Another Angle To The I.M Niche

Another Angle To The I.M Niche

If, like me, you’ve been trying and consistently failing at internet marketing I have something special for you, and no I’m not promoting the next big launch it’s something completely different. 

Hi, my name is Andy Grandon and I have been trying and failing for the last 20+ years at internet marketing, trying all the ‘get rich quick’ gimmicks, the ‘business in a box’ gimmicks to courses and workshops and mentors. It has taken me this long to figure out something that has realistically changed my world.

I’ve made some cash here and there but all in all a disaster.

You see I found out very late in life that I have ADHD, and that is both a blessing and a curse (especially not knowing). I either hyper focus and can get the work of 10 done or procrastinate to the Nth degree.

I’ve started businesses around 20 times and each time just as I was crossing the first real finish line and starting to make money I fell flat on my arse. Procrastination started and I left it a day, a week then a month and by that time I had forgotten what the hell got me so fired up in the first place.

Anyway, that’s a brief rundown of the continued saga of start, stop, fail then rinse and repeat until…

Well I read a lot, and a couple of authors really got my juices flowing: ‘Mindset’ by Dr Carol S. Dweck and ‘The 5am Club’ by Robin Sharma.

The problem was never really about the programs I repeatedly bought into, (some were a scam) almost all were legitimate and varying in quality as you’d expect.

It was about how I approached them and what processes I had in place. I always thought I was as smart as I am and that’s it, cannot get any smarter. This is a ‘fixed mindset’ and has proven to be completely wrong, I needed to cultivate a ‘growth mindset’.

It was about how I approached my day and the importance I place on creating small daily micro-wins, or 1% better each day in all areas of life. From fitness to diet to journaling to gratitude to meditation to family to planning my future, all these parts of my life were reactive as opposed to planned. This had to change.

Now, don’t get me wrong I’m nowhere near where I want to be but, I’m a damned site further along the right path that I have been for the last 56 years.

It all starts with my morning ritual, this is all down to The 5am Club and Mindset, these two books have revolutionised the way I look at my day, my life and the world around me.

1 hour before the world begins awakening, that’s my time, exercise, gratitude/meditation then knowledge. Its bloody hard to start the routine but there is nothing better, 20 mins of exercise although very tough for me to do, floods my body with some really cool chemicals and they are all natural, doesn’t matter how crap I feel when I awaken, a 20 minute sweat fest and I am a new (albeit old) man.

Then quiet time for reflection or journaling or meditation or gratitude or affirmations. All these activities are proven by hard cold science to create a better more aware inner me, which means a happier more relaxed more joyful world around me. Why? because my outer world is a reflection of my inner world. Not just for the Buddhists amongst us, but for all. 

I don’t know your struggles in life and I’m not being blase about it,  all i can say for sure is how we approach things drastically alters how we perceive them.

Then before I start my day in earnest, when the world is slowly crawling into existence, knowledge, either a podcast, a book, creating a plan for a product/ new product, looking to the future, right now I’m also reading Limitless (expanded version) by Jim Kwik.

This is the work of Robin Sharma, he quoted research from a London University stating it takes 66 days to create a new habit.

‘Hard at the beginning, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end’.

So 2 months to the best me of my life. A few weeks of hardship and consistency to create a habit I will want to keep until my final breath, knowing I am now living my best life.

It really is very simple, two approaches, a growth mindset and the right habit creation. THIS is what I have been doing wrong all my life, THIS is why I kept failing time after time, and this is how I’m fixing it. 

We all have habits, that’s the way the brain works, doing things automatically frees the brain to work on other things.

So, that’s the choice, keep on doing what you’ve always been doing and keep on getting the same results OR…

Shift your life into overdrive and create your best day, your best year, your best decade.

Get these two books ‘Mindset’ by Dr Carol S. Dweck and ‘The 5 am Club by Robin Sharma oh, and Limitless (Expanded Edition) by Jim Kwik.

2 months doing the same crap you did for the last two months or become supernatural. 

Isn’t karma really just taking the last 5 or 10 years of your past and putting it into 5 or 10 years into your future and living the same mundane existence?

That I don’t know, but I know my past and I don’t want to repeat it, just learn from it. Do You?

So, with that said, one of the best ways to start creating material wealth is affiliate marketing, and as you are reading Johns’ blog you will know he’s very good at creating products that help others on that journey to financial health. Take a look at the link in blue below and see if it could work for you.

Your ticket to the proverbial ‘golden goose’ is here so give it a click

This is a guest post written by Andrew Grandon, If you wish to be considered for a guest post then please get in touch with me.

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