Another Income Stream Created


As Requested I have provided a video series showing you how I created this income stream. CLICK HERE for more info.

 I have just created yet another income stream and this one cost me nothing to set up.

Why? Because all I have done is turn one of my best selling eBooks into a book. It’s already for sale on eBay and within 6 weeks will be available for sale on Amazon.

You can check it out here.

And while I don’t think I will earn a fortune from direct sales of the book I do know this book will earn me a lot of money, allow me to explain.

I am now a book author. I can now be known as ‘Best Selling Author John Thornhill’. It sort of gives me more credibility doesn’t it?

Once my book is for sale on Amazon my name will be getting more exposure. Google my name and see what you find. This can only lead to more sales of my high priced products such as my Coaching Program. And who knows, with the exposure I will receive from Amazon I may sell thousands of copies.

I also promote my other products and affiliate products in my book. For example I promote Push Button Health, here is the affiliate link I need to use:

Now I can hardly put that in a book can I? So what I did was buy the domain and set up a re-direct to my affiliate link. I explain how to do that in video here.

So in my book when I recommend Push Button Health I simply tell the the reader to visit and I still get the affiliate referral if the reader decides to join. I have done this with a ton of products.

And on top of all that I also have another product for sale on eBay. This will lead to increased earnings and more credibility.

Doing this wasn’t hard, as I had already written the eBook the hard work was done. Now I just needed to convert the eBook to a book. This was done with the help of

Lulu provide everything you need to create a book for free. It costs nothing at all to set up and you can have your book created within the hour.

You need to understand, just like a resale rights eBook and selling on eBay, the real money is not made in the sale of the product but on the backend sales generated. If you really want to see how I am doing this I would suggest you buy the book and you will learn more.

I am also thinking of creating a step by step guide showing you how you can convert an eBook into a book and generate a backend income. If this is something that may interest you please leave a comment. If I receive enough comments I will create the guide.


As Requested I have provided a video series showing you how I created this income stream. CLICK HERE for more info.

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  1. Hi John,

    Great information to learn from. I appreciate your tips and work that you show us. Simple steps to follow as well.

    I’ll be looking at this plan more closely, so your idea for another step by step process for turning an ebook into a book would be most welcome.


  2. Novel idea 🙂 you’ve got me thinking as usual, I should probably join your mentorship monthly really!

  3. Hi John

    Yet more awesome advice about income streams, I wandered why the LULU logo was up and I checked it out last week…

    There’s definitely going to be MAJOR exposure for you on Amazon, and my bet it that you will sell a LOT of copies.

    Once again, thinking outside the box John – that’s why you are the success you are today…



  4. Hi John,
    yes I would be interested in converting e-books to published books,
    and I see your not lagging behind with cb ad rotator!!!!

  5. Hello John,

    You mentioned Lulu, and I knew about it, but recently I saw that Cafepress also publishes books. I did not try either one since I don’t have a book (yet). Could you maybe compare them?
    Thanks for your information.



  6. Hi John,

    Thanks for sharing this. I would definitely be interested in learning more about the process of converting a digital ebook to a physical book and I would also like to learn more about how to go about getting it published, for example, on Amazon.

    Dave Ovenden

  7. Larry


    Thanks for your insight and information. I would be very interested in learning more about converting an ebook to a physical product and getting it published.

    Thanks for your help.


  8. Great info as always. You are one of the best at giving step-by-step instructions. Thanks for all the help. Looking forward to your doing a guide on turning eBooks into physical books. I also would welcome more info on Amazon too.


  9. phil bunclark

    Thanks John
    great information. I would be very interested in learning how to convert an ebook into a physical book

    Thanks a lot

  10. Nice work John,
    You’re on the ball as again with up to the minute info
    and methods.

    Please write the guide for us, I can’t believe it costs

    Thanks again.

  11. Hi John,

    Interesting article, look forward to seeing the step by step guide, especially as I bought a printing company 6 months ago and am looking at creating new printed products



  12. marion

    I would most definitely like to know how to convert an ebook to a regular book. I like your blog and appreciate the information that you are sharing with us.

  13. jim

    Im very interested in your course regarding the ebook conversion.

  14. Amin

    Hi John,

    That’s an awesome idea!would definitely interested in knowing how to convert an ebook to a regular book. One more thing, I don’t have my own ebook because I’m pretty new with IM. Do you think it is possible for me to convert your ebook to a book and sell it? I’m in New Zealand and Ebay is not the 1st choice for online auction. Other online auctions prohibit selling ebook. Hope to hear your opinion on this matter.



    Reply by John,

    You would need to use your own material or PLR material to do this.

  15. Hi John
    A question there. Is it worth coverting a free ebook into a printed format and sell it?

  16. Hi John

    Great point about taking eBooks to a whole new level it gives you great credibility…

    I would love to see you create a product on this and find out how to do this.


    Daniel Howard

  17. My question is very similar to Amin’s… might this be affected by things like resale rights?

    Reply by John,

    If you mean can you take someone’s resale rights eBook and make it into a book the answer would probably be no. However, if you used private label material the answer would probably be yes.

  18. Hi, Guys! I am more of a lurker in the IM world and on John’s blog but hoping to do a bit of Adventuring in IM as time goes on. I have a niche website, and have monetized it to some degree with Amazon widgets, and affiliate links. Several of my Authors on the blog are actual authors of print books – and all of them have their books listed on Lulu is a great way to get your own book published on, Borders and Barnes & Noble, as well.

    John can go into all the details! But this is a very affordable option and a book published by Lulu (or by Lulu but under your own publishing name)is a physical product that can be sold on ebay! Or anywhere else, for that matter.

    And it does bring an added touch of respectability to your reputation when you become a print author. Lulu produces your print books, CDs, DVDs, photo books, calendars… WOW! Well worth looking at, imho!

    Best, David~

  19. cyberstar

    To sell on Amazon is it a one off fee? Or would I have to renew it every year

    Reply from John:

    It is 100% free to sell your book on Amazon.

  20. cyberstar

    ok good, I read in an ebook recently that I had to pay some sort of annual fee to list it. Maybe they were refering to

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