Autopilot Affiliate Secrets Revealed – Part 1

Following last weeks ‘rant’ I have been very busy going through over one hundred products submitted to me to review and possibly promote.

I have already begun promoting a few products and I have decided to take you through the whole product promotion process in video.

This is no ordinary video. I reveal the affiliate tactics I use that earn me thousands each year on autopilot.

In fact I know what I am about to reveal may upset a few marketers but I have your interests at heart.

That’s why this wont cost you one cent and no sign up is required. Simply watch and learn.

You can watch the video in high resolution here and if you have problems with that video try a smaller resolution here.

As always please feel free to leave a comment.

Also, if you want to check out the product I promote in the video here’s a link 😉

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  1. Robin

    Well, that was rather interesting. A little gem, really.

    One technique I particularly liked was when you zoomed into the pages you were talking about. That meant I could actually read what was on the screen! 🙂

    So many videos feature things happening on web pages that are blurred and too small for my eyes.

    All-in-all, 14 minutes of real value.

    Thanks, John.


  2. Great Video John,

    And a cool idea – But now I’m sitting (like everyone else probably ) wondering what’s to come in Part 2 ????…lol

    After you’re rant last week, I started updating all my own emails too… with only around 20 something lists – I am wondering how the heck you coped!!!!????

    What a nightmare – and I still haven’t finished!
    BUT – I’m so glad you mentioned it – as they really needed checking through and updating.

    It’s great that you’ve managed to share a solid technique that’s come about as a result (I bet some would have sold that as a short report with bonus video for $7 – $17)

    Yet again providing excellent value John



  3. brian

    I don’t understand what difference the redirect makes over having them click your affiliate link. The website that you bought with the similar name will show up in search engines?

    Reply from John,

    The whole point is you’re disguising your affiliate link.

    Would you know this is an affiliate link if I never told you?

    If you look closely to other marketers emails you will see it happen a lot.

  4. As always excellent tips. I know I can always count on you and that is why I will never unsubscribe from your mailings when I do ‘weeding’ periodically. =)

    It was great to hear your voice though. It is one of my favorite accents and I could listen forever. *smile*

    – Heidi

  5. Great stuff. Been glad you’ve been given us newbie such great tips and tricks for the few months I’ve been reading your blog. Kind of tired of all the big guys never giving us anything real that promotes our success. Can’t wait for Part 2.


  6. Hey John,

    Nice one mate! You aren’t shy in revealing tactics, that’s for sure! Too many marketing tactics are left unveiled these days, it’s nice to see somebody show it as it really is! 🙂


  7. Hi John,

    The video demonstrates a useful technique that can be used to ensure that affiliate links don’t LOOK like affiliate links. However, once a link of this type has been clicked, the destination URL displayed in one’s browser may reveal the affiliate ID.

    In your video example, your affiliate ID remained hidden because the vendor of the product you are promoting has chosen to further redirect to a page whose URL does not include your affiliate ID. Sadly, most vendors don’t do this.

    The only way to hide your affiliate ID is by using the method you demonstrated with a FRAMED or MASKED redirect, but then that technique has its downsides, too.

    Best regards,


  8. John

    Gotta hand it to you… great video.

    Just shows how you always think OUTSIDE the box… many affiliate marketers would simply PHP redirect to the affiliate site.

    I myself have never personally USED the tactic you discuss in the video, of course I knew about it – but I feel a test coming on 🙂

    Thanks for sharing JT


  9. Trish

    Can anybody help me with why I can’t see this video in either Firefox or IE. I just get a black screen in both hi & low res. I do have javascript enabled and have installed the latest flash player.

    I even tried reverting back to Firefox v2, but it hasn’t helped.
    I can still see other camtasia videos on John’s other sites OK.

    Thank you in advance. Looks like this is too good to miss.

  10. Hello John,

    As always, you deliver only the best.

    This is a great video and couldn’t have come at a better time for me. It is exactly what I needed as I was just updating and adding more follow up emails to my autoresponder.

    This is really neat and makes perfect sense to me.

    I didn’t know this technique before, but thank you, it has already helped me a lot and answered a few questions that I had.


  11. Colin

    Another cool video John. Thanks for the tips and demonstration.


  12. I was just wondering John on your domain redirect .. how does that work with Ezine Articles when using it as an affiliate cause they don’t accept affiliate links do they check where the link goes… can you still use your link with them… thanks for the video good easy technique for those with a list..

    Candy W

  13. Great stuff John, real value and very interesting. Just off to try the techniques you describe so well.
    More please!!


  14. Excellent tip John. I hope all beginners (especially) will file this away until they are ready to use it.

    Would be very interested to the answer to Trish’s question about video problems. I could watch this one fine but absolutely can’t watch the ones in the CD Duplication series.

    Carol Smith

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