Free Audio Interview Featuring John Thornhill & Daniel Sumner

I have just finished creating an audio series I recorded with Daniel Sumner.

We basically just sat and talked about selling eBooks on eBay and Internet Marketing in general. There was very little planning as you will soon discover but there is a lot of killer content in the 80 minutes we have recorded.

This audio series is 100% free and there is no sign up required.

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  1. Hi John

    Just that I’d email you to say thank you for the audio

  2. John Bradley

    Audios were poor quality. Couldn’t hear or undersand them. I think you guys were too far from the mike. Lots of echoing, etc.


  3. Hi John

    I love the informal style of the interview, and as always the content is very informative, keep up the good work.

    James Munny

  4. Hi, John

    Just wanted to say thanks to Daniel and yourself for and excellent
    interview and insight into what is needed for success. People will
    i hope learn a great deal from this informal interview and go on to
    be successful in their venture in the ebook world of business…

    Thanks again

    Vince Andrews

  5. Great stuff John and Daniel,
    I enjoyed your audio and listen to it in my car as I burned it onto a CD. It was a bit difficult to hear certain parts of it but all in all your talk was very informative. Looking to hear more from you guys. Thanks!


  6. Hi John –

    Very informative audios. I not only learned a lot I enjoyed them. I usually don’t like the audios others make and often delete them. I almost didn’t bother with these but I’m glad I did. They played crystal clear audio with plenty of volume to spare. I felt like I was sitting there with you and Dan. I found this to be quality high value content. Thanks for making these available to me.

    Thanks – John

  7. Hi John,

    Just wanted to say thanks to you and Daniel for sending out these audios. Man, they totally opened up my mind to the power of eBay and eBooks in general. I will be looking to add this to my overall online strategy.
    The audios were great quality and really easy to listen to. I’ve listened to them several times whilst at work – dreaming of leaving the rat race! lol! 😉
    Thanks again John – you’ve really inspired me.


  8. JD Daniels


    Tremendous audios.

    Gestures like this and the quality of your newsletter are the things that make you stand out from the crowd on the internet.
    There are many internet marketers that could learn a lot from you.

    Have A Great Week.


  9. The audio would be great use 2 me if the accent(s)of both speakers were closer to american,not sure how to word what i am trying to say here???????what is their accent(s) anyway? german? british? french??i just wish there was a american version available for this audio find…. no doubt!

  10. Lou Cajolo

    Hi John,

    Thank you so much for the free audio. I am contemplating on starting an ebay business and am in the process of looking for the right and profitable products. Your interview gave some useful insights though I had some difficulty understanding british accents.
    Keep up the good work!

  11. Hi John

    Thanks for that really interesting talk with lot of tips. I hope I understood it proper and will definitively try to implement them for my laminate flooring guide selling. Thanks again to both of you for the insight thoughts and tips.

    Have a great week

  12. Steve

    I only listed to the first one so far but I did burn all four to a cd to listen to the rest in my car.Thanks a lot John as well as Daniel for the great information.John I did download the free writer at and I am in the process of reviewing all of the options etc to make my first ebook the most presentable.If anyone does download it you will still need a free ebook cover creator if you want to upload a cover pic to your ebay store or another site of your choosing to sell and to incorporate in your winraw or winzip file.So I don’t know about anyone else but after you have mastered all of the how to write and export to pdf and upload to payloadz etc it still comes down to content and keywords in my oppinion.Thanks again John and Daniel and I am looking forward to keeping up on information that will help me to someday also make some money selling informational products on ebay.

  13. Hi John,

    This was very outstanding information! The casual conversation really got you guys thinking.

    My ear is also not trained for a British accent — especially when spoken quickly, but I listened very carefully and will listen over again several times. It’s worth it.

    Have you thought of this idea yet? If not, I would be surprised! It’s time to have this audio transcribed into another ebook!! You and Daniel have a JV ahead with this.

    Best wishes… ~Annie

  14. hi john, i’ve never heard anybody talk so casual as you and daniel on the subject of e-books.,all the information you gave was sensational.,i am a complete newcomer to ebook selling.,”i’ve never sold one.”,but this has spurred me on .,with your help i desire to be a success.

  15. James Stewart

    Thanks john and daniel i listened to all four audio sessions and for
    a newbie like myself the information i received helped give me a
    better understanding on how to be more successful in the future.
    In the short time i’ve been involved on the internet i’v realized that there’s a lot of deception out there.It’s nice to see that
    there are people like yourselves helping those who want to learn
    with good information.

  16. Hi John,

    Thanks for the audio, you really provide great value to your subscriber. I am sure that is the way to go to treat your subscriber right.

    Thanks Again

    John Tan

  17. NME

    QUOTE: The audio would be great use 2 me if the accent(s)of both speakers were closer to american,not sure how to word what i am trying to say here???????what is their accent(s) anyway? german? british? french??i just wish there was a american version available for this audio find…. no doubt!

    HAHAHA…The accents are ENGLISH [North East & Yorkshire]
    Ask nicely and I am sure John will do them again and put on his John Wayne accent for you :0)

  18. hi john. just got an email from ray johnson about his BYEE program update. it’s amazing how he parrots you when he talks about ebooks and ebay. you both have a lot in common about the old ebook business on ebay, when the money flowed in like wild fire. i’d like to address the subjecy of “now” not “then “. both you and ray have closed up your ebay business of selling ebooks for the time being while you switch gears to product sales more so than digital delivery. most stuff on the net today is all going back to the “good old days” and not coming to grips with today’s problems of adjusting to changes in how an ebook business should be run to make profits like in the good old days. i would like either you, ray, or someone else in the ebook business to bring everybody in this business up to date and get away from the past by showing earnings from your business in figures that were produced within the last couple of months instead of showing earnings from 2004,2005,2006,and 2007. todays earnings would reflect the loss of the use of overture(as of jan.2007) and the inclusion of ebays ban on digital delivery of ebooks. this would put us all on a true level playing field and show everyone that these losses can be overcoms by using other methods to do keyword research and selling our ebooks. thanks for listening.

  19. Always great information John, it has been so helpful!

    Thank you,


  20. Thank you John

    I have been selling a number of different info products and I have found that if you can find a good niche, that isn’t being done by everyone and their dog, you have a real chance of hitting some good sales.
    While this is good, I was making ~$30US/day on just one digital file (this was before the Digital BAN) that was selling consistently every 3-4 hours every day.
    I have just begun to redevelop my eBay business and have just that one resource listed and again it is selling very well, over and over. I am in the process of creating a few new higher cost items for sale.



  21. John Schmidt

    I just want to tell you that I have been follwing you for some time now. I bought a website from you and was overwhelmed with your style. I was not able to get traffic to the site however but i am new and inexperienced. Everbody is right! John Thornhill over delivers. You are the one that I really believe when you say you are concerned with new IM’s and you really put yourself out there to assist new ones. I have had a real bad year in the US. Costruction work is way off and my wife and I are down to meager funds. We were informed that our house is in the process of forclosure. I get little small jobs from time to time but that is it. I have been dying to get enough money together to join your coaching program for a year now. I hope that I will be able to join your program some day. Just need to get a break here in the US and get work again.

    Not complaining just explaining.

    Thanks for listening,
    John Schmidt

  22. Hi John, as usual with your products, packed full of useful and informative information, and what’s more you provide it free!!!!

    A true internet marketer, providing genuine useful guidance, and maximum value to his followers and clients.

    Ken biddle

  23. Hi John and Daniel

    Thank you so much for these videos. I have downloaded them and listened to one, will listen to the rest when my speakers perform better.

    Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


  24. Hi John,

    A special thanks to you John & Daniel. As always, you provide top notch content for your subscribers.
    If I can be half as good a marketer as yourself, I’ll be doing okay.

    Best regards,
    George Nieves

  25. EXCELLENT material as always. I can count on U that what U have is of alue & innovative methods that get REULTS. My business have tripled because of much of the traning courses I have recieved from U. Thanks keep it coming. SHOW ME THE MONEY. Crape Diem, Anton Nova, facebook Ormond Beach, Florida….

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