5 tips on working online from home

5 tips on working online from home

People generally think that working from home is either more productive or less. In truth, it can easily be whichever one you decide it’s going to believe.

I’ve been working online from home since about 1997 and exclusively online around 2001. In that time I’ve learned that working from home online needs balance. It’s easy to work too much when you are literally always at work.  Make sure you have a dedicated office space so you can easily associate your office with work and leave it there when you walk out of the room. 

When I was making the most money I was overworking myself like crazy. Making millions of dollars won’t buy back time with your kids and family. Pay attention to them and not just your business and don’t forget to get outside and enjoy life!

Make a list each morning

This helped me the most when I first started working from home. Try to sort it out by priority of what has to get done today and things you would like to get done.  Try to knock out things early, you may be surprised how much more efficient you can be before the sun comes up, or maybe watching the evening news is your primetime for productivity.  

Take breaks

If you don’t take breaks and move around a bit it will hurt your ability to get things done effectively. I like to get up at least once an hour and walk around the porch a bit or do a quick workout. Anything to get you moving around and get your blood flowing.  This is good for your energy levels and your state of mind. 

Sometimes people can get so wrapped up in getting things done that hours fly by and you haven’t even looked up.  This tanks your productivity. I know that seems backwards but it really does.

Delegate or Stagnate

Don’t spend hours or days trying to figure out something that you could pay an expert $20-100 bucks to do for you.  It’s easy to get caught in the loop of trying to learn all the details about what should ultimately be a 15 minute project for a professional and you might spend days on it and still get subpar results.

If you are about as artistically gifted with design as a giraffe like me, then why would you spend hours trying to learn Photoshop or some other professional level tool? Pay a designer $25 bucks and check it off your list.

Focus on things that pay

Don’t spend a ton of your time on little stuff that doesn’t pay anything. It’s easy to get caught in the trap of every single thing needing perfection.  If you’re spending most of your time doing things that don’t equate to bringing in income then you’re probably not going to do as well as you’d like.

Balance work and home time

This one is tough when you work from home online.  You can easily have an idea and go start on it and boom.. 6 hours have gone by and your kids are already in bed. Don’t get caught in this cycle. A life that is only filled with work is not one that you will find fulfilling.

Try this, go buy you 10 or so of those small little yellow notepads and lay them around the house. Have a couple on your desk and one by your bed.  When those ideas come to you, take a moment and jot down a quick summary of what you’re thinking.

I like to go through these and pick the best ones every few days and put them on my desk on one of my notepads.  These are not things that I have to get done each day but they are things I’d like to look at closer and consider using them.

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Shawn Shellenbarger

Speaker – Author – Coach


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