Are you working yourself to the bone?

Are you working yourself to the bone?

Are you working from 9 to 5?  Are you ‘working yourself to the bone’?   Are you making an actual ‘living wage’?

In 2021 research by the Living Wage Foundation demonstrated the scale of low pay in the UK, with 1 in 6 workers in the UK earning less than the Living Wage. This equated to 17.1% of all employee jobs and a total of 4.8 million people!  As I’m sure you are well aware, with the current Cost Of Living Crisis, the number of people struggling to just survive is increasing.

During the 1990’s you could have a day job working 9 to 5 and were probably able to buy a 3-bed semi-detached home.  You’d probably get a new or reliable second-hand car every 3 years and if you were lucky, have the funds to take your family on holiday once a year.  As well as being easily able to afford bills and pay for groceries, you may also have some money left over to put in savings for the future.

Fast forward to life in the UK in 2024. The average home costs £285,201 and the average cost in London is £523,000 (Source: UK House Price Index).  Data from The Office for National Statistics has shown that since the year 2000, UK house price growth has significantly outpaced the rise in average earnings.  The average house in March 2021 cost more than 65 times the average UK home in January 1970, but average weekly wages were only 35.8 times higher.

Now I don’t say this to scaremonger, but it has hit me that no matter how hard you work, unless you’re a high earner in the City, what chance does the average person have to be able to afford to live comfortably in the modern world?

Now you can either bury your head in the sand and live in ignorance, get frustrated by these rising costs or you can use the one BIG advantage we now have in the modern world which is being able to serve and help people from all over the world by leveraging the power of the internet.

Now there are many ways that people make money online, whether that be selling on eBay, Amazon or maybe having their services listed online.  I personally believe that the best way that you can make money in today’s world is by selling digital information products that help people learn and change their lives.  This is possible if they’re willing to put in the time and effort.  I can say this because at times I’ve hit roadblocks and momentarily lost motivation during this process and I suppose this happens to most people at some point.  What really changed things for me, and hopefully you if you’re interested, is getting a mentor.  A mentor is someone who can show you how to go from where you are now to where you want to be – that is successfully succeeding online. 

My mentor, John Thornhill has developed free training where he shows you exactly what he does to make a living online.

Does the above information interest you? Are you working in a full-time rat race, working yourself to the bone yet struggling just to cover basic bills?  Do you want a better lifestyle for yourself and your family in the future? If so, you can access this FREE training right now! So don’t delay – go and grab yourself a cup of coffee, a glass of water or your favourite beverage and take the time to learn from someone who has been doing this successfully since 2006 full-time.

Please CLICK HERE to access your free training.

To ongoing success and a better future,

This is a guest post written by Mike Daley, If you wish to be considered for a guest post then please contact me.

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