A Month In The Life Of John Thornhill

I will officially launch the PlanetSMS Blog on Monday the 1st of October 2007.

My plan for the 1st month is to document everything I do online to build my business on a daily basis.

You will see exactly how I operate and hopefully learn something new.

By the end of the month you will have a full diary of events to look back upon.

I will welcome any feedback everyday (good or bad) so I can hopefully make this an excellent resource for everyone.

I think you may be shocked by the end of the month but for now I wont say why. All I can say at the moment is read the blog on a daily basis. If you subscribe to the blog you will be notified daily when I update.

You can of course subscribe via RSS but I would also recommend you sign up via the box in the top right corner. You can un-subscribe at anytime.

So here’s looking forward to Monday, and to a month of learning.



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  1. I wondered how long it would be before you started one of these John.

    I cant wait to see the content.

    If i can get http://www.easyincome247.com anywhere near your sales levels i will be well happy.

    Good luck with the blog


  2. Birgit

    I have been reading your newsletters.
    Will be looking forward to reading your blog!

  3. John,

    As with your mentorship monthly site, I will look forward to seeing what/how you do things. Hopefully this will help me as I ready the launch of my ebook site and ebay store.


  4. Hi John, another avid newsletter reader here. I’m sure the blog is going to be an excellent resource as well.


  5. Kin

    hi, John, that is real good, I would like to know how to setup my own blog like yours. I wish you have a new level of success, and looking forward to learn new stuff from you.

  6. Graham Wade

    G’Day John,

    Well I’m looking forward to seeing how all this will work.

    I’m an Aussie living on the New South Wales (NSW)- Victorian (Vic) border.

    Today (Sat 29/9/07) is our “kick-off” day (for football) and Monday is the Labour Day weekend for NSW, so I’ll be able to log on during the day to see how things are going.

    NO WAIT,… Your’re in the UK,…
    Phew,… that’s OK.
    9:00am at your place is going to be 6:00pm over here.

    Although just new to this and I guess you could say I represent the “Old” and the “New”. I’m old in years but new to this world of blogging.

    I hope you don’t mind if I just sit back and watch.
    All the best with it.

    See Ya Monday.

  7. Great, John! Welcome to the blogger’s world! This should be fascinating stuff! I use two websites for my own blogging. One is a Gateway site at coffeewithdavid.com to my actual blog at http://rememberingerrol.blogplugs.com/blog, The Errol Flynn Blog. This gives me twice the storage space and a chance to have the two sites work interactively. We all want to get a peek inside your head and this is just a fantastic way to do it! Hope there will be pictures posted as well? Looking forward to Monday!

  8. Hi John,

    I’m very interested to see what you have for us,
    keep up the good work!

    I’m in the mentorship club, and I hope that this
    blog with provide us with a fresh perspective.

    Best Wishes,
    Jeff Davis

  9. Thanks John,

    Should be very interesting and helpful reading.

    I’m presently trying to set up a new marketing website and can use the advice and help.


  10. Good Luck John,

    I hope this will work out well for you and for us. I really like this blog template. Is a free template? Can you tell us where you got it?



  11. Julia

    Hi John, Yes, Im another one waiting to see what you will bring to us!…cant wait!..



  12. Ray

    Hi John,
    It was only 2 weeks ago that I saw the power of the pro bloggers, ie. links to Page Rank, blog monetization, etc. from the likes of Darren Rowse, Shoemoney and John Chow. If anyone can match them, it would be you Mr Thornhill.
    Good Luck.

    PS. re above comment, template appears to be a wordpress template.

  13. Michael Laisure

    Where do you come up with this ….knowing that with ALL the BS I have to read on this ebook buisness you think I got time to READ a BLOG…….NOT….just kidding JOHN T.

    from South Bend, Indiana

  14. John Thornhill

    Thanks for the comments everyone. It looks like I’m going to have have a busy month ahead 🙂

    Hey Kin.

    3 days ago I didn’t know how to set up a blog but it’s not too difficult. Although I am far from a blog expert (after all I’ve only been doing it 2 days) first check your webhost control panel as you should be able to build a blog from there. If not visit http://wordpress.org/

    Then get a theme you like. Try http://www.wordpress-designer.com/

    Then build your blog from your blog control panel.

    Tom, the template is called ‘prosense grey’ and you can get it from http://www.doshdosh.com/prosense-adsense-ready-seo-theme/

    I like it because it’s nice and simple, you don’t need bells and whistles to get your message across. And that’s all I want to do with this blog.

    Here’s to tomorrow and what will hopefully be the start of an exciting month.

    • Hey, I have been browsing the website and found your first post. Very nice.

      I look forward to the hears ahead.

      Take care.

  15. Having read a lot of your past material, I’m sure the blog will become an invaluable resource. Good luck John

  16. Hi John,

    Great idea, when I got the email I thought this was going to be a subscription service. We get to see you run your business for a whole month and it’s FREE?

    Thanks for a great opportunity,


  17. Chris Collings

    Hi John,

    Just a small note to wish you good luck.


  18. G’day John…

    I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to today 🙂

    It’s a GREAT idea and good luck with it.

  19. For those interested, another easy (and free) site used to set up a blog is http://www.Blogger.com. Again, very easy and free. Compare that to WordPress and see which you like better–I know that Blogger has some tie in to Google, automatically…so it may be a bit easier starting out to generate some traffic.

    Good luck all, looking forward to seeing how John does it!

  20. Hi, i started following you last week because I am a writer with 5 completed novels who currently has no agent or way to sell them. I find you 5 day course and the blog starting Oct. 1st very helpful in terms of providing a wealth of information, but I still feel lost. I am a prolific writer of articles on the internet, platinum author at Ezinearticles.com, and featured writer at Xomba.com, but i don’t seem to know how to capitalize on my novels. Any thoughts would be most appreciated.


    arthur levine

  21. Hey John,

    I’m glad you got this boat out at sea.

    I look forward to learning more from you.

    Thank you for all your wisdom!

    If there is anything I can do for you just
    let me know.

    God Bless +,

    -Tim B. Miller

  22. Hi, Arthur! Head over to Lulu.com and get all your books published with ISBN numbers and available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. And they publish FREE! You control it all, from editing to the bookjacket! You will be charged for the ISBN number (they have to make a living, too!) but for getting your stuff published on demand this the way to go. Check out their other author’s works on the site and have at it, my friend! I have seen the final product of this publisher because I work at a daily newspaper and see their review copies come into the features department. Quality books (both hardcover or softcover) you would be proud to have your name on, and you decide what price to charge! I don’t see how you can beat this outfit and I am not affiliated with them in any way…

  23. Hi John,

    I have been a subscriber to your newsletter and also a member of your PlantSMS Ebook Membership Site for sometime now. You always give honest and useul advice and I have learnt a great deal from you as a result.

    I’m looking forward to reading your blog as I’m sure it will also contain really useful information and it will definitely be fascinating to see you run your business in real time for a month.

    Once again I have been inspired by you and I have set up my own blog at DaveOvenden.com. I’d appreciate it if you would take a look and give me some feedback.


  24. Hi John,

    Stumbled across you way before you started this blog and remember buying from you when you were selling a lot on Ebay. Remember buying lots of stuff at the time which never really got used (like so many other eBooks) and still have your original content buried on our hard disc somewhere so must drag it out and really have a look at it ! LOL

    Anyway just got to this (a bit late !) so will trawl through and see what we should have done two years ago !?

    We have a couple of websites going nnow and are progressing slowly so not all doom and gloom.

    All the best !

    Gary & Val

    aka MoneyMakerTips

  25. Just starting to follow you John, step by step as though you had just created this site for me.
    Thee Quest For Perfect Health

  26. Hey John, can’t believe I missed this blog post from you!

    I actually remember a time when I read every single post on your blog (you were using another domain name though, Planet SMS?)

    Anyway, it’s amazing to see everything you have accomplished online and how you got started (apart from your eBay business)

    Sergio Felix

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