Day 23 – October 23rd

Here we are again. Another day another dollar.

I actually have been a little lazy today, all I really did was submit another article and promote a product to my entire subscriber base. In fact you will have received the email from me a few hours ago. It’s actually not too often I promote to my whole subscriber base. However, this was a top quality product and also targeted to my main niche. So I am confident of generating quite a few sales.

I also used domain forwarding to promote this product. The original domain is so I bought the domain (note the hyphen-) and forwarded it to my affiliate link: as this helps disguise the affiliate link and makes my promotional email look better. You should also note the discount I managed to negotiate, something I have talked about in earlier Blog posts. This always helps with sales. However, not everything went to plan…

A little word of warning here. Test everything you do in Internet Explorer and Firefox as for the first 10-20 minutes I was doing things wrong and this resulted in Internet Explorer users being unable to purchase. Something to do with me using a framed re-direct and this resulted in the PayPal button not working in Internet Explorer (I don’t know so don’t ask). If this happened to you the links are fine now so feel free to check it out. Remember, just because something works in one browser does not mean it is guaranteed to work in another.

It was Dan Thompson who noticed this and pointed the problem out to me, it was just as well I was near my PC to get the email from him and correct things ASAP. If I wasn’t things could have been a lot worse. Lesson learned and it wont happen again.

You will also notice there is a deadline before the price of Operation eBook goes up. I plan to send a second email about 36 hours before the deadline ends. Doing this can actually result in more sales than the initial email that was sent out so bear this in mind when you are promoting a product with a deadline.

I may also do a review on this Blog after the price goes up and promote this via my autoresponder series. I know I will have to do something as I can’t let the domain I paid for go to waste 🙂

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  1. Phew! That was stressful, lol. I’m still recovering from the shock now! Couldn’t believe it when Dan told me your payment button wasn’t working – after I’d stayed up till 3 in the morning checking and re-checking and testing.

    I’m not quite sure what you did. Dan was telling me all this techy stuff but I was in too much of a panic to take it all in.

    I know you use 1&1 and I’m not familiar with their admin panel, but for anyone else that uses cPanel, here’s how to set up a redirect.

    Go into your cPanel > find the redirects icon and click it
    Enter the domain that you wish to redirect and then enter the url that you wish to redirect to.

    For example, I was lucky enough to discover that the domain name was available to purchase a couple of months ago.

    So I bought it, set the nameservers for my hosting, went into my cpanel, clicked redirect, filled in in the first box and in the second redirect box added, (this is my link to John’s Monthly Mentorship site). Hopefully, it will earn me commissions when people might happen to search for John Thornhill 😉 and, like John, I can use it as a link in my emails.

    Paula Brett

  2. What’s the world coming too?

    Paula has John’s domain and John has Paula’s domain…. this could get confusing….

    Or just be good for a laugh at xmas parties when everyone is too drunk to follow it all….. hehe


  3. You’d better believe it John 🙂 Reckon it might be worth a tidy sum, one day 😉 So don’t go jacking it all in and going back to that factory that you mentioned in my eBook!

    Randy, you always have to bring it down to getting drunk — I love it! Mine’s a vodka!

    Paula Brett

  4. Hi John, Paula, and Randy,

    That reminds me about how I got carried away on Squidwho (The Squidoo who’s who directory) a while ago and set up these (and a lot more that I wont mention)

    Just need more content and affiliate links.

    The poll questions and answers were not my idea they appeared
    automatically but vote if you like 😉



  5. John, Paula, Randy……

    You guys are goofy….but believe me, I am learning a ton and will be putting that information to work when I launch my new site sometime next week.

    John, the forum is awesome…..your mentorship monthly site is the same.

    I may have to scoop up Paula’s report on list building to see if it will help me out….

    I will be in touch with you in the very near future John to work out the details of the BOE deal.

    Thanks and have a great day/evening/night–whatever time it is where you are!!!


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