on white backgroundYou may remember this blog post where I stated that your most important asset wasn’t your list, which is what most people think, but the connections you make with other marketers. Without the right online connections you will struggle as there are so many things that need to be done, but how do we make these all important connections, especially when just starting out?

By far the best way to make connections with other marketers is face to face and this is usually done at a live event. While we can build relationships online nothing beats shaking someone’s hand and introducing yourself face to face, this is a connection that is impossible to make online. By attending live events I have managed to form solid relationships with some top marketers that has enabled me to transform my business.

There are events happening almost on a daily basis and it shouldn’t be hard to find one near you. However, there are some basic rules you should follow when attending a live event to make sure you gain the most from it.

1. Work Out What You Want to Get From The Event.
It’s very important you work out what you want to get from any event you attend, this will determine the type of event you should go to. Do you want to learn? Do you want to network? Do you want to gain more JV partners? Do you want to connect with potential clients or gain new customers?

2. Connect, Connect, Connect.
Make sure you connect with as many people as possible, shake hands, introduce yourself and start talking. If I could offer one big tip here it is that most of the action happens in the bar each evening, don’t spend it in your room when you could be spending it making those all important connections.

3. Don’t be Pushy.
If you have a pending launch the worst thing you can do is talk about it and bring it up at every opportunity as you will come across as desperate. My advice is to leave the ‘will you promote my product’ talk at home and just concentrate on building relationships, then when you get home you can always contact anyone you’ve formed a relationship with and start from there.

4. Learn as Much as Possible About The People You Want to Connect With.
If you want to get someones attention and you know they are going to be at an event learn something about them before you leave and take some notes with you. Also, if you see a marketer at an event and you don’t know much about them but want to have a chat jump on your phone and spend 5 minutes doing some research, believe me if you mention one of their products you will have their attention. Take this introduction for example. “Hi John, I’m xxxx, I must say your product Simple Traffic Solutions is fantastic, it taught me a lot of traffic tactics I didn’t know, I especially loved the module about gaining JV partners, it helped a lot” Now how could I not be impressed by that introduction?

5. Don’t be The Event Jerk.
There’s one at every event. They hassle you, stalk you to try to catch you on your own, drink too much and act like a fool, talk about nothing but themselves and are generally just annoying. If you’ve never seen the event jerk perhaps it’s you. Don’t be the event jerk.

6. It’s Not About You.
So you made a million off your last launch, you came first in that big JV competition, or you just had Facebook buy your latest app for 17 billion. Who cares? It’s not about you, it’s about what you can do for others, if you want to build those all important connections and form long term business relationships leave the ego at the airport and concentrate on what you can do to help others. If you get this right you will go home with a ton of connections from potential business partners, clients, etc.

7. Not Everyone is a Good Fit For Your Business.
You can’t do business with everyone in the room so concentrate on the people who will give you the time you give them. Don’t force yourself on people as it will usually push them away. Understand that not everyone will want to connect with you and don’t worry if someone gives you the brush off, it happens.

8. Humor is The Ultimate Connector.
This usually happens at the bar and it usually happens in the early hours, some of the best friendships and long term business partnerships have been formed while ‘having a laugh’. If you can have a laugh with someone and forget the marketing talk you will form a far better connection.

9. Events Are About Mutual Benefits.
If you ‘get this’ you will go far, remember that the connections you form are the building blocks to a successful business, but also remember that other marketers are also building their businesses too. If someone reaches out to you listen to what they want from you and what you can do for them because if you don’t you may find no one wants to know you when you get home.

10. After The Event Keep it Going.
Once you get home make sure you follow up with any connections you have made as now is the time to build on the foundations you have built. You should also begin to implement the strategies you have learned (you will learn lots) and to above all make sure that the event was something that can help you take your business forward.

The Ultimate Event!

If you’ve never been to an event yet I am delighted to announce that ‘ll be attending the Marketing Summit UK event this weekend and it’s an event I can highly recommend.

If you are attending and want to hook up please let me know by leaving a comment below and whatever you do make sure attending events becomes part of your business routine.

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  1. Hi John,

    Awesome tips! I missed Simon’s event in Manchester last year but I am going to be there this weekend. Looking forward to absorbing some great content and making some valuable connections. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to meet you there 🙂


  2. Hi John

    You are so right, and I am going to apply each one of your tips. I am looking forward to my fist event.

    See you on Saturday 🙂

  3. Hi John,

    Thanks for the insight, I hope to attend Omar Martin’s next event here in Florida, USA. I will surely benefit from these great tips!

    Best Regards,
    Ken Soszka

  4. Hi John,

    Shame I can not be there for the summit since I’d like to meet you and many other like minded people, but unfortunately I have 3 trips booked for London this year and I cannot afford any more!

    And thank you for a great post of points that resonate with me regarding attendance to those Marketing Events. I’ve been to 3 in London and to 2 events in Los Angeles + another 2 Marketing Events in Las Vegas, and so, everything that you mentioned in your post is of great relevance because it is exactly as you said that you can get the most out of these events.

    For me though, when I first went to the events in London, I didn’t have that kind of advise, and admit I didn’t make the most of it, instead I bought some useless stuff that I didn’t even understand. They could have been something really good for someone that knew what they were about. The trips to the States were as a result of me following several people that I knew and from whom I’ve learned a lot.

    So for the next event that I travel to, I am making notes of the advice you graciously give us John. Thank you!


  5. Hi John, great tips. Thanks for sharing! This will be my first ever event so really looking forward to it and gaining knowledge and making solid connections to further my business!

    Hopefully get the chance to chat with you at the bar!

  6. Hi John,

    Unfortunately, it’s not possible for me to attend Marketing Summit UK this weekend. Although I’m from the UK, I’m currently living in the Czech Republic which presents some logistical problems, but the real reason for not being able to attend is a longstanding commitment.

    I do return to my base in London on average every 2 months, so will definitely seek out similar events and develop relationships to further my IM aspirations. In my offline world, I was Sales and Marketing Director (now retired) of a large UK car components company (I used to supply parts to your old company in Sunderland:-)) and know first hand the benefits of attending such events.

    I hope you enjoy the weekend and look forward to hearing all about it in due course.



  7. Hi John!
    I certainly enjoyed reading the tips that you have given for the marketers that will be attending the event. However, I will not be attending, but look forward to some great information that I’m thinking will be on posts, made by our friends that did attend.
    Have a super weekend John, I wish I was able to be there.
    Cheers to everyone!!!


  8. Hiya John,
    Yep, I am ‘All In’…both days & nights & staying in the same hotel as Randy (is that a good idea!?).
    I am looking forward to it & should be a real eye opener in many ways.
    It’s not a cheap weekend! but I see it as an investment in my future & a commitment to myself that this is what I am going to do/become (oooh hark at me!).
    Will see you for a beer on Saturday!
    Kindest Regards

  9. Hi John,
    Enjoyed the article, would like to be going this weekend, hopefully next year,without a doubt these are the best events to make friends and build business relationships, anyhow – ENJOY !

  10. When I read point five, the event jerk, I covered my computer screen with a mixture of toast crumbs and tea! So true.

    PS. Do all the above and have some business cards handy (but don’t litter the room with them or shove ’em down people’s throats). Looking forward to meeting new friends – Phil

  11. Pretty cool advice as always John!

    I really hope I can make some serious money soon since I wanted to meet you in person in Omar Martin’s last year event in Florida but with my upcoming wedding and lots of expenses I just couldn’t make it.

    I look forward to making that happen soon though and I’m 100% sure I won’t be the jerk in the room haha

    Cheers buddy! 😉


    PS. This line had me rolling btw: “If you’ve never seen the event jerk perhaps it’s you.” That was hilarious.

  12. Hi John

    Great post.Lots of good common sense advice. Spot on. I will be attending the live event and I am looking forward to learning more and meeting up with you.



  13. Hi John,

    What an excellent post. This advice goes along way in more than just events. I love the “perhaps it’s you” part. So many times I’ve met that ‘someone’ who just can’t stop chatting about themselves and really is just wasting my time. Being kind, polite and open to listening to other people while sharing my perspective and info is the tack I naturally take. Which helps me meet great people worth connecting with.

    Well I can’t make the up coming event so I’ll have to check for any local events here In Australia. Have a great time.

    Thanks for all the advice!
    Dan Newman

  14. Actually John …. Talking of getting too drunk lol

    That was the last time I drunk a beer when I was with you at the 1st Marketing event… Lets see if I can manage a whole pint this time lol

    Looking forward to catching up again matey 🙂 some great advice there on that blog post Mr Thornhill 🙂



  15. Hi John,

    these are great tips. A pity I can’t make it to Manchester this weekend but the next possible date I will join in too.
    Have fun on the weekend and make some great connections with the other P2S members.


  16. Hi John,

    I’m going to be at the event in Manchester this weekend and I’m really looking forward to meeting up with you and other PTS members. As you say, networking is invaluable in this (and any) business.

    See you in the bar!

  17. Hi John,
    Sure wish I could go to the event, but stuck here in the USA right now. (I’ve got to get that passport stuff done!).
    I’m going to check on marketing events here in America, and attend as many as I am able.
    Great advice on not being the Event Jerk or the Drunk One.
    Hope to meet up with you at an event someday, I’ll buy you a beer.

  18. Hi john

    Great post and I am starting to see how important connections are in IM. I really hope to get to the next seminar and meet everyone face to face.


  19. Kim

    Thanks for the tips John, thoroughly enjoying the marketing summit in Manchester at the moment though my head is a bit sore at the moment since last night…


  20. Thanks again John for an inspiring post.

    Not able to get to most events at present as I’m a full time carer for my wife, but all the points you make do apply to most of us.

    My experience from past live events is that it’s so hard to keep the momentum going in the days and weeks following. But it’s so necessary otherwise much is wasted or forgotten if not put into regular practice.

    Thanks again and thanks also for Partnership to Success – this is going to be a life changer for me and I’m determined to make this a fact and not just a dream.


  21. Well, I’m actually quite glad I’ve connected with you over the last year, because I’m really looking forward to this new sales funnel you are releasing. It is def. an area that is holding me back. When I apply the method of STS to it, I should def. start to get somewhere.

  22. Hi John,
    Very useful information for me, thanks a lot.I am glad reading your article. But wanna remark on few general things, the web site style is wonderful and the article is really great. Good job realy…
    Kind Regards,

  23. I think have to start making good use of the live event now, I see most Top Im do it but never consider it. Thanks John

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