Coaching Case Study – Khadijah Ibrahim

This is a case study from a student who took part in John Thornhill’s Personal Coaching Program.

Name: Khadijah Ibrahim

Niche: Personal Development



I knew John was a great teacher even when I first subscribed to his mini course.  Though I subscribed to lots of mini courses and newsletters, however I found that I was always looking forward to read what’s install in John’s mini course.  His mini courses were always informative, easy to understand and in a way fun to read.

When I first saw John’s offer on the personal coaching in the end of October 2008, I knew right away that I must enrolled to this course.  You see, I had been through a lot in this online business and I almost given-up.  John’s personal coaching was like a light that gave me new hope that there is a way for me to succeed in this online business.

When I first went into the personal coaching’s sales page I was so devastated as I saw that all the places offered had been filled and the offer had been closed.  I was so devastated that I almost cried.  Honestly, although after seeing that sales page, I still kept praying that I will get the chance to enrolled to this course, I kept saying to myself it was meant to be and I believed that I will enroll to this personal coaching course.

The next day as if an answer to my prayer I saw an email from John again about his previous student’s case study and at the bottom of the email is a link to the sales page.  I was thrilled and while keeping my finger crossed I clicked on the link to the sales page.  When the sales page opened there was still places left for the coaching program.  I was so happy and kept saying “There’s still a place! There’s still a place! There’s still a place for me!” and I immediately signed up for the course.

The course was more than I expected and the support was really great.  Of course I encountered difficulty here and there but I believe that these were part of the learning process.  If there was no difficulty I would not have learned as I much as I did.  Both John and Daniel (John’s support manager) were a great support and they still are.  I think I was the one with a lot of problems, lots of questions, lots of issues and the last to finish however both of them supported me and guided me all the way patiently.  The pace of the course were really effective where I got the time to finish everything before the next lesson begins.  Even if I fall behind I still got the chance to finish the lesson before continuing to the next lesson.

Overall the course is great and if I am given another chance to choose I would definitely choose John’s personal coaching program.

I still have a long way to succeed in this online business however I believe with all that I have learned, supports that I am getting and the works that I am doing I will achieve success in no time.

Thanks to John and Daniel, I now believe I have a chance to succeed in this online world.  And to John, I hope that one day I would be just like you guiding others to achieve their dreams in this online business world.”

Thank you.

Best regards,


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  1. Thanks for this lesson of courage you put in this post.

    BR, Mostafa

  2. Hi Khadijah

    Thank you for sharing you story with us, I’m sure this will encourage a lot of people who are starting their online businesses and good luck with your product,



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