Day 8 – October 8th

Well, here we are, another working week.

Here in the UK the weather was fantastic over the weekend, it’s almost as if summer came late as we have had a terrible summer weather wise so I made the most of the sunshine and done very little work. But for me that’s what it’s all about. I work hard during the week so I reward myself by doing very little at the weekend.

But now it’s Monday and time to get back to work so here’s what I have been up to today…

First of all I have been working on the sales page for my new eBook, if you remember last week I said I wasn’t too keen on the graphics. If you never noticed here they are:

And here they are now:

I’m sure you will agree the second draft looks much better? I actually find it quite amazing what a simple change can do to the appearance of a product. I still need to work on the sales copy but that’s the look I will probably be going with. As I don’t plan to launch until the end of the month at the earliest you will still see a lot of changes over the next few weeks.

I also promoted My Silent Team today. Jim Cockrum is offering a 5 day trial for $5 and I simply had to promote as that is a fantastic deal. If you missed it check it out here. I also added this to a new discount section on my blog, over time I will fill this with discount offers and it should do well.

I am hoping you have noticed a coincidence in the products I have been promoting lately? They are mostly recurring billing products. There is nothing better than getting paid EVERY MONTH for a one off promotion.

I am deadly serious when I say you need to be promoting recurring billing products and I am going to put in a shameless plug here for one of my own.

Get paid each and every month for every member you refer as long as they remain a member, and as ClickBank handles the affiliate side of things all you need to do is decide how to spend your money.

I have also been in touch with Lee McIntyre and we have decided to do what can only be described as an ‘autoresponder discount JV’. If you are not familiar with Lee this is a guy who is going places so keep an eye on him 😉

Basically he is going to let me promote 2 of his products on autoresponder series at a discounted rate and I will allow him to do the same with 2 of my products.

It’s win win win for everyone, Lee and I make money and any customers we sell to gets a discount. Once again this is something that will take no time at all to set up and will reward both of us for years to come.

I will let you have more info on this over the coming days as we have not quite finalized things.

I’m afraid that’s all I did today. I never seem to get a lot done on a Monday but I have a lot planned for this week and you will be the first to know 🙂

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  1. John,
    Good to see another post on your daily duties – it always amazes me what a difference graphics make to a page – your RR Blueprint has made me look again at my sites – I must do better!
    Will delve into the rest as the day goes on.
    Keep up the good work.
    Kind regards

  2. I have to agree Lee McIntyre is hot (please dont take that the wrong way lol).Maybe i should rephrase that’Lee McIntyres products are hot!

    I’ve bought a few of his books and have to say they are excellent value for your cash.

    Today I learnt a valuable lesson that everyone should take heed about.

    I spent all weekend putting the final touches to my new book to release it on the warrior forum today.
    I tested the sales pages, checked all the links several times,download, etc etc

    Launched it as normal and thought here we go,I went off to my tea with happy paypal thoughts but unfortunatly disaster struck.

    It was at that moment to my horror that i discovered my server had decided to dump half of all my database files!
    No payment processor, no payment pages, no images etc etc
    All gone into hyperspace without a trace!

    I had to close the wso as i didnt want to let people down much to my annoyance as it had recieved nearly 300 views within 3 hours!

    Lesson 1…Keep a back up of everything!
    Lesson 2…Never trust your server
    Lesson 3…Expect the unexpected!

    I hope this never happens to anyone else but please be warned.

    Luckily my ebooks are kept on my hard drive but its still going to take me the best part of a week before i can start rolling stuff out.


  3. Your “month in the business life” blog has certainly inspired me. I’m now keeping a blog-like log of what I do each of my “business” days (I’m only ‘semi-retired’ so I need to work to keep some income flowing and build up the ‘full retirement’ account). My wife is ‘completely’ retired but has a part-time job Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, so those are my “business” days, too! (And they’re my _only_ business days.)

    What I’ve learned from keeping my blog-log: (1) I get a lot more done than I think I do; (2) I don’t get as much done as I think I should; (3) everything take longer than I think it will or should; (4) there’s a lot of stress that comes with working hard all day and not knowing if my efforts are going to generate 10 cents or ten dollars, or a whole lot more — and when those dollars will show up.

    Keep us up to date, your experiences are valuable to all us viewers. Maybe it will even inspire a some of us to post our own “work blogs”!

  4. Hallo, John! What a huge difference in impact that backround and new eye-catching banner at the top of RR Rights Blueprint makes on the reader of your page! The new graphics make the old page look downright dull. In fact, it makes the text look better, too!

    We had nothing but rain here, so you are lucky to have a sun break over your way during the weekend!

    How much time do you spend on the ebay sales that occur daily? Can you tell us if you have a routine in place? When does your day usually end?

    Best always, David~

  5. David – I hardly do anything with my eBay account as everything is 100% automated. I usually login to my account once a day to make sure everything is ok.

    I don’t really have a set routine, I basically just work when I feel like it but I do tend to plan a week ahead and always know what I will be doing tomorrow. Plus I try and get my work out of the way before doing anything else.

    For anyone not doing this a simple sheet of paper and a pen is all you need.

    Write down what needs to be done next week and plan each day. Then do what needs to be done.

    I assure you by planning each day you will get a lot more work done.

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