Can Dave Teach You How to Make Money?

Dave Guindon claims you can watch over his shoulder while he makes money online.

Well first of all lets find out who Dave Guindon actually is. Dave started out on eBay just like I did and has been working online since 2000. He has been teaching others how to build their business since 2003 and has created many successful products such as Hot Item Finder, Auction Yen and Cam Studio Pro. So it is clear to see Dave knows his stuff.

So what will Dave teach you?

Here are just a few of the topics Dave has covered in great detail in video format in Dave’s Online Videos.

  • How to create an eBook, website, and PayPal delivery system
  • Selling Software on eBay
  • How to Create an Eye-Catching eBook Cover
  • How to Setup a Product to sell through ClickBank
  • How to Make Money with Google Video and YouTube
  • Setting up a Web Site Series
  • Setting up a Newsletter … from start to finish
  • List building tactics using eBay, Google and other methods

And Dave keeps adding more content each month so the site just keeps growing.

So can Dave really teach you how to make money?

Well the beauty of Dave’s Online Videos is he seems to have covered every niche possible. From eBay to Blogging to ClickBank. In fact the only downside I can see with Dave’s Online Videos is on your first visit you may be overwhelmed with all the topics covered. However, no matter what your niche is you will find something that interests you.

Also, the beauty of watching a video as opposed to reading an eBook is you can see what is happening right in front of you. This is excellent if you sometimes find written instructions hard to follow.

So if you want to learn about Internet Marketing in general then Dave’s Online Videos really is one of the largest money making resources I have ever seen and I can highly recommend you check out what Dave has to offer.

And before you head over you will be delighted to know I have managed to secure you a massive discount off the regular price.

So to grab your discount and secure your spot head on over to:

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  1. Dave’s videos are well worth a look.

    I purchased some of his software (eBay Feedback Generator) last year and it’s proved to be very effective and easy to use with great support.

    If his new items as half as good then they will prove to be a wise investment.

    Mick Menesse

  2. Hi,

    I can backup what the other people have said about Dave’s videos. They really do take you by the hand and let you watch while he does different steps. And now with this great discount they are a must have.


  3. Hello John
    I have been subscribed to Dave for about 3 years I believe.Have you seen his feedback software.You can purchase the resale rights to this as well.For someone like me that is researching on the combination of selling”direct”or dropship plus selling and creating some of your own I believe that you John as well as Dave our two of the most knowledgeable sellers on ebay.I have learned a lot from both of you guys so far.I am only trying to establish a business for myself on a part time basis so this is one reason why it is taking me so long to be successful I suppose.Another reason is that I just don’t have a lot of extra money to invest in say ebooks with resale rights or software with resell rights and as you know the competition is strong on ebay.But I am 55 going on 56 and my goal is to be able to retire from my regular job at 62 and just do ebay full time from that point forward.So thanks a lot for all of your help up to this poing,- both Dave Guindon as well as John Thornhill.
    Steve Rechel
    ebay ID:buckeyerexman

  4. GregT

    Hi John,

    Thanks again for another great email/blog post. I can honestlt say that the Internet world would be a better place if there were moe people like you. What set you apart from most is that you truly present yourself as someone who is genuinely interest in the succes of others. You have a firm grasp on the fact that our success will make you successful. I have foillowed all of your posts, emails and bought your courses and appreciate your wealth of knowledge and willingness to impart it to the rest of us without holding anything back.

    I am curious abour Dave Guindon. One of his products is the video creation software. If it is as good as he suggests it is, why are his videos done with Camtasia?

    Also, I am following you closely on eBay and watching your progress with the new format of shipping CD’s. I think your early success right now are curious competitors and your protege’s that want to check out your product and how it has evolved into the new format. After the initial rush is over, I am interested to see how your sales do. I had bought your Resale Rights Blueprint program and was about halfway through when the eBay news hit at the end of March. Like most, I have been sitting confidentltly on the sidelines knowing that if anyone will figure out a way to make it work, you will.

    Thanks again for all you do.


  5. Hi,John, 3 weeks ago I have followed your advice and joined the Coaching Course of Alex Jeffreys. It was a greatest investment in my life! I am sitting without any job in my 55, but you have so much credibility at me that I didn’t think twice.That’s why I would like to say:
    if you advice something, it should be really good! I can put my signature under every your word!
    Thank you so much, John!
    I wish all the Online Marketers were so honest like you are!

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