Do you like this blog? If you do I have good news for you. I have created a step by step video tutorial that will enable you to build a blog just like this one. Everything you need to know is in the video below. So grab yourself a coffee, get yourself ready to learn and hit the play button.
Please note! This is 6 videos rolled into one so if I refer to the ‘next’ video don’t worry. Everything you need to know is in the video below. You can also view the video in full screen mode by clicking the link in the bottom right corner of the video.
If you need a domain & hosting I recommend D9 Hosting.
You can download the Flexibility 3 Theme Here.
You can order any graphics you may need from GFX1.
There are tons of tutorials related to the theme here.
Hello John, Many thanks for the Videos for installing word press blog. I got some idea after watching the video. I will watch the video once or twice then I will be able to install my blog. thanks once again.
Hi John,
Love it – Looks great – Thanks for letting me know.
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Great tutorial on how to build a blog.
I really do like the flexibility 3 theme. I have used it in the past. I am not using it at the moment but may go back to it.
Great looking blog.
Dee Ann Rice
Hey John,
I used to have the Flexibility 3 WP theme installed on my blog for a while and I have to say not only is super flexible but it also is very easy to set up, change stuff around and all of this without having to dabble with code.
I think the premium version (Flexx) allows you to make splash pages, sales pages and add buttons and all sorts of cool stuff.
But for anyone who is starting with WP themes, you can do an amazing job with the free version as well.
Good luck on your new domain man and I’ll be coming more frequently to your new blog!
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Hi John
Just upgraded my blog to Fexibility 3, it looks fantastic, i’m on week 6 of your coaching program, and have just finished my ebook, i’m over the moon.
Thanks for everything.
Hi John,
Have just upgraded my own blog following your tutorial and just need to edit the feature and footer sections before I turn them on again.
Can you let us know how to add the ‘Connect With’ section and those nice looking social media buttons please? Thanks,
Hi Chris,
I actually got them from Daniel Sumner.
If you contact him I’m sure he can give you more info.
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HI John
I have just set up my new blog following your video, thank you so much.
Your video was clear to follow and I to now have a great looking blog.
Anyone looking to set up a blog really needs yo take time to watch this. I enjoyed it so much I have included clicks on my own blog on my ‘Meet Paul’ page for anyone that wishes to follow it.
Once again many thanks.
Best regards,
Paul Dimmock
You are a legend my friend keep doing what you are doing.It all starts by helping others! 🙂
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I love the flexibility theme and it is free! I use it in my get Blogging Challenge and have a demo site that I built for the challenge here – – every site built with this theme can look totally different and unique – thanks John.
Hi John, Thanks for the video on setting up a WordPress blog. I don’t have a blog, but have always wanted to have one. Posting something that was worth while was the reason why I never started one.
Hello John,
Nice simple video to show others how to have a similar blog to yours for themselves.
Many don’t have a blog as they don’t know how to get started,
You have help bridge that gap and share how to get one up, from the theme to the installation, to download links and tutorials.
Matt Morgan
Hi John,
Eventually changed theme to Flexibility 3. Deleted some stuff. Now just need to work through what i want to do. I added a plugin ultimate tinymce. I can change font size and font family. Font size 12 and Verdana.
Will get there. Thanks again.
hi again John, was looking at your blog and wondering what theme
you are using and i found this post!
great post and very good thinking!
Hey John!
I’ve been creating a blog with Flexibility 3 but I’m having an issue.
I want to create some private pages (like download pages) but when I publish them, a page tab appears at the top of the main page.
When I set the page to private in wordpress, the tab disappears but when I enter the URL for that page in the web address bar, I get an ‘oops, That wasnt found’ page.
Can you help with this?
Have you tried a Google search Ben?
Hi John,
It’s fine, I’ve sorted it now, thanks.
Just having a problem with my comments feature now, they’re not working AAARRRGGGHHHH!
Hi Ben,
Check out this link: Sign up to Holly Powell. She has plenty of video tutorials on Flex 3.
Hi John, while i have put together a lot of Websites over the past year, i have not gotten into producing a personal ‘Blog’ with my own name at the Head. I was thinking of buying the “Thesis’ theme, but whoa! too expensive-when i cam on your great Blog site and here you are offering folks to copy it! Incredible John, you are a force to be reckoned with!
Thanks heaps, and i will come back more often.
Hi John, Thanks for the tips, I have started a new blog and i know it is going to do well very soon.
hi john
amazing video on how to set up a blog from scratch. I will try out your suggestion for flexibility 3 theme looks great.John your over delivering on awesome content as usual great stuff.
all the best
Well hello John, thanks for sharing this video, I am currently moving a membership site to wishlist member which sits on top of a WordPress Theme and I was unsure about what settings to use in Flexibility, so this video has been really helpful to get over this point of procrastination!
John`s blog is one of the best I`ve ever visited. I can even copy the blog. John I first heard of you when I joined ebay way back in 2002 or around that time with Planetsms ebooks and bought some ebooks from you. However, I did not have the same success as yourself. Congrats to you though.
I just purchased one of your products and am digging in to learn. Your videos are informative and your blog is great. I`m looking forward to having some success this time around.
I do want to put in the time and effort to succeed. I love internet and affiliate marketing even though my success is limited, so I`m going through yours and Dave`s course to the T and I will have a lot of fun and I`m sure frustration while doing so.
I`m just starting my blog and it needs work. The domain is 7 years old though. I also have got my blog installed from lesson 1 Video.
It`s a start.
Thanks John. I`m so eager every morning to get started.
Trevor White
This is great. I have tried to use Flex in the past, but with me I always have a hard time with WIDGETS.They drive me nuts. I’m looking forward to watching the video and following so I can understand this and other themes.
Thanks again, Trevor
Hi John!
Great videos!
I already have the Flexibility theme… With the help of these videos I’ll make MUCH better!
Thanks again,
John. Hope you don’t mind me posting updates on what I’m doing with my blog so far. I find it important to be accountable to report to my teacher and other followers about my progress. It makes it much more interesting and exciting. I welcome comments from others about their progress, thoughts, ideas and other developments as this can help us all on our road to success.
This is my blog.
Thanks, Trevor
You are such a wonderful person and offer such great content with your blogs. I never misses opening an email that I find in my inbox that’s address from you, because I know that it’s going to be filled with quality information from an honest and nurturing leaders.
Thank You so much from have an online business that is trustworthy.
I still can’t express enough gratitude for John showing us with real time video how to set up this Flex blog. It is totally informative. John I have to thank you again. Now I KNOW how to configure my blog, and this theme is one I have always admired.
Thanks again, Trevor
Hi John
I loved the video and updated my online presence, and I am very happy with the result.
If anyone has any feedback it would be greatly appreciated.
The only item I seem to be struggling with is getting an Optin form in the footer. Do you have any recommendations or link(s) that I can be directed to figure this last piece out?
Thank you
Dwayne Leach
Wanted to thank you for this video. I came across the Flexibility theme a month or so ago and it immediately appealed to me. But I could not see how to change a few of the features and you have answered my questions…
Changing the ‘coding’ might give me a bit of a challenge but I’ve downloaded BitNami to work on the site locally, on my computer so I shouldn’t cause to much damage to the Internet that way 🙂
Thanks again,