This is a case study from a student who took part in John Thornhill’s Personal Coaching Program.
Name: John Marsh
Niche: Website Creation
From John:
Finished at last! After many months of, at times, a real uphill battle, I now have my first eBook on webdesign for sale and a couple of days ago made my first sale. For those of you still struggling to get a foot on the ladder that first sale makes it all worthwhile! Even though it’s only a few dollars it brought a real smile to my face; it also showed that I had done everything right as the money correctly went into Clickbank and I got my first name and email on a list at Aweber.
After all this time I don’t remember how I first heard about John Thornhill, but I am so glad I did as I’m sure that without him I would never have got where I am now. I am so glad that my instincts about him were correct, and it’s worth pointing out that those who’ve followed him over the last few years and are now established in their own right are still following his approach to Internet Marketing of honesty, reliability, helpfulness, support and value for money. If only there were more of him about!
I have just retired after 30 years of school teaching (mainly computing) and I think I can spot a good teacher and with John you have one of the best!
A few words then about what you actually learn in the 16 weeks. Every week has 2 files for you to read which summarise what the week will involve and then there is a number of videos to watch which talk you through, in huge detail, exactly how to do each step. John is creating a product as well and you are looking over his shoulder as he does it – what could be better?
You do everything including setting up a Domain name, building a website, settting up email addresses, an automatic payment collection system, an automatic system to collect names and emails of customers, creating a blog, thinking up ideas for an eBook and then writing it, writing a sales page and finally spreading the word about your product by writing articles for various websites, plus loads of other things too numerous to mention – I’m sure you get the idea though that’s it’s pretty intensive!
Finally, when you are up and running it doesn’t stop there. I am already well into 3 more eBooks to follow on from my first and another on a completely different topic and after the excellent start I have had, courtesy of John and his team, I feel confident that I will get quicker in producing them and getting them out into the market. Also John’s help doesn’t have to stop there either as he offers continued help through his Mentorshipmonthly site.
So, here’s to further success for us all.
Thanks a lot John
John Marsh:
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