Coaching Case Study – Lana Hawkins

This is a case study from a student who took part in John Thornhill’s Coaching program.

Name: Lana Hawkins

Niche: Health/Keep Fit



From Lana

I recently finished John Thornhill’s coaching program and I have to tell you that it was well worth my time invested, effort expended and money spent.

When I ran across John Thornhill’s coaching program I had just started looking for ways to earn money on the internet and had been reviewing so many different products on how to do this or that. Most of them contained good information; however they lacked the step by step that John is so good at and gave me with his program.

When I first read some of John’s sales pages I got the feeling that here is a person that really wants to help people become successful online and would help in any way he could. It turned out to be true.  When you sign up for John’s coaching program you are treated as a real person.

If John ever offers the program again I highly encourage you to try it out. Working with John gave me hands on experience and real skills that I needed to put the written word into action. 

Before we started I had some minor skills accrued from the research and work I had already done, but as I proceeded through the coaching program I learned so much more. John takes you step by step (really) through the entire process of creating a product and marketing it.  

As I was reviewing some of the previous sessions I was awed by all the new skills I have learned and the topics we covered. One great thing is that the coaching program materials will continue to be online for me to use and reference in case I want a refresher on a specific topic.

John has a great support system and if you ever need any kind of technical or strategic help he is there to answer questions. He is also very generous and finds great deals on tools to help his students out in the process. I’ll let you find out on your own, but he gave us all a really great graduation gift that will be helpful to all of us as we continue our online marketing careers.

So if you want to see what a total newbie can do with John’s coaching program, take a look at the product and site I built with John’s coaching. Go to  I’m very proud of my sales page and you can check out the 7 day mini-course for free.

Sincerely, Lana Hawkins

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