Day 4 – October 4th

Today I have been extremely busy although most of the activity has been behind the scenes.

I have been working with my support manager Daniel on a new ticket system that I plan to roll out next week. If you find your business growing the very first thing you should consider outsourcing is support. I have not done my own general support for over a year now and it was the best business decision I have ever made. Daniel is a personal friend and knows my business inside out so he was perfect for the job.

Anyway, the reason I am moving over to a ticket system is because the spam filters are making it increasingly difficult to communicate with my customers.

Has anyone been in this scenario?

Customer – I have not received my eBook, can you send it?

You – Sure, here is your download link, let me know if you need more help.

24 hours later…

Customer – I contacted you yesterday about my eBook, I did not receive it. Could you please send it?

You – Hi, I responded to your email yesterday, I’m guessing your spam filter caught it. here is your download link again. Please let me know if you need more help.

24 hours later.


You get the picture.

Installing a support system will not only reduce this problem, it will actually stop repetitive emails as I will have a fully structured knowledgebase that should result in general queries becoming non existent. This is just another step I feel I have to take to grow my business. More on this next week.

I am also working on improving the graphics for my new eBook ‘Resale Rights Blueprint‘ as I feel they can be spruced up a bit. No matter what you sell you need good sales copy so I will be working on that next week and you should see the improvements made. In fact by the time I launch this eBook it will look totally different.

I also submitted another article to the article directories. This is something I now plan to do twice a week. As Submit Your Article allows up to 8 submissions per month I am going to take full advantage.

If you want to view the article I submitted on Tuesday click here.

I also added 2 promos to my autoresponder sequence. One was Dave’s Online Videos that I discussed on Monday. As the review of AuctionTNT was a success earlier in the week I have decided to promote Dave’s Cool Website via a review also. Only time will tell how this goes.

The other product is an eBook called ‘Free Listings Report‘ By Keith Purkiss. Keith is a long time member of Your Own eBook Business and I have been helping him to get this product launched. I feel it only fair that I also help him promote as I think Keith is onto a winner with this one.

Now the reason I am promoting these on autoresponder sequence is so I can promote these products for years to come. Each new person that signs up for any of my lists gets an email from me a pre-determined stages. As I have loaded these promos into my sequence they will also receive these offers. These emails should start to go out over the next 24 hours and once they do I will earn a slow but steady income.

Well, that’s it for today. I also want to point out this may be the last you hear from me till Sunday or even Monday as I normally take the weekends off and that usually includes Friday’s. I will still try and respond to comments left on the blog and I may post before Monday. It all depends if I decide to do any work tomorrow and this will depend how bad my hangover is in the morning as I’m off out tonight 🙂

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  1. Thanks again for the post today John!

    Is it me…or is everyone getting a support desk these days? 😉 – Seems like my report is coming out at just about the right time 🙂 – Opps…already said too much.

    Have a good night John 🙂


  2. Hi John,

    One way to try and avoid those type of emails about ‘I havn’t received my download’ that works well for me is to do a page redirect straight after payment. This works well with Paypal and DLG and can be incorporated into eBay backend as well now.

    Regarding what i’ve done today……I feel guilty because i cant seem to do as much as you lol. I still hold down a full time and job and the IM stuff sometimes has to take a back seat.

    However I did receive my graphics back from Steve at Divinity for my new book ‘No Fluff Guide to Automating Digital Delivery’ which i will launch this weekend from my site and the Warrior forum.

    By the way I did you know that this blog is now showing up on Alexa? Thats good going after only a few days.

    Keep up the good content.


  3. John! Thanks for all the links today!

    The link helps me help a friend today.


    Btw, I noticed you said something along the lines of doing some self promotion during your blog posts and perhaps feeling this might be viewed as negative by some of us reading this blog.

    To my mind, this is what you IM folks do! It is as natural as breathing, and this is how the wolves are kept from your doorways when the bills roll around as they always do no matter how much or how little you have worked during the month – so I do not in the least mind seeing this in your posts along with all the useful information you are giving us. If anything, it should be taken as a sign of what has to be done each and every day.

    I am not frankly someone who wants to build the same sort of internet marketing business as you have done. I am someone who wants to learn to promote and sell whatever I fancy on a part time basis. I am no less interested in learning it well but it is not for me something that will be full time work. Having said that, I eagerly view each day’s blog from you as something valuable and interesting and I am enjoying myself reading this daily blog enormously.

    It is unique in many ways because we readers can go back and read past comments, add our thoughts and perhaps learn something or pass something along to someone else who may be looking for the tidbit of information we already possess.

    I am a faithful reader of the Elpasso Blog, as well, because it is so personable and fun to read, not to mention informative! Real value there, and I am glad to see you going down this road, too!

    Have a great weekend, John!


  4. Thanks John,

    I’m going for a full support desk too.

    Have A Good Weekend,


    (P.S. Mark – release ‘Support System Simplified’ quick!)

  5. John, Do you use “ArticleLeverage” from Submit Your Article as well, and if so, are you happy with the results?

  6. John,

    While I’m writing this you are probably still recovering from a Fiday night on the town!

    Looking forward to your next “episode”


  7. Ivonne

    Dear John,
    Thanks for all the tips & free info on this new blog. I have joined as I think the $17 p/mo is reasonable price for all the teaching.
    I have paid over US$1000 to Elancers/Rentacoders etc and my websites are still stuck! Like to learn how to get some control back, like doing small stuff and not be dependent on someone for those things. Also been afraid to `install scripts’ Yuck! So now I can get to overcome my fears and move on and up!
    Also, thanks for advice about using PLR. For 5 mths I paid almost $240, to PLR site. Just cancelled my sub, was told I cannot use any downloads I took. Have 2 pay a `Licence fee’ to continue to use it.
    Keep up the good job!

  8. John Thornhill

    Mark – I have used ‘ArticleLeverage’ once but it seemed to take me ages. I just submit the regular way now but if you can use that feature and don’t mind the extra work it can’t do any harm.

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